This could be the most productive holiday weekend of my life. its amazing what i can get done with no distractions around...but i sorta miss my distractions
7/5/2008 10:48:12 PM
i on here almost as much as i do in real
7/5/2008 11:04:52 PM
[Edited on July 5, 2008 at 11:13 PM. Reason : j/k]
7/5/2008 11:05:33 PM
holy christ i'm retarded batman fucking exhaustedi could probably get a backrub...but i'll be out before he even turns off the light
7/5/2008 11:12:29 PM
7/5/2008 11:19:51 PM
lol this is the part where i crash and burn...
7/5/2008 11:22:14 PM
i just saw whatever happened (my parents are watching nascar) all of the sudden there were cars everywhere, was CRAZZZZZZZYY
7/5/2008 11:23:24 PM
7/5/2008 11:23:29 PM
grrrrrrrrrrr. fuck kyle busch.
7/5/2008 11:23:54 PM
^^^ 3 times in the last 2 laps!!!
7/5/2008 11:29:21 PM
^^^^you mean you dont like to watch nascar with the folks?
7/5/2008 11:34:04 PM
We just blew up 4 balloons to mess with Grits, and he popped one right off the bat. Kinda scared him, but not as much as expected.
7/5/2008 11:38:02 PM
that was the most fun i've had at a bar in a long time
7/6/2008 2:21:07 AM
I was SO thinking i am going to post in this threadthen i was going to post:Time for bed and reading the end of my book!
7/6/2008 2:23:23 AM
today made me glad i quit my job in NASCAR.Monday wouldn't of been a good day to be in the office. lol
7/6/2008 2:24:43 AM
did something important happen with that?folks seemed really disturbed by what they were watching on tv at the bari was like 'cars, ooooooh'
7/6/2008 2:27:23 AM
This dog has the nastiest farts and wakes up way too early
7/6/2008 6:10:45 AM
7/6/2008 6:12:20 AM
I have watched the sun come up every morning since friday while walking her...haha
7/6/2008 6:27:05 AM
damnshe must not like you
7/6/2008 6:30:22 AM
the sun and my post count we both failed this weekends
7/6/2008 6:31:26 AM
^^to be mother has been up every morning before us cleaning or something and woken us up...i back in bed now and puppy is sleeping hard
7/6/2008 6:40:30 AM
well it's almost dinner timei swear, all we do over here is eatover an hour for breakfast, almost 3 for lunch, and now it's dinner timei may just go and get beer insteadeven with hiking up a mountain and about 75 stories worth of stairs in the crazy heat and humidity yesterday i still will probably gain 20 lbs on this trip alone
7/6/2008 6:44:20 AM
7/6/2008 6:44:40 AM
fatty boom batty
7/6/2008 6:49:56 AM
jet lag is a biiiiiiitch
7/6/2008 6:51:18 AM
well this is just gayi cant get on facebook in
7/6/2008 8:35:54 AM
i cant find the stupid ice machine in this hoteland wtf?i bought some beers fromt he gift shop downstairsgranted i pointed at things in the display case b/c i dont speak the languagebut i didnt expect the beers in the display case to be the ones i'd be getting room temperature, ftl
7/6/2008 9:42:43 AM
haha pwnt there's matching beers in the minifridge that are already cold and not on a sensorhow am i this dumb to not have traded them out already[Edited on July 6, 2008 at 9:50 AM. Reason : these taste older than my grandfather ]
7/6/2008 9:49:34 AM
Leaving Charleston
7/6/2008 10:06:00 AM
damn i think i am psychic
7/6/2008 10:06:36 AM
heres todays rothbury broadcast lineup:
7/6/2008 10:23:44 AM
RYG during the daytime i dont know if i'd like that
7/6/2008 10:24:42 AM
time to go get my trim up
7/6/2008 10:26:55 AM
feed babynom nomnomnom
7/6/2008 10:28:21 AM
^^ I still want to see pictures. I would love to make it to mass this morning, if he would be so kind as to hurry up-signed, aea[Edited on July 6, 2008 at 10:29 AM. Reason : a]
7/6/2008 10:29:34 AM
fucking bored.and the only poeple who'll go to a bar with me here are indian and we dont get along well with the locals
7/6/2008 10:29:40 AM
haha a little early, isn't it?
7/6/2008 10:31:02 AM
how long are you in china?
7/6/2008 10:31:04 AM
ah- nm thenhaha i forgot about that
7/6/2008 10:33:05 AM
another week.looks like ill be back here to spend a month or so in south korea in the fall though so all is well
7/6/2008 10:34:28 AM
badassive never been to china, but its high on the list of places i want to gowe visited south korea when i was younger, but don't remember much from it]
7/6/2008 10:40:01 AM
well unfortunately my experience has been severly limited by being on a business trip to a primarily industrial city not too far from hong kongbut i've got to say i've really really enjoyed it...but i've also had a translator with me the entire time
7/6/2008 10:44:21 AM
fucking hellquicken won't download my amex transactions
7/6/2008 11:00:00 AM
cat knocked over my nice picture frameI am not happy
7/6/2008 11:07:18 AM
but as a side noteeveryhting here is cheap as balls still... even with the crappy exchange rate we have to deal with now.if the airfare was more respectable, china would be a great vacation location.i'm in a pretty damn baller hotel, for ~$120 USD/night.I dont think we've had a meal over $25/person so far, and usally get an app, 3-4 entrees per person, deserts, and alcohol just to try things
7/6/2008 11:09:16 AM
yeah but no facebooklol
7/6/2008 11:09:59 AM
I Should probably go wake him up so we can get started for the day.
7/6/2008 11:42:28 AM
last night = incredibly awesome
7/6/2008 11:59:14 AM
WARM CUM EH[Edited on July 6, 2008 at 12:18 PM. Reason : lolz 2454]
7/6/2008 12:17:54 PM