fucking a keller williams owns all
7/5/2008 3:55:02 PM
7/5/2008 3:55:50 PM
7/5/2008 3:57:31 PM
Keeping songs original is hard, but I can do it.
7/5/2008 4:01:58 PM
why would you want to keep songs original?"i want candy" is a total rip of "bo diddley"and they both rule
7/5/2008 4:03:18 PM
7/5/2008 4:25:26 PM
I just realized I have 2.5 hours left at work, not 1.5. >.< Pwned.
7/5/2008 4:26:31 PM
7/5/2008 4:26:57 PM
^^ My theme songs thread. I could very easily set up a formula for everyone, like a shortform improv game, but everybody is unique and as such, their songs should be as well.
7/5/2008 4:27:20 PM
it was a #4 guardBrett- if you want I can clean it up for you, you gotta tell me what you want to do with itit was like 1 in the morning when I cut your hair and I was shithoused drunk, you cant expect much better than what you got under those conditions
7/5/2008 4:31:11 PM
sometimes i really know how to make myself lol
7/5/2008 4:55:33 PM
Holy cow that was awkward.
7/5/2008 5:22:50 PM
I just want to get out of the house and go somewhere. Is that too much to ask?
7/5/2008 5:26:00 PM
in before vinylbandit]
7/5/2008 5:26:43 PM
so fucking go?
7/5/2008 5:26:46 PM
7/5/2008 5:29:46 PM
^^^ lol, you knew he was coming?
7/5/2008 5:31:42 PM
lol not quite
7/5/2008 5:33:14 PM
secret machines seems pretty good
7/5/2008 6:01:19 PM
I wonder if any good movies are out to go see by yourself.
7/5/2008 6:02:45 PM
more excited about of montreal in a few hours though
7/5/2008 6:03:25 PM
dirty dustin hoffman needs a bath
7/5/2008 6:10:09 PM
When I get a house I will have a beer fridge installed in the shower.
7/5/2008 6:11:01 PM
holy fuck dude im digging michael franti[Edited on July 5, 2008 at 6:42 PM. Reason : nvm, shit got gay quick]
7/5/2008 6:36:53 PM
wish this headache would go away
7/5/2008 6:47:15 PM
i think i'm just gonna work out, make some dinner, and watch tv tonite
7/5/2008 7:21:28 PM
i thought you were in sp?
7/5/2008 7:26:15 PM
my elbows are fucking killing me right now
7/5/2008 7:37:49 PM
test[Edited on July 5, 2008 at 7:38 PM. Reason : trying to change my status name ]
7/5/2008 7:38:17 PM
i went looking for this song so i didn't have to download it and the girls eyes look so much like minehttp://youtube.com/watch?v=D1Fcaro25Ek
7/5/2008 8:06:47 PM
my eyes are the same color, with the ring around the pupil,but no moby singing in them, that's pretty impressive.
7/5/2008 8:09:10 PM
holy fuck, We Own the Night is a ridiculously depressing movie
7/5/2008 8:56:09 PM
where to gowhat to get into tonight
7/5/2008 8:58:32 PM
Just went to Asheboro for dinner. That town really does suck nowadays. We had to drive through the worst storm I've seen in a while to get there, and the power went out for half the town as we were leaving. Didn't even get to eat where I wanted because there was no where to wait out of the rain for 20 mins. As we ran into the restaurant we did eat at, we got soaked to the bone even with an umbrella because the rain was blowing sideways. My Sperry's look like a new, darker pair.
7/5/2008 9:02:08 PM
lol where'd yall eat? i got some papa johns a min ago
7/5/2008 9:03:01 PM
NEED ALCOHOL or working tv. I have exhausted the internet and I am unwilling to masturbate in the hospital.
7/5/2008 9:08:18 PM
why not? just go in the bathroom for a few minutes
7/5/2008 9:10:55 PM
lolnever heard of needing alcohol or tv to masturbate
7/5/2008 9:14:51 PM
I meant that I am freakin' bored. I need alcohol or a working tv to entertain me.Uhm. . .I don't know why I brought masturbation into the equation. It would certainly help pass the time. But it's all about location location location.
7/5/2008 9:18:02 PM
it wouldnt turn you on to do it somewhere kinda "sacred" in a way? plus no one would know and you'd prolly be done in like 3 minutes(or maybe thats just me)
7/5/2008 9:20:15 PM
fuck it.
7/5/2008 9:21:11 PM
Been there. Done that. Have the choir robe.
7/5/2008 9:21:18 PM
^ reminded me about that time bottom baby said she went to some church lockdown thing and had 2 guys feel up her tits(she was 13) cause she had developed nicethats what i'm thinking about now
7/5/2008 9:26:13 PM
You must have a memory like a fucking lock box.
7/5/2008 9:41:04 PM
lol yeah...i'm good at remembering a lot of things i guess
7/5/2008 9:42:13 PM
welplet's go see if there's any talent up at sunsethopefully not back for awhile, tww
7/5/2008 9:45:53 PM
7/5/2008 9:52:46 PM
possession of a stun gun is a felony in wisconsin
7/5/2008 10:00:23 PM
^haha that kinda goes along with what my next thread will be
7/5/2008 10:01:21 PM
7/5/2008 10:03:45 PM