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148898 Posts
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Dude, it doesn't matter what kind of phone you have, I already answered your question, it only deletes the data from the device. You have your g+ photos synced to your Google account on your phone, similar to how MY Dropbox was configured. Just unsync your g+ photos ( then clear the app data to free up 7 gigs.

[Edited on May 24, 2015 at 12:33 AM. Reason : . ]

5/24/2015 12:30:27 AM

All American
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finally decided the N4 was getting a bit long in the tooth and so sold it for $150 on CL and bought a like-new G3 on fleabay for $160

so i've given a non-removable battery and no expandable storage a fair shake, having the N4 for over a year...and fuck that shit

a non-removable battery wouldn't necessarily be a deal-breaker, but a the lack of a microSD definitely is...i love having 32GB+32GB of storage on my phone

LOVE the G3...QHD display at 538ppi, 75% screen-to-body ratio, 3GB RAM, BSI camera with laser AF and's fantastic

disappointed to find out that the awesome camera is best utilized with a stock-based ROM since the camera libs aren't open source and LG hasn't released them, but i've become so used to AOSP that stock just looks like shit and i can't bring myself to anything not AOSP- or CM-based...and lenovo super camera is pretty damn good when combined with some custom settings for the's also works on a lot of different phones

[Edited on May 27, 2015 at 6:27 PM. Reason : spacing]

5/27/2015 6:26:00 PM

All American
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I got the 128 GB S6 (Sprint, cost me $950 total) about a month ago. I love it so far. Initially I wasn't too sure about the non-removable battery but it isn't so bad, the quick charger juices it back up pretty fast and I bought a 13,000 mAh power bank for emergencies. The screen is great, camera is absolutely fantastic, stock OS is great (I used Nova Launcher though) , and the fingerprint reader works really well. It also somehow has free tethering. THe only problem with the phone is that blocking ads isn't super easy. I'm not ready to root it yet. This maybe a near perfect phone for me.

5/28/2015 8:52:52 AM

no u
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the s6 has the 2nd or 3rd best camera out there right now

the camera on my phone is the main reason i'm feeling an upgrade itch

[Edited on May 28, 2015 at 9:02 AM. Reason : g4 > s6 >= iphone 6 for the curious]

5/28/2015 9:01:44 AM

play so hard
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^^ $950??

5/28/2015 9:04:17 AM

All American
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Quote :
"THe only problem with the phone is that blocking ads isn't super easy. I'm not ready to root it yet."

AFAIK, it's impossible unless you root it...also, why aren't you ready to root it? it's easy to unroot if, for some strange reason, you want to

5/28/2015 9:16:51 AM

All American
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The Ad Block app works only when I'm connected to my Home WiFi connection. I wasn't able to get it to work on LTE. I did install an adblock extension on Firefox so that blocks almost all ads. The only problem is that Firefox isn't as fluid as the stock browser. AFAIK once rooted I will not be able to use Samsung pay. Not that I currently use it but I think I might in the future. Also, the $950 covers taxes but not activation. I got them to waive the activation fees. I'll be paying the amount over a period of 24 months.

5/28/2015 11:06:33 AM

All American
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Quote :
"AFAIK once rooted I will not be able to use Samsung pay."

oh, because of knox

eh, well, enjoy your ads

Quote :
"Also, the $950 covers taxes but not activation. I got them to waive the activation fees. I'll be paying the amount over a period of 24 months."


[Edited on May 28, 2015 at 12:10 PM. Reason : .]

5/28/2015 12:09:21 PM

All American
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What phone should I get? I haven't paid attention to phone news in a while.

On sprint, currently have an S4. I want something bigger, at least 5.5". Should I go with one of the current large phones like the note 4, nexus 6, g4? Reviews seem best for the note 4 but its a nearly year old phone at this point. I know the note 5 is supposed to be announced in a few months, are there any other larger phones that should be coming out in the next few months?

6/15/2015 4:22:25 PM

All American
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Friend just got an S6 and likes it a lot. Dunno anyone with an LG G4 yet.

6/15/2015 6:10:49 PM

All American
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I've had an S2 and an S4 as my last two phones, I think I'm going to go for something new instead of the S6. As nice as it looks I want to push the screen size a little.

6/15/2015 7:44:31 PM

play so hard
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So what's everyone's next phone going to be?

I'm considering the Oneplus 2

7/13/2015 5:43:25 PM

41759 Posts
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I wish Motorola would speed up their product cycles.

7/13/2015 6:46:10 PM

148898 Posts
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my Maxx is still holding it down

7/13/2015 7:51:08 PM

All American
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When is a true "superphone" going to come out again? Granted, I have been paying much attention but there doesn't seem to have been any phones to come out in quite a while that were dramatically heads and shoulders above the rest.

As far as my next purchase, if google gets off it's ass and sends me a project fi invite, I'll pull the trigger on a nexus 6. Otherwise, who the hell knows. I need to do something soon, though. This s3 is a piece of shit.

