I need 2 more 3 hour Monday-Wednesday classes. Preferably something that it super duper easy, and i can make A+ in. Its my last semester and I need 12 hours. Any suggestions?[Edited on July 1, 2008 at 2:40 PM. Reason : ]
7/1/2008 2:23:17 PM
I love the beach
7/1/2008 2:23:55 PM
environmental ethics[Edited on July 1, 2008 at 2:24 PM. Reason : ^^]
7/1/2008 2:24:18 PM
that sounds fun!
7/1/2008 2:24:58 PM
easy as fucki forgot about the exam..thought it was second Tuesday and it was the first and still got a C.had an A+ going into it
7/1/2008 2:25:30 PM
And the next chapter of my life begins...
7/1/2008 2:25:45 PM
3^actually, if you talk to the financial aid office and beg them, you can take as many hours as you need to graduate. It may take talking to a few people though.[Edited on July 1, 2008 at 2:26 PM. Reason : 3]
7/1/2008 2:26:00 PM
Environ. Ethics is full, can't even waitlist. Anyone have any more suggestions?I thought about SSC200, but its a MWF[Edited on July 1, 2008 at 2:34 PM. Reason : tmi]
7/1/2008 2:31:56 PM
Suggestions? Yeah, plan ahead next time.
7/1/2008 2:33:09 PM
That's not the kind of suggestion I was looking for. Thanks for playing though.
7/1/2008 2:33:49 PM
Build a time machine ...... profit
7/1/2008 2:34:21 PM
I don't need a time machine. I'm not late for anything. Registration is open till July 22nd.I'm eyeballing Oceanography. Sounds fun.[Edited on July 1, 2008 at 2:37 PM. Reason : ]
7/1/2008 2:35:01 PM
I thought you said it is full.
7/1/2008 2:36:17 PM
glad i helped cheer someone up today
7/1/2008 2:36:43 PM
me too
7/1/2008 2:37:07 PM
Oh, yeah. That one class is full. But there are other classes.
7/1/2008 2:37:22 PM
Why didn't you take enough classes so you wouldn't graduate one short?
7/1/2008 2:37:58 PM
I'm not one short. Its one extra class to get a second minor.[Edited on July 1, 2008 at 2:39 PM. Reason : I can't type today!!!]
7/1/2008 2:38:49 PM
This does not look very comfortable
7/1/2008 2:40:12 PM
i especially like the one with the nose sticking up right where your butt hole would go
7/1/2008 2:42:01 PM
Get a job. Fuck the second minor.
7/1/2008 2:43:09 PM
next thing you know they are going to make chairs out of shards of glass and splintered wood...
7/1/2008 2:43:10 PM
I need to find something that I can spread on my lawn to get rid of june bugs
7/1/2008 2:43:39 PM
7/1/2008 2:44:02 PM
What are june bugs?
7/1/2008 2:44:32 PM
June bug can refer to: * Phyllophaga, a genus of beetles in the subfamily Melolonthinae of the family Scarabaeidae, also known as June bugs or June Beetles * the Green June beetle (Cotinis nitida) of the southeastern United States * Figeater beetle (Cotinis mutabilis) of the western and southwestern United States * Cockchafer beetles, also known as May bugs or May beetles
7/1/2008 2:48:21 PM
7/1/2008 2:48:57 PM
i wish i could use my left arm
7/1/2008 2:49:20 PM
7/1/2008 2:53:05 PM
Apparently, my mother still sees me as a helpless kid.
7/1/2008 2:53:09 PM
for about a month i am helpless
7/1/2008 2:54:33 PM
i have to pee
7/1/2008 2:56:41 PM
i can have a two hour nap--I also don't know if she's working tonight, but oh, if she is...I wonder if they'll give her anythingor whether she'll stick around and make me fire her.
7/1/2008 3:11:40 PM
i need to leave the office before he gets back.shit.
7/1/2008 3:13:09 PM
Yay, the satellite guy came and fixed the satellite. Grits is going nuts chasing flies.
7/1/2008 3:13:21 PM
I want to shoot someone right nowI wonder how much time it'd take to do whatever at PDHSC to get to shoot
7/1/2008 3:27:59 PM
i need to dooky but i dont want to use the toilets here
7/1/2008 3:29:20 PM
bahI wish I knew the best way to do thisI think it's a good idea, but I'm not being able to convey that in words
7/1/2008 3:42:19 PM
Well that was a waste of time.
7/1/2008 3:43:22 PM
good lordthat kid is such a pretentious asshole!
7/1/2008 3:48:18 PM
Teddy Grahams!
7/1/2008 3:49:35 PM
I am suddenly remembering freshman orientation when I was the weird girl who couldn't catch a tennis ball to save her life.And when I accidentally full-out tackled a chick during a game of powderpuff football.[Edited on July 1, 2008 at 4:11 PM. Reason : I suck. ]
7/1/2008 4:08:22 PM
whatthe fuckseriously? i cannot believe that they are pissed off that mom and dad aren't ready to sit down and have a come to jesus meeting b/c he's here for another purpose. he's home to find a temporary sponser, find a few AA meetings he can go to, talk with his counsellor here, and make a plan before being discharged from rehab. and THEY'RE pissed that they can't slip into HIS schedule to talk about a bunch of shit that happened over 10 years ago?!?! SERIOUSLY?!?!they both need to get off their high horse and just suck it up for another 10 days...then have your damn come to jesus meeting.GOD MY FAMILY IS FUCKING CRAZY
7/1/2008 4:38:28 PM
they dont need to be throwing some religion bullshit at him right now, leave him the hell alone and give him support.. nothing else.
7/1/2008 4:39:25 PM
^^ good luck lk
7/1/2008 4:40:38 PM
"come to jesus" meaning a sit down about the issues that are going on between my brother & s-i-l and my parents...not necessarily a talk about finding jesus
7/1/2008 4:49:21 PM
i didn't really think it was thats why i didn't reply that way.but again my prayers are w/ you
7/1/2008 4:54:09 PM
oh, my badstill, my point remains the same/valid.gl
7/1/2008 4:55:42 PM
set em up
7/1/2008 5:12:37 PM
2442let me be the first to say thank god my family has never been drunks
7/1/2008 5:13:37 PM