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All American
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^^ I'll take your place if it can be Italy.

12/9/2024 8:03:13 PM

40962 Posts
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careful what you wish for it's southern italy

Trump invited Xi to attend the inauguration. Interesting move. Even if it doesn't happen, he's basically forced the world to imagine a scene where Trump stands up on stage smirking "look at me Xi. I'm not done with you yet motherfucker." while Xi sits in the grass having to watch.

[Edited on December 11, 2024 at 10:59 PM. Reason : he always did know how to play the part of a gangster]

12/11/2024 10:54:21 PM

All American
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As long as I can stop at Auto grill occasionally I'm down.

12/12/2024 12:04:32 PM

All American
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say it with me: "all-uh-gar-key"

12/12/2024 12:57:31 PM

7950 Posts
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I hope he shuts down the government often. Dems need to let him own that

12/18/2024 8:02:20 PM

Tom Joad
72860 Posts
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They're never gonna blame him for anything.

12/19/2024 9:23:41 AM

7950 Posts
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Lol trump: dems want you to itch, gas heaters are better

1/7/2025 11:46:07 AM

All American
34465 Posts
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Just more chaos and chaff to cover for whatever racist things Stephen miller is planning

1/7/2025 11:01:32 PM

All American
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Gulf of “Murica. Has a nice ring to it lol.

1/9/2025 9:22:55 AM

All American
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This guy is so wildly unfit

1/14/2025 2:29:47 PM

40962 Posts
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sure, it's always going to be good for our highest representatives to know MORE rather than less, but let's be real...who cares about ASEAN. the last time anybody even brought it up here was 2011.

the outrage about "qualifications" should be proportional to the actual significance and relevance.

1/15/2025 10:41:29 AM

All American
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I personally don’t, but the secdef should

Thats kinda the ideal politics. A bunch of smart people you can trust are doing the best things using a credible framework, while the rest of us live our lives

1/15/2025 11:43:34 AM

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Quote :
"the secdef should

Thats kinda the ideal politics. A bunch of smart people you can trust are doing the best things using a credible framework, while the rest of us live our lives"

sure, I agree. but I don't think it necessarily makes him "wildly unfit." maybe it does, maybe it's really just a minor slip-up that would easily be addressed in the reality of the job in daily briefings as work related to ASEAN comes up. i honestly don't know. because ASEAN doesn't really come up much. but the Dems act like it's the end of the world as if they talk about ASEAN every single day. please...

dems obviously are trying to turn every single Trump/GOP mistake into a giant issue (just like the GOP does too). that strategy works for spinning the dem base into a frenzy, but I feel like the average american (who the Dems desperately need to be focused on) sees this all as partisan nonsense, and are more likely as a result to tune out anything the Dems have to say, and even end up dismissing LEGITIMATE concerns that Dems may have about what Trump/GOP are doing or might do. boy who cried wolf effect.

[Edited on January 15, 2025 at 12:27 PM. Reason : imo]

1/15/2025 12:26:32 PM

All American
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There's many, many other reasons that make him unfit beyond not being able to name three ASEAN countries.

1/15/2025 1:33:54 PM

All American
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What aspect of his background do you think would resonate with the public to demonstrate his un-fitness? Mark Cuban seems to think the democrats didn’t ask enough specific technical questions like that one. Other people think the democrats didn’t dig enough into his national guard record and his report of being an inside threat

Every indication now suggests trump plans to use the military against the American people, the only thing that will stop it is mass protests similar to what happened with family separation.

1/15/2025 6:14:16 PM

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i have mostly tuned out the cabinet confirmation stuff. not because i think any of the nominees are great or terrible. i just haven't given it much attention, it's not high on my list of priorities, and of the coverage that I have seen, almost all of it is partisan to hyper-partisan, on both sides.