[Edited on July 13, 2015 at 9:59 PM. Reason : ]

7/13/2015 9:57:57 PM

148898 Posts
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the newest version of CallApp is sweet

7/14/2015 11:24:10 AM

play so hard
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Quote :
"This s3 is a piece of shit."

Shit's what like 5 years old?

7/14/2015 11:35:27 AM

All American
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Just a little over 3 years. Still old for a cell phone though.

7/14/2015 12:08:28 PM

All American
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Getting almost 100% awake on wifi with my Galaxy Tab Pro on the latest Cyanogenmod nightly. It's always due to two 'eventx-xxxx' processes.

e.g. event0-675 and event1-675.

The 675 in this case is the pid so I do a ps | grep 675 in the terminal and it always points back to "system_server" which is basically an application talking to the OS I believe. Network traffic shows various IP addresses on my network sending packets to my tablet so I'm not sure if it's a media server or something causing the wake locks but I also can't get wifi to completely shutoff while sleeping (even though turn off wifi on sleep is on).

Might end up wiping it and starting fresh. A few people said that fixed it. Very frustrating though.

8/5/2015 11:19:23 AM

148898 Posts
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I try to find a ROM that is stable and don't worry about updating to new nightlies all the time

can't you just bootload a previous version?

[Edited on August 6, 2015 at 9:54 PM. Reason : .]

8/6/2015 9:54:16 PM

play so hard
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Anyone have a OnePlus 2 invite available?

8/10/2015 5:10:27 PM

All American
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^^Not sure it's the rom per say. Could be an application or the network I'm on.

8/10/2015 5:29:11 PM

All American
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Did a complete wipe, reloaded using 8/10/2015 Cyanogenmod, and used gapps minimal edition. Now I'm getting 96-97% deep sleep and the awake bar in battery almost exactly matches the screen on bar. Slowly adding back apps to see if it was a particular app that was eating up those system_server processes (still see them now but only at 1.5 hours over 5 days).

8/17/2015 3:49:15 PM

play so hard
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First time I've heard of that animation thing...

8/18/2015 11:15:48 AM

All American
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These look nice:

Watch faces look real...

9/2/2015 2:06:11 PM

All American
21263 Posts
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[Edited on September 16, 2015 at 4:54 PM. Reason : ...nope]

9/16/2015 4:54:25 PM

All American
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Not necessarily related to Android but this is nice:

I've come close to my 5GB limit a few times especially when tethering.

9/17/2015 5:20:02 PM

play so hard
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9/21/2015 11:53:50 AM

Universal Magnetic!
18976 Posts
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are your companies actually letting you connect to corporate networks on mail servers with stage fright in the wild?

9/21/2015 9:34:39 PM

no u
103356 Posts
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stats on the Nexus 6P are looking good

9/28/2015 10:13:28 AM

play so hard
60941 Posts
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I'm probably going to buy the 5x, but it's annoying that it has the same amount of RAM that the 5 did 2 years ago.\

[Edited on September 28, 2015 at 10:22 AM. Reason : Cost savings I guess, but how much $ does that really save?]

9/28/2015 10:21:59 AM

All American
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LG really fucked up with the G3, it's too damn good a phone lol. QHD display, 3GB of RAM, and a user replaceable battery? They are even planning an Android M update for it. Short of it dying unexpectedly, I don't see myself upgrading it for at least another year - year and a half.

9/28/2015 10:44:04 AM

All American
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I wasn't really that impressed with it going from my Note 2. The Note 2 had a much better looking screen (more vibrant albeit only 720) and longer battery life. A lot of the poor battery life is due to the high resolution screen but maybe due to it being on 5.0.1 and LG specific bloatware.

Out of all my phones it's been the least impressive IMHO. It's just alright. Also the case cracked near the microphone (like many of the first generation LG G3's). I've been too lazy to send it in as the turn around time from LG is apparently 2-3 weeks and they don't provide a loaner phone.

Not to mention the phone literally doesn't sleep. I've tried everything I can and there's wakelocks every 30 seconds no matter what I do. It's so frustrating. I have a Galaxy Tab Pro 8.4 with the latest 5.1 Cyanogenmod snapshot on it and the screen on and wake graph are almost identical. It's a beautiful thing. I know cell phones are notorious for location and network wakelocks but the battery life on this thing is atrocious no matter what I do. I rarely if ever get 3 hours of screen on usage with it in a single day.

9/28/2015 11:25:48 AM

All American
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I did get the bezel cracking near the microphone and also didn't send it back for the same reason. But I also drop my phone a ton, and without a case, so it's got several more cracks/dents along the bezel edges at this point. I spend about 2 hours a week away from a place where I can charge my phone, so battery life has never been a concern. It lasted almost 2 days without plugging in the one time I needed it too. Like I said, I have almost zero complaints.

Yeah, can't say I've had the wake lock issue. I run my phones pretty lean though, basically nothing but Google apps and a handful of games/banking/media stuff. I've disabled/deleted just about everything I can from the carrier or manufacturer without rooting. In fact, this is the first phone I've ever owned where I have zero desire to root/jailbreak or mess with custom ROMs.

