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The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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Quote :
"Just hanging out destroying the voting rights act, how bout you"


7/1/2021 1:32:32 PM

All American
14327 Posts
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8/26/2021 10:22:24 PM

All American
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8/26/2021 11:28:29 PM

All American
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Yes, giving the CDC the essentially unlimited power that was used to extend the eviction moratorium was a terrible idea that would lead to abuse. If Congress wants to extend it then they can go ahead and do so

[Edited on August 27, 2021 at 12:02 AM. Reason : .]

8/27/2021 12:02:28 AM

Save TWW
38157 Posts
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Gross man

8/27/2021 10:21:51 AM

All American
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Hey I'm good with the eviction moratorium as long as there are safeguards in place for the landlords as well.

8/27/2021 11:31:40 AM

Save TWW
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Yes investments deserve as much attention as keeping people from being homeless

8/27/2021 12:02:29 PM

All American
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And CONGRESS is able to do that as a matter of policy, nothing about the SCOTUS ruling prevents them from doing that

8/27/2021 12:46:30 PM

All American
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Yea, SCOTUS here is just keeping the CDC in check.

Not all landlords are venture capitalists out to step on the little people.

8/27/2021 1:00:32 PM

Save TWW
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Good thing congress isn't completely broken

8/27/2021 1:30:48 PM

All American
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Have you read the ruling?

8/27/2021 2:52:47 PM

Save TWW
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Quote :
"NEWS: Hours after the federal eviction moratorium fell, dozens of families across 61 units at a Mississippi apartment complex were given 3-day eviction notices.

They must be out before Tuesday; Hurricane Ida is hitting the state Monday. From @NickJudin:"

At least the cdc is kept in check and landlords are protected

8/29/2021 6:23:53 PM

All American
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came in to post that


8/29/2021 6:24:31 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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What would be the equitable solution?

This is one reason I have zero interest in ever having rental properties. I couldn't do this to people, and I would almost certainly end up with the hard luck cases.

8/29/2021 9:28:02 PM

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8/29/2021 9:45:46 PM

Save TWW
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^^an eviction moratorium during a global pandemic is a good start

8/30/2021 11:48:39 AM

All American
14327 Posts
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So we should get Congress to pass one like they did last year

8/30/2021 12:15:17 PM

All American
52920 Posts
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Quote :
"Not all landlords are venture capitalists out to step on the little people."

Do you have any idea what a venture capitalist does, or do you just reflexively not like them because the word "capitalist" is in the name?

8/30/2021 1:06:56 PM

Tom Joad
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i feel like the desired phrase there should have been "slumlords"

8/30/2021 1:11:27 PM

Save TWW
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Quote :
"BREAKING: The Supreme Court has not responded to our emergency request to block Texas’ radical new 6-week abortion ban, SB8. The law now takes effect.

Access to almost all abortion has just been cut off for millions of people. The impact will be immediate and devastating."

9/1/2021 6:55:39 AM

Save TWW
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Quote :
"By a 5–4 vote, the Supreme Court just allowed Texas to enforce a law that prohibits abortions after six weeks, with no exception for rape or incest. Roe v. Wade is, functionally, overturned. Justice Sotomayor all but says it."

9/2/2021 7:06:47 AM

Pupils DiL8t
All American
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Chief Justice Roberts voted with the minority.

Quote :
"Chief Justice Roberts wrote that he would have blocked the law while appeals moved forward.

'The statutory scheme before the court is not only unusual, but unprecedented,' he wrote. 'The legislature has imposed a prohibition on abortions after roughly six weeks, and then essentially delegated enforcement of that prohibition to the populace at large. The desired consequence appears to be to insulate the state from responsibility for implementing and enforcing the regulatory regime.'

The chief justice underscored the tentative nature of the majority's ruling. 'Although the court denies the applicants' request for emergency relief today,' he wrote, 'the court's order is emphatic in making clear that it cannot be understood as sustaining the constitutionality of the law at issue.'"

[Edited on September 2, 2021 at 10:49 AM. Reason : ]

9/2/2021 10:45:02 AM

All American
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The fact that John Roberts is frequently siding with liberal justices, shows how far to the right existing justices have moved.

9/2/2021 1:52:08 PM

Sup, B
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They really should have found some way to delay the implementation of this law. It's facially unConstitutional in multiple ways (unless the Court overturns RvW), and its deliberately crafted to evade review until substantial, irreversible damage is done.

9/4/2021 11:30:05 PM

Pupils DiL8t
All American
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Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett are clearly bringing their A game to the Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization oral arguments.

12/1/2021 12:19:20 PM

All American
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by A game do you mean Anti-Abortion game?

[Edited on December 1, 2021 at 12:21 PM. Reason : they’re no different than far right politicians ]

12/1/2021 12:21:18 PM

Pupils DiL8t
All American
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Yep, they're basically doing what they were brought onto the court to do.

Sorry if my sarcasm didn't shine through.

12/1/2021 1:25:39 PM

Save TWW
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12/1/2021 4:16:44 PM

Pupils DiL8t
All American
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It appears that the Supreme Court is also getting in on the critical race theory game.