Quote :
"Every indication now suggests trump plans to use the military against the American people"

can you elaborate

btw last page you said atrupar is sus. i suggest muting the big partisan accounts (anybody who posts 10+ times a day about the latest OUTRAGE is a good candidate for muting) so you don't accidentally read anything they have to say

[Edited on January 15, 2025 at 6:46 PM. Reason : unfollow is not enough]

1/15/2025 6:41:03 PM

All American
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Rupar selectively cuts clips but he didn’t do that in this case

This is the griftiest thing any president has ever done in American history

1/17/2025 11:44:16 PM

All American
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Rupar selectively cuts clips but he didn’t do that in this case

This is the griftiest thing any president has ever done in American history

Trump wants to use military against us

He talked about this a lot in his rallies too, both directly and in coded language about toughness

1/17/2025 11:48:14 PM

7950 Posts
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Trump isn't even president yet and I am already tired of the dems bitching


1/18/2025 12:39:40 AM

All American
52902 Posts
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Quote :
"He talked about this a lot in his rallies too, both directly and in coded language about toughness

He wanted to do it a couple of times last time, but his SecDefs wouldn't do it (and prob CJCS and other advisors were against it).

I don't think it's a stretch.

1/18/2025 8:44:51 AM

balls deep
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During the first Trump presidency, he ordered a military (national guard) helicopter to hover low over crowds in DC, as a method of crowd control during BLM protests, causing rotor wash and broken glass from buildings to rain down on people.

I don't think it's a stretch to imagine Trump, uninhibited, to order protestors shot.

Hell, I can even imagine a scenario where anarchists are sent in by the government, to stir up a ruckus amongst peaceful protesters, to justify a government crackdown.

1/18/2025 9:30:48 AM

40962 Posts
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Quote :
"Rupar selectively cuts clips but he didn’t do that in this case"

sure, nothing wrong with those clips per se, I was more referencing him in the context of "muting the big partisan accounts"

the "enemy from within" rhetoric is concerning for sure. i think he's more likely to try to make life difficult for folks like Schiff and Cheney (i don't think he'll jail them though) rather than use the military to crack down on protestors. although I could see it if 2020 style riots break out in US cities again, which I don't expect, but you never know. using the military for crowd control is one thing, but I doubt he'd end up ordering the military to do a Tiananmen Square style thing with firing openly on crowds, but we'll see i suppose.

I guess my initial request for elaboration was on the claim that trump PLANS to use the military again americans. It seems mostly like his usual tough-guy talk rather than an actual PLAN. it's probably more like when bush/cheney came into office. maybe they didn't PLAN to take out Saddam, but if the opportunity arose, they were happy to seize upon it.

1/18/2025 10:20:23 AM

All American
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I don’t think we’ll ever know what trump plans until he actually is about to do it, especially the worst of things. We have to triangulate as best as we can. When you’re about to commit an unconstitutional attack on civil rights you don’t give your opponents too much time to react. Ted Cruz was ready to burn trump for January 6th but McConnell saved him, Even the gop Congress has its limits for the time being.

Watching Stephen millers movements is probably our best indicator. I don’t know how every major news org doesn’t have someone just following him around. We know he’s been meeting with private prison owners and sending nasty grams to democratic mayors.

1/18/2025 2:13:46 PM

All American
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Quote :
" President-elect Trump launched his own cryptocurrency overnight and swiftly appeared to make more than $25 billion on paper for himself and his companies.

Why it matters: The stunning launch of $TRUMP caught the entire industry off-guard, and speaks to both his personal influence and the ascendancy of cryptocurrency in his administration.
It also speaks to the nature of the crypto industry that someone could have $25 billion worth of something that literally did not exist 24 hours previously"

I guess I just need to get in on the grift at this point. All hail oligarchy

1/18/2025 2:38:30 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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Still feel like it's all going to crumble one day.

Maybe that's just wishful thinking.

1/18/2025 8:53:11 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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Since it will be cold during the inauguration tomorrow, we can definitely conclude that Climate Change is a HOAX!

1/19/2025 10:48:40 AM

All American
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Quote :

SCOTUS/congress got this one wrong. banning social media apps is a first amendment violation

[Edited on January 19, 2025 at 2:09 PM. Reason : d]

1/19/2025 2:09:28 PM

All American
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^ trump was the one originally calling for it’s ban

But now he’s proposing nationalizing TikTok

I guess I’m getting old because I’ve never felt so disconnected from an issue as a non TikTok user

[Edited on January 19, 2025 at 2:26 PM. Reason : ]

1/19/2025 2:23:59 PM

All American
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one of the main reasons kamala lost last Nov is young people arent down with the genocide in Gaza, they learned about it on the tiktok so it had to go. pretty fucked up to end the app instead of the ethnic cleansing

[Edited on January 19, 2025 at 3:58 PM. Reason : x]

1/19/2025 3:47:55 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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Quote :



1/19/2025 3:56:06 PM

balls deep
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^^if anyone thinks Trump will have a pro-Gaza /anti-genocide policy instead of Kamala, they're foolish.

