HARRIS TEETER HAS GOT SOME BALLA ASS DEALS!buy 2 12pk of coke get 3 12pks for freebuy 1 bag frozen chicken wings get 2 bags free!IMMA GET ME SOME CHICKEN WINGS!!
7/2/2008 4:54:16 PM
thanks a lot, stingy asses.[Edited on July 2, 2008 at 4:55 PM. Reason : ]
7/2/2008 4:54:37 PM
^^no way, im on that
7/2/2008 4:57:35 PM
Fucked my elbows up diving into a 3 ft deep pool lol..thank god it wasn't my head at least. Missing a lot of skin on my arms
7/2/2008 5:03:42 PM
7/2/2008 5:04:40 PM
i just found out that we're closed on fridayUNEXPECTED DAY OFF FTMFW
7/2/2008 5:06:02 PM
i have about 22 hours to use this ladder. that means changing/repairing all the ceiling lights AND painting my bedroom. looks like another all-nighter for me. and I'm not even in school.
7/2/2008 5:06:14 PM
7/2/2008 5:08:06 PM
I can't stand the sound of someone smacking their food.
7/2/2008 5:28:16 PM
^neither can Iand when is this guy going to call me? I need to pick this stuff up asap
7/2/2008 5:30:01 PM
man what a day
7/2/2008 7:46:29 PM
sourpatch watermelons MMMMMMM
7/2/2008 7:52:39 PM
that sounds freakin delicious, i want sourpatch watermelons
7/2/2008 7:55:20 PM
hard candy ftl
7/2/2008 7:56:04 PM
they arent hard candy
7/2/2008 7:57:10 PM
oh my bad i think i was thinking of warheadssorry(seriously, soon as you were like they are not hard candy i was like oh damn i meant warheads)
7/2/2008 7:58:30 PM
I wish I could get some PM's.
7/2/2008 7:58:41 PM
i should have gone to laurens cookout
7/2/2008 7:59:22 PM
ouch warheads hurt me. not because they were like super sour but because like i actually don't know how to explain it. they made me like pucker my mouth so that my jaw hurt. so maybe it was the sourness.
7/2/2008 7:59:29 PM
sometimes they make my tongue raw...like eats away the top layer or something
7/2/2008 8:03:06 PM
yea the jaw pain thing happens to me too ^^
7/2/2008 8:04:59 PM
i'll give her some jaw pain
7/2/2008 8:06:03 PM
7/2/2008 8:06:14 PM
7/2/2008 8:06:25 PM
i'll give her some war head[Edited on July 2, 2008 at 8:08 PM. Reason : def. not as good as the first one]
7/2/2008 8:07:53 PM
^ sewer baby
7/2/2008 8:13:42 PM
7/2/2008 8:27:30 PM
i might need to go get a cookout milkshake.
7/2/2008 8:40:52 PM
7/2/2008 8:52:32 PM
so fucking tired...do not want to fucking wake up at 6:30
7/2/2008 9:34:35 PM
Whats going on behind taco bell on western? ambulance, fire truck, people in the street....shooting?
7/2/2008 9:36:47 PM
I need to move immediately.
7/2/2008 9:56:16 PM
i'm hungryyyyy
7/2/2008 10:02:00 PM
Is it weird that every time I see a %n I don't think twice because I know no one would actually call me out on this site?Then again- this is asking to be called out I guess. :\
7/2/2008 10:03:16 PM
7/2/2008 10:03:19 PM
destroying people
7/2/2008 10:03:54 PM
^^^there are broads that tell me they fall for that shit all the time[Edited on July 2, 2008 at 10:04 PM. Reason : .]
7/2/2008 10:04:39 PM
set em up [Edited on July 2, 2008 at 10:05 PM. Reason : oh]V And I was thinking about a set em up. >_>[Edited on July 2, 2008 at 10:06 PM. Reason : :O]
7/2/2008 10:04:56 PM
lol[Edited on July 2, 2008 at 10:05 PM. Reason : 11 more posts buddy..]
7/2/2008 10:05:19 PM
I don't wanna move tomorrow.
7/2/2008 10:05:50 PM
ok atlas i think its time to go to bed
7/2/2008 10:05:57 PM
^I had a second of doubt, until I didn't see the capital A.
7/2/2008 10:06:35 PM
lol i'm too tired to capitalize
7/2/2008 10:10:19 PM
i'm f-ing exhausted.
7/2/2008 10:30:53 PM
7/2/2008 10:58:54 PM
wow i'm way too tired.
7/2/2008 11:02:04 PM
I really hope my parents don't change their mind about going to the beach. I really think that everything I plan falls apart. Nothing has worked out right for me in way too long.
7/2/2008 11:07:22 PM
ohh pretty ring, what is the stone?
7/2/2008 11:07:32 PM
I was thinking that too, looks like Tanzanite to me.
7/2/2008 11:09:42 PM
7/2/2008 11:11:22 PM