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The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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^I find it really good. You could deem it a "perfect" call (recording)!

Repost for Page 205:

The audio:

Totally wins his case (for the prosecution)! LOL!

6/26/2023 10:19:10 PM

8131 Posts
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In on page 205 yep thats “perfect” tape

6/26/2023 10:21:54 PM

All American
27048 Posts
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Quote :
"trump’s only crime was caring too much for the american middle class. why the hell wont you people leave him alone?"

6/27/2023 12:27:17 AM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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"It's so cool!"

6/27/2023 6:27:14 AM

All American
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Can we add Lordstown to Trump’s list of bankruptcies?,hp1bt

6/27/2023 6:55:37 PM

All American
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It's always funny to see transcripts of Trump's word salads.

6/28/2023 8:59:44 AM

Save TWW
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TIL that Trump signed a law raising smoking age to 21 in 2019, how did I miss that?

7/9/2023 10:53:55 PM

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Echo chambers are relatively hollow

7/10/2023 2:01:33 AM

Save TWW
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7/10/2023 7:28:16 AM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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I missed this too. Sounds like more federal government overreach and repression of humble cigarette-loving Americans.

7/10/2023 9:39:54 AM

Save TWW
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Yea it doesn't affect me in the slightest but it was interesting to hear. Seems like it was just shoved in as part of a budget.

7/10/2023 10:30:56 AM

8131 Posts
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I said hollow when I mean shallow. And us smokers may be more up to date on smoking related news

7/14/2023 4:21:16 AM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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But you should quit, though. Terrible habit!

7/14/2023 6:35:48 AM

All American
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Trump told he’s the target of a 1/6 investigation

So far gov has charged like 500 participants in that case

Trump is claiming he always he genuinely believed he won. Barr has stated trump knew he lost (bad obviously trump knew he lost)

Gonna be interesting regardless. Wonder if they’ll let him off without bail… weird a guy has 2 federal cases pending and gets to walk around free.

7/18/2023 10:50:33 AM

All American
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7/19/2023 1:08:42 AM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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Sometimes it's a shame the justice system is so slow. This is one of those times.

7/19/2023 6:21:22 AM

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new charges including trying to destroy security footage at Mar a Lago

7/27/2023 8:44:39 PM

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Not surprised maintenance worker has a spanish name

7/27/2023 8:57:57 PM

Ohhh Farts
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Incoming 1/6 indictments

8/1/2023 5:32:54 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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Ok so if he gets convicted, what's stopping him from appealing (eventually if necessary) to the supreme court who will inevitably overturn any conviction?

8/2/2023 1:45:40 AM

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That is the whole reason for this exercise

8/2/2023 1:58:48 AM

Pupils DiL8t
All American
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My money's on Co-Conspirator 6, "a political consultant who helped implement a plan to submit fraudulent slates of presidential electors to obstruct the certification proceeding,” being Tom Fitton.

8/2/2023 8:45:01 AM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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I just want sone federal prison time for all these traitors. Not holding my breath, but it sure would be nice. It's a shame the justice system is so easy for the powerful to manipulate.

8/2/2023 9:24:17 AM

All American
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How does this guy end?

I can’t really figure it out. Gop would be stupid to let him be the nominee. I think he’ll lose the general by the biggest margin yet. Goes against all logic and reasoning and conventional wisdom to let a guy who lost the popular vote twice try a 3rd time, let alone everything else with trump.

But with the other candidates being unknowns and low Charisma that’s a recipe for low turnout which hurts down ticket races

So I guess the best case scenario is they run trump and lose, salvage as many down ticket races as they can, while setting up the next post trump leader

Meanwhile trump is mired in court cases, surely gets convicted in at least one, also must have to get jail time?? Will they do home confinement?? Will state legislatures pardon him? Does congress cut a deal to pardon him— assuming the gop retains at least one part of congress?

Any of these outcomes seems kinda fantastical and absurd but I guess that’s the world we live in

8/29/2023 9:06:40 PM

8131 Posts
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Quote :
" I think he’ll lose the general by the biggest margin yet"

You mean popular vote?

8/29/2023 9:20:45 PM

All American
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Quote :
"How does this guy end?"

8/29/2023 9:40:20 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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Secret Service may frown on prison rape.

8/29/2023 11:27:02 PM

All American
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Guess the other option is he just dies of a heart attack or something

8/30/2023 12:29:00 AM

All American
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Quote :
"I just want sone federal prison time for all these traitors. Not holding my breath, but it sure would be nice. It's a shame the justice system is so easy for the powerful to manipulate."

I think Trump going to jail would be pretty bad. there's too many kinks, let alone the whole societal factor
we gotta do like the harvey two face thing, except not glorify trump's past image lmao

8/30/2023 12:54:52 AM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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I would settle for severe acid burns over half his face and body.

8/30/2023 6:53:17 AM

All American
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I'm sending this to Qanon so they come get you!

8/30/2023 2:16:19 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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Hey buddy, it was your idea!