FYI, H.R.7521 - Protecting Americans from Foreign Adversary Controlled Applications Act was introduced 3/5/2024. Even before it was introduced, we had been warned about the security implications of Tiktok; what with it being foreign owned and all data being subject to exploit by China.

I'm not claiming that the genocide in Gaza only started with the Hamas attack on Israel. But that incursion, and subsequent Israeli invasion happened on 10/7/2024 I believe. It is my understanding that much of the attention to the genocide in Gaza has been brought to the current news cycle since this incursion.

Could someone help me make better sense of beatsunc's post? There seem to be a lot of conflating issues going on there.

[Edited on January 19, 2025 at 5:31 PM. Reason : j]

1/19/2025 5:28:42 PM

All American
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Vivek out at doge. Running and most likely losing Ohio governor to save face

Indian Americans in shambles

^ the survey people are using to say “Gaza costed Kamala” is extremely low quality. It doesn’t consider what her vote change would be if the perception were the other way— that she hated Israel

[Edited on January 19, 2025 at 5:34 PM. Reason : ]

1/19/2025 5:32:40 PM

All American
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Trump admin kills the cbp one app

I have a friend who’s an immigration attorney and she talks about how in 2016 everything related to immigration under trump ground to a halt. This was for legal immigrants trying to stay or become residents or citizens. Sounds like they are repeating this and know exactly which levers to pull

1/20/2025 1:42:06 PM

148842 Posts
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Quote :
"Trump signs executive order ending birthright citizenship"

don't worry guys, probably just campaign rhetoric

1/20/2025 9:59:30 PM

All American
981 Posts
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get out of jail free cards to a bunch of seditionists and cop assaulters. great rule of law you've got there, America.

1/20/2025 10:13:20 PM

All American
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okay so what has already happened and whats next on the list?

1/21/2025 7:59:12 AM

All American
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Mostly bluster. Most of this has to go through courts, a lot will fail

The mass deportations are the next thing to watch. There should be a tv camera on Stephen Miller 24 hours if we really want to see what trump cares about

1/21/2025 12:50:48 PM

balls deep
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Ross Ulbricht was pardoned

1/21/2025 9:36:43 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
28458 Posts
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of course he was

1/21/2025 10:44:25 PM

All American
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Quote :
"All Federal DEI Offices To Be Closed By Wednesday EOD, Workers Placed On Paid Leave: White House"

Now the dudes in sequin jackets can go back to serving $20 cocktails at brunch instead of explaining centering whiteness to corporate execs for $350k a year.

1/22/2025 10:12:24 AM

All American
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Trumps plan is to require all new employees to do a Nazi salute as enthusiastically as Elon

1/22/2025 11:47:19 AM

All American
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so if i have a DEI powerpoint do i need to delete it or just not make any new ones

1/22/2025 12:51:05 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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Dale Earnhardt Incorporated goes home devastated!

1/22/2025 2:40:53 PM

All American
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Quote :
"NEW: The Trump administration is screening the loyalty of approximately 160 career civil servants assigned to the National Security Council."
The main reason tww should hide the public pages. This practice is going to spread and none of us know what our career path is going to be

[Edited on January 22, 2025 at 3:45 PM. Reason : ]

1/22/2025 3:44:46 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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Most of us don't work for the government.

1/22/2025 3:50:11 PM

All American
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And? A news person was already fired in Wisconsin for criticizing Elon

1/22/2025 10:56:13 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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I guess I'm saying I'm not overly concerned about my mostly anonymous postings on this message board adversely affecting me in real life. If they go to that level to crush dissent, we're truly done.

1/23/2025 2:05:00 AM

Sprots Talk Mod
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I think most of the people on tww do actually know their career paths since everyone is old.

1/23/2025 10:02:10 AM

All American
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I find it strange you are worried now in 2025. Nice that you are catching up to being worried about the scarlet letter of wrongthink--whatever that wrongthing may be. Winds change.

1/23/2025 10:38:37 AM

All American
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^ because republicans are far nuttier and vindictive

1/23/2025 12:09:26 PM

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