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The Coz
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11/10/2022 7:34:53 PM

Save TWW
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[Edited on November 11, 2022 at 2:10 AM. Reason : Comedy is illegal again ]

11/11/2022 2:09:22 AM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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Sorry, you are mistaken. Congress made getting free insulin illegal.

11/11/2022 6:51:37 AM

All American
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83% for me

11/15/2022 10:35:02 PM

All American
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had forgotten that when CaelNCSU’s not shitposting, he’s capable of absolute gems like this:

Quote :
"hypercapatalists don’t give a fuck about anything other than making as much money as possible"

Quote :
"CaelNCSU: Lol, mind-reader. How many hyper capitalists do you have dinner with a week?"

Quote :
"Seriously, he's a terrible human being."

Quote :
"CaelNCSU: Ive shaken his hand and met him. He's not all bad, despite what midwit journalists tell you."

[Edited on November 15, 2022 at 10:46 PM. Reason : .]

11/15/2022 10:45:40 PM

All American
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2011, after relentless media propaganda. Elon Musk is literally iron man saving the world from climate change.

2022, after relentless media propaganda. Elon is literally Hitler!

At a Tesla store with his 5 kids running around a model s like they owned the place. I asked him if he worked there. And he said, I mean kind of, let me find someone for you. I said just fucking with you and he walked off.

And yeah I bought into the propaganda hard.

My other 2nd hand story from my wife's old boss. Boss was invited to a party at Elon's LA house when he still had it. Involves a girl in a space suit telling everyone she's poly.

Him being hilarious, sober and religious got in a long conversation prying for more and more information. "What if the second tier girlfriend gets pregnant?"

I was massively drunk I think when I posted the thing about meeting him. I usually follow up the story with the above but think I fell asleep mid post.

[Edited on November 15, 2022 at 11:01 PM. Reason : A]

11/15/2022 10:52:56 PM

All American
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cool, man

11/15/2022 11:10:25 PM

The Coz
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Never tire of hearing about the charmed life of CaelNCSU in irrelevant threads. Just flying planes, driving expensive cars, banging hot broads, hodling hyped Reddit stocks and crypto, hanging out with celebrities, making bank, not getting vaccinated (because with multiple billions of doses administered we don't know whether it's safe), exposing close contacts to undue risk out of selfishness, and getting drunk. Oh, and living in California and Florida. The courage of Ron DeSantis! What an ass. A "Smart Trump" who gives assholes permission to be assholes. Awesome. I think I forgot some excesses.

11/16/2022 12:48:47 AM

All American
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Changing diapers and jobs. I have a Ford truck now to blend in.

11/16/2022 6:07:58 AM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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If it's a Maverick, I'll respect you. If it's an Ford Super Duty Power Stroke Diesel, nah son.

11/16/2022 6:17:07 AM

All American
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-44B credibility

11/19/2022 8:39:01 PM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
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Moderation via Twitter poll

That's the kind of innovation only billionaire geniuses can provide!

11/19/2022 9:00:50 PM

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been there done that.

11/19/2022 9:14:20 PM

All American
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11/19/2022 9:47:20 PM

The Coz
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11/19/2022 10:30:34 PM

Save TWW
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Quote :
"the riotousness of the crowd is always very close to madness"

11/19/2022 11:39:44 PM

All American
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11/20/2022 7:15:25 AM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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^Would you care to summarize? Scanning Page 1 of that Tweet series, I still have no idea what it's about.

11/20/2022 10:04:05 AM

All American
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it’s something that LibsOfTikTok felt the need to RT, right after celebrating the shooting of a gay club last night

11/20/2022 12:26:09 PM

All American
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^^ Twitter rolled out a feature to report child porn and stop child porn related hash tags from trending. Some are no longer searchable.

11/20/2022 12:36:52 PM

All American
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Going to this event?

11/20/2022 12:42:49 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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I'm still lost. Twitter is crazier than CrazyCode.

And regarding that last link, where is the invitation to children? It reads more like children are not forcibly barred from attending if accompanied by approving parents. There's no invitation.

11/20/2022 1:04:04 PM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
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The ad says:

Quote :
"Children 16 and under must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

Performance may contain adult themes. Parental discretion is advised.

Children 16 and under must be accompanied by a parent or guardian."

You may recognize this as being equivalent to an R rated movie:

Quote :
"R – Restricted
Under 17 requires accompanying parent or adult guardian. Contains some adult material. Parents are urged to learn more about the film before taking their young children with them."

I'm not sure how any reasonable person could interpret that as an open invitation to kids.

11/20/2022 1:47:33 PM

The Coz
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Quote :



11/20/2022 2:11:31 PM

Save TWW
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Kanye back too

11/20/2022 10:01:46 PM

Save TWW
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And Elon is either begging Trump to tweet, or to.....fuck twitter??

11/20/2022 10:11:41 PM

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11/20/2022 10:28:27 PM

All American
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11/20/2022 10:50:05 PM

Save TWW
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I had to look up the what tfg meant

11/20/2022 10:51:52 PM

41010 Posts
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and now he's talking about children coming. unto him.

credibility -1

11/20/2022 10:56:10 PM

All American
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I really think Elon has done too much LSD or some other psychedelic drug

11/20/2022 11:00:33 PM

All American
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I think he’s on the spectrum and is so successful that he is beyond worrying about the consequences of any of his actions

11/20/2022 11:02:53 PM

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this thread is deeply ableist.

