lol, are you gonna be done by the time we meet in 3 hrs?
7/3/2008 1:31:45 PM
LOL. Really, I'm just bringing clothes and sheets tonight. My brother's friend never showed up. It'll work out, though.
7/3/2008 1:33:10 PM
you guys are gonna do it, aren't you?
7/3/2008 1:33:44 PM
7/3/2008 1:40:00 PM
I hate how if you drink cold water while chewing gum the gum gets less flexible.
7/3/2008 2:34:31 PM
^ Me too. For some reason, your post reminded me of the time where I choked on ice cream.Yes. Breyer's if I remember correctly.
7/3/2008 2:36:41 PM
That's impressive. Was it at least chunky?
7/3/2008 2:37:38 PM
Actually no. Pure French Vanilla.
7/3/2008 2:38:35 PM
I would make fun of you, but honestly I have probably done that at some point too.
7/3/2008 2:39:00 PM
I wish Lucky1 would come on up tonight. I'm bored already.
7/3/2008 2:39:47 PM
more jobsor picturesprefer/should vs should
7/3/2008 3:17:35 PM
suction cup dildos thanks to ^
7/3/2008 3:19:38 PM
How the hell do those work.[Edited on July 3, 2008 at 3:23 PM. Reason : oic, they stick to the floor?]
7/3/2008 3:22:33 PM
floorwall of your tubshower wallfrom what I've heard, the top of the side of the tub (you know, the part you step over to get into the shower) works best.
7/3/2008 3:24:19 PM
As long as you don't slip in the bathwater. When I used one years ago I used to just balance it, once it was buried I didn't have any trouble keeping it up right.
7/3/2008 3:26:52 PM
I think I should make Grits come in now.
7/3/2008 3:38:17 PM
Atlas is on his way here!! Yay for 4th of July in Charleston
7/3/2008 3:55:25 PM
bahtime to go
7/3/2008 4:09:26 PM
7/3/2008 4:10:53 PM
7/3/2008 4:11:23 PM
h town
7/3/2008 4:23:52 PM
some of yall are just TMI up in the piece
7/3/2008 4:32:56 PM
You don't like reading how people prefer to use their sex toys?
7/3/2008 4:36:04 PM
only if they are not doable or men
7/3/2008 4:38:48 PM
I washed the litter box, and not I smell like Clorox.And how my plans are never good enough.
7/3/2008 5:14:23 PM
My stomach STILL hurtsI had a lot I wanted to get done todayDamn it. ><
7/3/2008 5:26:07 PM
7/3/2008 6:05:24 PM
Rush hour is going to be a nightmare
7/3/2008 6:30:19 PM
Today has been really awfulI can't afford beer to make it all better either
7/3/2008 6:34:30 PM
7/3/2008 6:36:25 PM
getting a foot rub is amazing
7/3/2008 6:55:23 PM
i'm the only person in raleigh this weekend
7/3/2008 7:48:27 PM
nah i know at least like 8 people in raleigh this weekend
7/3/2008 7:59:29 PM
well im sure theres prolly about 500,000 people in raleigh, but im the only one that i wanna hang out with alsotheyre playing tombstone on thc along with historical commentary
7/3/2008 8:04:21 PM
shit, get in touch with Johnny... SchndlrsFist, he is pissed because no one in Raleigh ever does a god damn thing anymore
7/3/2008 8:06:16 PM
looks like my weekend plans are screwed now
7/3/2008 8:06:30 PM
^ what happen? lose your Dungeon Master's Guide?
7/3/2008 8:07:30 PM
ya i may have to do that
7/3/2008 8:12:58 PM
hardy har har....very funny and [no]
7/3/2008 8:20:21 PM
so it was your brothers turn to be the Dungeon Master huh?
7/3/2008 8:20:58 PM
Don't won't work with me
7/3/2008 8:24:13 PM
^i are a troll
7/3/2008 8:24:47 PM
and we won't start to discuss what you are
7/3/2008 8:26:12 PM
EibhlinnMeganKellyStevanaWhat a baller-ass day!
7/3/2008 8:29:40 PM
its my birthdayyyy!!! time to start drinking
7/3/2008 9:22:36 PM
oh yeah...happy birthday again
7/3/2008 9:39:10 PM
godbless tombstone
7/3/2008 9:53:02 PM
Grits has a cuckleburr in his hiney hair, and now its a big hair ball. He won't let me pull it out for him.I wanna go drive somewhere just so I can listen to my cd with my stereo... maybe I'll just put it in the surround sound a rock the neighborhood while I shower...
7/3/2008 10:05:48 PM
I have yet to master posting from my cell phone or aim mobile
7/3/2008 10:22:55 PM
You knowI wouldn't be surprised if she's pretending to be that person.
7/3/2008 10:47:03 PM