I wish Nothing here in North Raleigh, even though plenty of other people say they've got snow...The mountains and Greensboro have already gotten a decent amount
11/27/2013 4:56:58 PM
11/27/2013 9:17:52 PM
^^^^ I only drive 85/40 and 64/49 between Charlotte and Raleigh.
11/27/2013 9:21:21 PM
Woke up to lots of snow coming down in Carrboro. Not really sticking, but it should be doing the same in Raleigh by now.
1/16/2014 5:12:23 AM
Rain off Falls/540
1/16/2014 7:11:55 AM
Flurries/drizzle in Wake Forest
1/16/2014 7:12:38 AM
i wake up before 5:00 and didn't see shit
1/16/2014 8:04:40 AM
looking like NCs next opportunity will be a clipper system rolling through ~20th
1/16/2014 8:45:43 AM
For almost an hour this morning my Weather Channel phone app told me it was snowing in my zip code. Let me assure you, it was not.Idiots
1/16/2014 1:08:40 PM
Tomorrow evening/night could get quite interesting.
1/20/2014 11:49:05 AM
1 inch tops more likely a dusting at best although it will get pretty cold so what does fall may stick around and roads may be icy wednesday morning. Go ahead and count on school being cancelled the rest of the week.
1/20/2014 12:10:52 PM
its changed since I posted it. The predicted radar looked more promising when I posted it.
1/20/2014 12:30:39 PM
let it snow let it snow let it snow
1/20/2014 2:05:55 PM
plzExcept that I have to go to work tomorrow, and that would suck.
1/20/2014 10:51:45 PM
1/21/2014 12:00:31 AM
1/21/2014 1:56:39 PM
1/21/2014 2:33:05 PM
1/21/2014 2:37:22 PM
My knee is starting to hurt randomly... its a sign!
1/21/2014 3:05:15 PM
It's 65 and sunny in Denver.
1/21/2014 3:06:28 PM
snow snow snow
1/21/2014 6:30:42 PM
So in Raleigh the precip is halfway over and it is still 40 degrees out. Not sure I'm seeing any snow out of this.
1/21/2014 6:31:24 PM
Currently snowing in North Raleigh near the airport/Brier Creek.
1/21/2014 6:53:25 PM
1/21/2014 6:57:46 PM
1/21/2014 7:00:42 PM
me and hotcurlz24 made a big pot of chilli
1/21/2014 7:08:37 PM
Rain out in Garner. Fuuuuuu
1/21/2014 7:14:15 PM
Snowing like a mother fucker off falls/540
1/21/2014 7:16:39 PM
This will not put a damper on my plans to do nothing tomorrow.
1/21/2014 7:17:28 PM
radar has most of wake being snowed on right now, so its coming.
1/21/2014 7:26:14 PM
snowing like a motherfucker in morrisville
1/21/2014 7:31:20 PM
how much are we gonna get?
1/21/2014 7:37:56 PM
idc as long as it's enough to have tomorrow off from work
1/21/2014 7:44:38 PM
I hope there is that much too. I'd love to spend the day cuddling on the couch.
1/21/2014 7:46:16 PM
Grounds wet and pretty warm, would have to snow for awhile for it to accumulate. Ice and a 27 degree high is probably the best chance of staying home tomorrow
1/21/2014 7:51:25 PM
^ I like where your heads at
1/21/2014 8:02:21 PM
My friend that sleeps on the couch in my basement left my truck out of gas in teh driveway, and by out of gas I dont mean the light is on...I mean it wont start.
1/21/2014 8:29:40 PM
is that it?I am dissapoint
1/21/2014 9:25:06 PM
so what are the odds with it being so cold already that the roads will be shit in the morning?
1/21/2014 9:30:58 PM
Some of my shots from Chapel Hill this evening.https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10152151620259547.1073741857.500029546&type=1&l=58ac4cfaf5
1/21/2014 9:41:22 PM
you know you're in North Carolina when your pictures are of snow in the air and not on the ground
1/21/2014 9:54:23 PM
Wait, is this really it? I was sold on Polar Vortex 2.0 damnit.
1/21/2014 10:09:45 PM
the last Polar Vortex brought no snow, why would you expect this one to?
1/21/2014 10:15:30 PM
If its not going to snow any more the whole thing is laughable. The roads are great, I just got back from driving on them. I could see ice being an issue if it keeps raining though.
1/21/2014 10:16:30 PM
high of 27 tomorrow FREEZE BABY FREEZE
1/21/2014 10:17:56 PM
^6. My grandmother got an iPad for Christmas as well.
1/21/2014 10:19:44 PM
Megabout an hour ago near Lambertville, NJA foot of snow in Lambertville, NJ / New Hope, PA, and -15 degree windchill for 8am tomorrow.Half an inch of snow in Raleigh, and it sounds like the whole 'city' has shut down. I like it there, but that's just silly. Also, I've missed pretty snowfall this year, but after cleaning off a car with just my coat sleeve, I'm not convinced I could ever move back to a place with unpredictable snowfalland THIS my friends is why transplants and yankees who talk about how great it is where they are from SUCK.
1/22/2014 1:24:53 AM
Just drove around, the roads are pretty dry. Seems like a lot of the moisture evaporated already, and there's just a lil bit of ice on cars/trees/grass.
1/22/2014 1:28:29 AM
^^ nothing shut down
1/22/2014 6:07:09 AM
Not even an hour delay. Rude.
1/22/2014 7:59:37 AM