Quote :
"Justice Sam Alito drew upon this argument when he asked if a private school could receive money if it 'inculcates a purely materialistic view of life.' Taub hedged, explaining that 'there are other aspects of what a school could do that would be inconsistent with public education,' like teaching 'Marxism or Leninism' or 'white supremacy.' If such a school applied for funding, Taub said, 'a way would be found to ensure that that school is not allowed to participate.' Alito responded: 'Would you say the same thing about a school that teaches critical race theory?' (Taub: 'I don’t really know exactly what it means to teach critical race theory.') Barrett, too, did not seem to believe that Maine would truly pull funding from private schools that teach offensive ideas. She accused the state of failing to engage in real 'oversight,' discriminating against sectarian schools while giving secular schools 'a thumbs-up' to teach dangerous ideas."

12/10/2021 12:48:13 PM

All American
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I hope that schools have stopped teaching kids that the Supreme Court is a bastion of American ideals and that it’s non-partisan

it’s glaringly obvious that that’s bullshit and some of them would fit right in as a pundit on cable news

[Edited on December 10, 2021 at 12:55 PM. Reason : .]

12/10/2021 12:52:04 PM

Ohhh Farts
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Will we at least get some publicly funded flying spaghetti monster or satanic temple schools out of this bullshit?

12/10/2021 3:37:27 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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I was looking to BTTT this thread yesterday for Trump's appeal about National Archive release relative to January 6, but I kept searching for "Court" instead of SCOTUS. How stupid of me. Anyway, BTTT!

12/10/2021 6:30:17 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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1/7/2022 3:31:50 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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^And now for real.

1/13/2022 3:34:43 PM

Burn it all down.
18469 Posts
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I'll be honest, I think a mandate for big businesses is a great idea, but I do see how it's executive overreach. I can see the gov't mandating via emergency order for healthcare, for federal contractors, gov't employees, and the military...but not every company over 100 people.

1/13/2022 4:08:25 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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Except my company is too chicken to do it. They were hoping the government could do it for them and be the bad guy. But without broad application, my company can't implement due to the competitive landscape and the ignorant workforce. The result was expected, and at this point too late to have much effect even had it gone the other way. Six months ago, could have been interesting.

1/13/2022 5:12:39 PM

Burn it all down.
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I mean, with that said, had SCOTUS implemented it, would your company bother to enforce it beyond something simple like "Hey, check a box if you've been vaccinated"

My company required us to upload vax cards and I'm happy they did.

1/13/2022 5:19:50 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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Yes. They've said multiple times in updates that they would abide by the law. They also track vaccination rate and booster shots by uploaded cards. It's abysmal, though. Like 40%. Company has over 8,000 people, but mostly southern rednecks.

1/14/2022 7:28:36 AM

Sup, B
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Both decisions were perfectly reasonable. OSHA has no business pushing public health policy that's only tangentially related to the workplace onto essentially the entire country. It's well outside of their scope and purpose. I dare say that if Congress passed such a policy, it would have been upheld, since an ant farting is Wisconsin at this point is considered "interstate commerce."

I don't think it's coincidental at all that once you changed to a case where the feds were acting within reasonable statutory authority, you got 2 conservatives to flip and sign on to upholding the policy. Does it suck that the Republicans are being intransigent on pretty much everything, including public health? Sure. But that's not an excuse for executive overreach. Get your shit together, come up with an actual plan that can pass muster, and promote it.

1/14/2022 9:04:16 PM

All American
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Republicans have been pro-covid since damn near the beginning of the pandemic

there is absolutely no legislation that could be proposed that they would be ok with

1/15/2022 1:04:48 AM

8130 Posts
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Except roberts and kavanugh(sp?) supported mandate for healthcare workers

1/15/2022 1:52:15 AM

All American
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1/18/2022 2:18:53 PM

Save TWW
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Quote :
"truly american that the vulnerable person in the scenario has to leave, not the unwilling coworker"


1/18/2022 2:43:11 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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"If you're afraid, stay home! LOL!"

1/18/2022 3:28:06 PM

Sup, B
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On the one hand, yeah, he could put on a mask as a matter of courtesy. On the other, everyone is vaccinated, so... Sounds like they both need to grow up.

1/18/2022 9:01:17 PM

All American
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she’s diabetic

1/18/2022 9:17:29 PM

Sup, B
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And? They're both vaccinated. There's got to be SOME endgame here, and if "everyone is vaccinated" ain't it, then I don't know what to tell you. He should stop being a douche and put on a mask, sure, but if she's that terrified to be around unmasked-but-vaccinated folks, then she SHOULD stay in her chambers.

1/18/2022 9:45:11 PM

Save TWW
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It's so so so so easy for him to where a mask so that she can participate. Should people with comorbidities just be reclusive hermits?

I for one hope masks are a staple among courteous people for flu/covid seasons going forward. I haven't had a real cold/flu in 2 years, much less covid

[Edited on January 18, 2022 at 11:05 PM. Reason : So fucking coldly hearted, jesus]

1/18/2022 11:05:28 PM

All American
2127 Posts
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Quote :
"There's got to be SOME endgame here, and if "everyone is vaccinated" ain't it, then I don't know what to tell you."

Why in the fuck would you be referring to an endgame when omicron is still peaking?? That's just a retarded comment; sure there is an endgame...but we ain't there yet.

1/18/2022 11:40:07 PM

All American
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set em up

1/19/2022 12:38:53 AM

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