[Edited on September 28, 2015 at 11:50 AM. Reason : .]

9/28/2015 11:38:19 AM

All American
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I did a complete wipe and did the official 5.0.1 upgrade and it had the wakelock issue from the start. It's just a problem with LG + carrier + Google Services. I'm sure you have it too.

It's 'bam_dmux_wakelock' and various other network or wifi wakelocks.

You can see the constant wakelocks:

9/28/2015 12:42:59 PM

All American
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I'm not arguing with you, I'm sure you're experiencing whatever you say are, it just hasn't been an issue for me. I often forget to plug it in before falling asleep and pretty much always find it when the same battery % I left it with, maybe 1-2% lower at most. In fact, the idle battery drain is one of the best things about this phone. Screen on battery life does suck when playing a game, but with videos it's fine.

9/28/2015 1:58:04 PM

All American
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What carrier do you have? I've done a bunch of research and almost everyone has these issues. If I don't put it in airplane mode over night it'll drain over night.

Now if it's in airplane mode it works great. No battery drain whatsoever.

Not saying it isn't an app I'm using but first thing I did recently when I flashed it back to stock was disable everything I could and I still got the constant wakelock issue.

9/28/2015 3:29:09 PM

All American
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AT&T. I will say battery life got markedly worse after the Lollipop update, but that seems to be a common theme across all phones that originally shipped with KitKat.

9/29/2015 11:12:12 AM

All American
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My tablet is on 5.1 and the battery lasts over a week. The idle time is excellent. Then again it's wifi only. It pretty much deep sleeps almost the entire time the screen is off. It's great.

9/29/2015 11:18:31 AM

play so hard
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Marshmallow day:

10/5/2015 11:15:12 AM

All American
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^Seems to be missing the G3:

I really hope they fix the Google Play Services location wakelocks. I think the issue is lessened with 5.1 (G3 is only 5.0.1) but my phone has horrible battery life due to location wakelocks through Google Play Services (but requested by other apps).

I've completely turned off location and it's fixed the problem. My screen on time and wake time are almost in sync now (which is what you want).

Shrike Do you have location turned off except when you're using it? Or do you have it on all the time? I wasted another few hours trying to fix these wake locks and the only thing I can do to fix it is turn off location completely. I may just use something like Tasker to automatically turn it on when I bring up an app that needs it (e.g. Google Maps).

10/5/2015 11:55:14 AM

All American
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Very excited about doze mode:

10/5/2015 9:47:36 PM

play so hard
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That's a good start, but obviously still needs some work

10/5/2015 10:43:02 PM

All American
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Yeah and this concerns me:

Quote :
"As we just discussed, developers like to think that their app is The Most Important App On Earth. Peek was meant to be an in-your-face notification only for your most important notifications. Once developers got ahold of it though, they enabled it for everything. But after developers abused the feature, users complained, and in Marshmallow Google added a control. We're expecting the same thing will happen with Doze mode and "high-priority" GCM messages: developers will realize they can use it to "increase app engagement" (read: spam users) so they'll enable it for everything."

Developers will just prioritize all activity on their apps to bypass this.

10/5/2015 10:45:27 PM

148898 Posts
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meh, i don't want texts and emails to get stopped just because my phone is sitting on the coffee table for a little while. but maybe you can customize it.

10/5/2015 10:46:18 PM

All American
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In the article it mentions that any apps that use GCM will still come through because they are priority. This includes calls, texts, emails, etc. It only freezes everything else on the phone that causes battery drain.

Google claims two times longer standby but these guys say 3x:

Pretty impressive until developers start to abuse it...

10/5/2015 10:54:46 PM

148898 Posts
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Sounds like a step in the right direction. I usually have a charger nearby once I get home for the day (and also have a Droid Maxx with one of the highest battery capacities still). But I'm not gonna bring the skiing / biking convo into this thread

10/5/2015 11:34:10 PM

play so hard
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Quote :
"meh, i don't want texts and emails to get stopped just because my phone is sitting on the coffee table for a little while. but maybe you can customize it."

Sure, but I wish my Android phone lasted half as long as my iPhone...I'll take what I can get.

As long as we can set the priority for each app I'm cool.

10/5/2015 11:48:18 PM

148898 Posts
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I don't think texts and emails are what's using up your battery though (like neodata said maybe they won't be stopped during this new mode either)

I find myself manually changing my Location setting from High Accuracy to Battery Saving depending on when and if I need an app that relies on that. So I guess I realize the limitations and am proactive about it. But any effort to save battery is definitely welcome, don't get me wrong. Even though my phone won't get Marshmallow OTA

10/5/2015 11:54:08 PM

play so hard
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Quote :
"I don't think texts and emails are what's using up your battery though (like neodata said maybe they won't be stopped during this new mode either)"

yeah the problem is background data in general, which most texts are not, and i can only imagine emails won't be turned off unless you decide to do that...but in general, I think suspending most background data while the phone is sitting still is a good measure. I'll let you know how it works when I upgrade to Marshmellow OTA in the next couple days

10/6/2015 9:39:26 AM

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