I need someone to bring me breakfast in bed....IT IS MY BIRTHDAY MONTH
7/4/2008 10:51:27 AM
7/4/2008 10:52:51 AM
7/4/2008 11:12:24 AM
i think the people on early in the day are bigger assholes that the people on at night maybe not though
7/4/2008 11:32:53 AM
give it some hope. ^
7/4/2008 11:33:58 AM
o ill give you a bigger asshole aight!
7/4/2008 11:34:20 AM
I should shower.
7/4/2008 12:17:19 PM
Asheville hooooooo
7/4/2008 12:28:45 PM
My ac isn't turning on as often as it should...And that bitch creeps me out.[Edited on July 4, 2008 at 1:07 PM. Reason : ]
7/4/2008 1:06:56 PM
7/4/2008 1:09:09 PM
I lost 23,000 poker chips in a matter of seconds.
7/4/2008 1:18:21 PM
it's so nice to have the day off for oncebut all I want to do is sit on the couchwhat is wrong with me?
7/4/2008 1:25:39 PM
you work too much
7/4/2008 1:40:39 PM
God I love the beach..I need to just move back down here
7/4/2008 2:15:17 PM
i didnt think my inbox would be red when i woke up
7/4/2008 2:21:34 PM
I wish I had the block user thing.
7/4/2008 2:32:15 PM
dont block me
7/4/2008 2:34:11 PM
Someone tell me what ZomBCraw just said. I can't see it. I wouldn't if I could!
7/4/2008 2:37:01 PM
Bobby told Lucy thre world aint roundDrops off sharp at the edge of town.Lucy you know the world must be flatCuz when people leave town they never come back.They go 90 miles an hour to the city limit signPut the pedal to the metal till they change their mind.They howl at the moon, shoot out the lightIts a small town Saturday night.
7/4/2008 2:49:19 PM
man being 23 years old is really sucky
7/4/2008 2:57:46 PM
24 sucks worse..
7/4/2008 2:58:44 PM
31 is much worse
7/4/2008 2:59:26 PM
everything about getting older blows pretty much...i cant think of one reason i want to get any older than 23
7/4/2008 3:01:34 PM
Maybe he'll feel better and we can go to the cook out.
7/4/2008 3:17:59 PM
The 4th in Charleston.
7/4/2008 3:19:10 PM
Good god work is dead today.
7/4/2008 3:23:26 PM
http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20080702/bs_nm/familydollar_dc;_ylt=AvwWpX.XwrZSztNCpy3ZxIGyBhIFyay for family dollar...i'm gonna email this to my mom
7/4/2008 3:44:20 PM
Sometimes, I just want to be left alone.
7/4/2008 3:46:39 PM
i think spontaneous should give me tips on picking up wolfweb women
7/4/2008 3:49:16 PM
k, so getting molested by 40 year old women was kinda weird, but enjoyable
7/4/2008 4:52:38 PM
hmmmm...seems like i ought to do something since its 4th of july
7/4/2008 5:00:38 PM
I wonder if Taco Bell is open today.
7/4/2008 6:08:44 PM
7/4/2008 6:08:52 PM
115 in Phoenix feels more like 108
7/4/2008 6:10:18 PM
yippee dooo dahh all the Americans are drunk, I am going to let the dumb ones drown or get killed with fireworks. Ambrosia keeps posting rock porn. I should post the pic of the hot one I saw today.
7/4/2008 6:22:15 PM
I need a nap and i think that walk just killed the puppy
7/4/2008 6:36:55 PM
7/4/2008 6:42:16 PM
bye, my fellow TWW's are coming to pick me up, and we are going to the beach to hang out at my phat azz four storey house at Topsail. Please have a safe and wonderful weekend. I'll try to watch over yallz asses but I just finished my bottle of Ron Centenario anejo especial. soooo. humm good thing I'm not driving. hasta luego.
7/4/2008 6:48:02 PM
7/4/2008 6:49:52 PM
i'm thinking that i just clicked the stats page like 5 minutes ago and noticed aeas name on it...she wasnt on it like 10 minutes ago so i assumed she'd post soon
7/4/2008 6:51:51 PM
i wish i knew more women under the age of 21
7/4/2008 7:20:31 PM
i don't want to do any of thisI just want to lie around the house, be a bum, and play wii.
7/4/2008 7:26:18 PM
thinking about that thing ambrosia posted last night...she edited it after i read it originally and now it makes even less sense
7/4/2008 7:27:28 PM
lavender dress shirtyay or nay?
7/4/2008 7:35:47 PM
only if you got the cockiness to pull it off...imo i say no(and not saying that cause i dont think you have the cockiness, i could just never wear a lavendar dress shirt)[Edited on July 4, 2008 at 7:37 PM. Reason : would rather wear pink than lavendar]
7/4/2008 7:37:25 PM
already have a pink.i think you're right, though.
7/4/2008 7:49:25 PM
damn i'm sun burntoops
7/4/2008 7:59:48 PM
oh crap! Climax is about to get POUNDED by this storm.
7/4/2008 8:09:18 PM
set em up
7/4/2008 8:13:39 PM
ive been asleep since about 4am thursday, except for maybe 2 hours last night.wow
7/4/2008 8:13:49 PM