8/30/2023 2:28:20 PM

All American
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Frickin' hell, I'm so stupid.

I just forgot about my comment and literally read yours as "I wish he had acid burn him" lmao

8/30/2023 4:47:02 PM

All American
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He’s legally a rapist. Funny no other gop candidate will bring this up. Have to imagine he’ll get hit pretty hard on this in the general if he’s the nominee. Biden’s accuser shipped herself off to Russia so that has no credibility anymore.

Other big issue is if any of the states kicks trump off the ballot the Supreme Court has to vote. Seems pretty obvious trump isn’t qualified But we can’t be sure what the court will do.

I’m thinking the best case scenario is trump makes it to the election whether he’s in prison or not, And just loses.

[Edited on September 6, 2023 at 11:01 PM. Reason : F]

9/6/2023 11:00:40 PM

All American
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Wasn't it a lesser decision of sexual abuse? Not rape

Not that it really matters (calling him a rapist and him replying, "no it was sexual abuse" makes him look stupid, not the person 'technically' lying.

also if anyone is familiar with the law-- civil vs criminal. I remember reading that civil doesn't determine 'guilt', but liability-- how does that work in the logical 'common law' sense? Like how can someone be liable without being proved guilty of doing that

9/6/2023 11:19:33 PM

Ohhh Farts
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The judge dismissed Trumps counter suit for Carroll calling him a rapist because while the jury did not find that what he did met the strict NY penal law definition of rape, what he did does constitute as rape under the general understanding of the term outside NY penal law.

9/7/2023 9:34:30 AM

All American
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I see. thank you for the clarification

vile anyhow

I can't imagine how it would feel to have to come forward. basically signing up to get hate mail and get trashed on for life.

unrelated but yeah no matter how legally far we have gotten, societally women are super disadvantaged. the most simple example is checking the comment section of anything a woman posts online that gains engagement

9/7/2023 6:28:01 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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Quote :



9/7/2023 6:39:52 PM

All American
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9/8/2023 12:06:52 AM

All American
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I saw this this morning when flipping to a couple websites, but I went back to read about it, and it's nowhere to be found on WRAL, and buried on the CNN website.

Quote :
"“In defendants’ world: rent-regulated apartments are worth the same as unregulated apartments; restricted land is worth the same as unrestricted land; restrictions can evaporate into thin air; a disclaimer by one party casting responsibility on another party exonerates the other party’s lies,” the judge wrote. “That is a fantasy world, not the real world,” Engoron said."

9/27/2023 11:31:23 AM

Save TWW
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Donald DUCK lol!!! How will he recover from that??

9/28/2023 10:34:38 AM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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Got 'em!

9/28/2023 1:58:57 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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More fake news! I'm actually starting to doubt Trump's ability to select the best people to work for him. Everyone he hires ends up being a failure or a loser of some kind who lies about him so that they and their families can be targeted with death threats by his deranged supporters. He just has the worst luck with hiring.

10/2/2023 8:11:54 PM

Pupils DiL8t
All American
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In a recent interview with The National Pulse, Donald Trump stated that undocumented immigrants are "poisoning the blood of our country."

In other news, he reportedly informed a Mar-a-Lago member, Anthony Pratt, of the supposed exact number of nuclear warheads that U.S. submarines routinely carry and exactly how close they supposedly can get to a Russian submarine without being detected.

[Edited on October 5, 2023 at 7:43 PM. Reason : ]

10/5/2023 7:39:00 PM

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Biden building wall with money from your administration

Pwnt so sour, -5

10/5/2023 7:49:10 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Secret Service may frown on prison rape."

That's an interesting point. We've never faced a situation where a former President, enjoying his Secret Service protection, has to be protected for years in the slammer.

I mean, I doubt he'd be in gen-pop in a bad-ass maximum security prison, regardless. If he was, with no secret service, he'd probably be raped pretty much 'round the clock. There would be convicts dropping their requests for parole, waiting for their chance to rape him. Dudes would be getting hooked up with cigarettes for a solid year in exchange for their place in line to rape him.

(I don't care much for Slate most of the time, but here you go:

Quote :
"He’s legally a rapist." do you figure? That was a civil trial, right?

[Edited on October 5, 2023 at 9:37 PM. Reason : ]

10/5/2023 9:37:04 PM

Ohhh Farts
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The judge dismissed Trumps counter suit for Carroll calling him a rapist because while the jury did not find that what he did met the strict NY penal law definition of rape, what he did does constitute as rape under the general understanding of the term outside NY penal law.

So in the eyes of the legal system, it is not slander or defamation to call him a rapist.

10/5/2023 9:56:15 PM

All American
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I understand, but he was not convicted of rape. He was sued in a civil proceeding.

10/5/2023 10:27:59 PM

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OJ isn't a murderer either

10/5/2023 10:43:07 PM

All American
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It’s pretty shitty how normalized we think prison rape is

10/6/2023 12:08:24 AM

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