amazingly fantastic weekend so unbelievably sad that it's over. i don't want to go back to work tomorrow
7/6/2008 6:48:20 PM
i dread it too
7/6/2008 6:49:28 PM
me too
7/6/2008 6:52:21 PM
Work tomorrow ^ This stuff is unbelievably delicious.[Edited on July 6, 2008 at 7:05 PM. Reason : Firefly]
7/6/2008 7:04:45 PM
7/6/2008 7:28:14 PM
warren haynes is fucking rocking it!!!temple of the dog>dear mr fantasy>temple of the dogwhen doves cry![Edited on July 6, 2008 at 7:31 PM. Reason : .]
7/6/2008 7:30:01 PM
*nom nom nom*
7/6/2008 8:05:10 PM
fuckin primus, hell yes!!!
7/6/2008 8:08:09 PM
fucking painter's tape
7/6/2008 8:21:45 PM
^6I believe this is what you were aiming for: Sweat Tea flavored vodka... people here are calling it the "John Daly". I lol'd pretty hard when I first heard that the other day.
7/6/2008 8:25:08 PM
Think I got shorted on my first paycheckWhat to do?
7/6/2008 8:37:21 PM
i'd bitch a lot
7/6/2008 8:37:55 PM
*crosses fingers for trey sit in w/phil*
7/6/2008 8:52:21 PM
early bedtime tonight!
7/6/2008 9:24:23 PM
SHITi wish i wish i hadn't confused this one girl with the other on the phone todayshe was relationship material tooi feel all emo about it nowFUCK
7/6/2008 9:26:08 PM
^sorry it happens
7/6/2008 9:26:50 PM
i mean she seemed to really like mebut i hate knowing i've got a strike in so damn earlyfuck fuck fuckit's not like i don't have other leadsbut stillSHIT
7/6/2008 9:29:00 PM
great weekend
7/6/2008 9:30:25 PM
7/6/2008 9:40:41 PM
That movie was so good holy shit.
7/6/2008 9:54:11 PM
I hope someone is okay
7/6/2008 9:55:48 PM
time to look for a job again. sigh
7/6/2008 9:56:42 PM
7/6/2008 10:00:26 PM
^ It was! Don't hate. Oh and I recorded Old School and The Birdcage. [Edited on July 6, 2008 at 10:01 PM. Reason : d:]
7/6/2008 10:00:57 PM
Life does not "pick up" when you spend the whole day watching American Gladiators and eating junk foodLife picks up when you actually get off your fat ass and make yourself better
7/6/2008 10:01:06 PM
^^ I swear the Birdcage is hilarious- I think you'll laugh After you watch that, you have to find a copy of the original french version
7/6/2008 10:08:01 PM
i hated the birdcage...couldnt even finish it[Edited on July 6, 2008 at 10:09 PM. Reason : movie with robin williams and gene hackman i think?? mid 90s movie about gays?]
7/6/2008 10:08:44 PM
I can't wait to do the den
7/6/2008 10:37:26 PM
damn i need to get to sleep.. this girl on AIM is making me kinda excited tho
7/6/2008 10:53:01 PM
lol. you better leave them aim hoes alone. [Edited on July 6, 2008 at 11:14 PM. Reason : and this migraine needs to fuck off.]
7/6/2008 11:13:06 PM
Why did I not save the UPC from those Energizer e2 Lithium batteries? I want my $5! Calling the cops on a guy beating up his girlfriend tonight was odd, but the cop was cute and so nice. And the girl really needed the help.[Edited on July 6, 2008 at 11:15 PM. Reason : ]
7/6/2008 11:14:20 PM
Traffic on I-95 is INSANE!!!!!!!!!!! & Traffic + Rain = no fun.(but I just wanna go home...)And as I say every weekend- I really need to stop watching that dumb TV show. It just makes me .It's time for the real GAME ON. No bullshit excuses this time... f*ck- this can't keep going on forever. it's time for it to be over....
7/6/2008 11:20:07 PM
jesus im bored
7/6/2008 11:21:29 PM
A) Periods suckB) Im boredC) I don't understand
7/6/2008 11:40:33 PM
^ I'm with you on A & B.
7/6/2008 11:41:19 PM
i could stare at that pic all day long
7/6/2008 11:41:43 PM
7/6/2008 11:43:17 PM
Amen. Nearly 5 months with Mirena and one period so far.But before clicking on this thread, I was thinking about sexors.
7/6/2008 11:45:30 PM
don't you love how you'll come to post somethingand then by the time you hit 'post reply', it's something else?
7/6/2008 11:46:33 PM
tww sucks tonightimma go read
7/6/2008 11:47:46 PM
Just from reading one topic and then the next it changes. I saw that picture of the two girls and thought "mmmmmm. . .wanna. . ." and then read your post and was like "YAy! Mirena!"
7/6/2008 11:48:06 PM
I, too, am thinking about sexors.
7/6/2008 11:48:28 PM
Thanks for stealing from my gallery Glad I could help make your day
7/6/2008 11:48:48 PM
7/6/2008 11:49:35 PM
porndamn you people!
7/6/2008 11:50:10 PM
I need to buy a vibrator, but I am way too picky. And you unfortunately cannot return them.
7/6/2008 11:51:25 PM
magic wandQuite literally, I don't foresee bothering with anything else. Dildos, however, are another story, and they pair so well with the HMW[Edited on July 6, 2008 at 11:53 PM. Reason : dsklj]
7/6/2008 11:52:56 PM
Or maybe, my problem is that I want them ALL.
7/6/2008 11:53:56 PM
7/6/2008 11:54:26 PM
the rabbit of courseactually i'm almost certain you have that one already
7/6/2008 11:54:45 PM