11/20/2022 11:20:46 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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Quote :

Had to look up TFG, TBH, but GG.

11/21/2022 9:13:12 AM

Save TWW
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11/21/2022 10:21:47 AM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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11/21/2022 10:33:26 AM

All American
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Where did the whole “Elon is on the spectrum” thing come from ?

11/21/2022 9:13:21 PM

All American
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11/21/2022 9:47:10 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Quote :
"I think he’s on the spectrum and is so successful that he is beyond worrying about the consequences of any of his actions"

lol no. all he does is seek validation.

11/24/2022 12:50:00 PM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
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11/24/2022 5:01:16 PM

All American
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Quote :
" Man, this is fucking BLEAK."

Quote :
" lol no. all he does is seek validation."

he’d get a hell of a lot more validation if he didn’t totally embrace some the worst that the far-right has to offer

[Edited on November 25, 2022 at 11:30 AM. Reason : .]

11/25/2022 11:27:07 AM

All American
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this nails it:

Quote :
"i like how elon musk wasn't even particularly socially conservative until recently he was just susceptible to alt-right messaging in the exact same way as a 14 year old gamer"

11/25/2022 1:47:11 PM

All American
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Quote :
"I am neither conventionally right nor left, but I agree with your point.

The woke mind virus has thoroughly penetrated entertainment and is pushing civilization towards suicide.

There needs to be a counter-narrative.

He has bigger aspirations. My money is on making some kind of political run. BUT HE'S AFRICAN. Think he'll back someone or get the laws changed.

He's certainly the only credible opposition to the blue empire. Most 14 year old gamers don't have multibillion dollar defense contracts. Pretending he's gamer doesn't really address the threat he could become.

[Edited on November 25, 2022 at 2:48 PM. Reason : A]

11/25/2022 2:35:51 PM

All American
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he’s definitively far-right

he’s been liking/responding to far-right accounts

Quote :
"The woke mind virus has thoroughly penetrated entertainment and is pushing civilization towards suicide."

this is as textbook as it gets.

equality. he’s against equality.

11/25/2022 2:57:03 PM

All American
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Woke to me is something like this: Woke starts where you create an imagined grievance, like appropriating food. Food is something that typically can break down cultural walls and lead to shared understanding. Trying to get all cultures to stay in their lane leads to less diversity, sharing, and understanding.

A lot of what seems to rile people on both sides is out of context or deliberately posted to get engagement. I wouldn't be surprised if the above is totally fake. You can be against the above and think the progressive wing of the left has jumped the shark and still be pro equality.

What would be the definition of far right now? It used to be skinheads ala American History X.

11/25/2022 3:39:10 PM

All American
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I mean, Trump had dinner with a white nationalist last night

that seems like a much bigger deal than any stupid fucking link you can post to try and support your flimsy argument

[Edited on November 25, 2022 at 3:57 PM. Reason : .]

11/25/2022 3:55:34 PM

All American
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This thread is about Musk not Trump--there can be political conversations that don't involve "orange man bad". Did Elon have dinner with a white nationalist? If so that's a big deal. If he retweeted a supposed account who the fuck cares, you can agree with someone on one point without having to subscribe to every other viewpoint they may have.

11/25/2022 4:14:05 PM

All American
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Quote :
"I am neither conventionally right nor left, but I agree with your point.

The woke mind virus has thoroughly penetrated entertainment and is pushing civilization towards suicide.

There needs to be a counter-narrative."

this is complete nonsense

on top of that, he’s giving a blanket amnesty to banned accounts, many of which have been banned over hate-speech

there is no left equivalent to that

Quote :
"He's certainly the only credible opposition to the blue empire. Most 14 year old gamers don't have multibillion dollar defense contracts. Pretending he's gamer doesn't really address the threat he could become."

this is a deliberate mis-reading of the tweet that was posted, and you know that

[Edited on November 25, 2022 at 4:26 PM. Reason : .]

11/25/2022 4:23:45 PM

All American
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Quote :
"this is a deliberate mis-reading of the tweet that was posted, and you know that

Quote :
""i like how elon musk wasn't even particularly socially conservative until recently he was just susceptible to alt-right messaging in the exact same way as a 14 year old gamer""

There are a couple of different reads of what the tweet is implying:

- Elon could be influenced by alt-right propaganda.

- Alternatively he may sincerely hold whatever alt-right views from the accounts he's retweeted.

- He may be using the alt-right propaganda since it's popular in some spheres of Twitter to gain future political power and not actually hold alt-right views himself.

I think you're pretty ignorant if you think he's blindly following some trend and shit posting and I think it's to your peril. Elon isn't Trump and if he is some alt-right demagogue he will be much more successful than Trump. As mentioned above he has billions of dollars of military contracts and has at least a good a grasp on propaganda as Trump did. I'm sure if the generals of the armed services were polled 0 would side with Trump in an insurrection and at least 1 or more would with Elon.

Quote :
"on top of that, he’s giving a blanket amnesty to banned accounts, many of which have been banned over hate-speech

there is no left equivalent to that"

Hate speech is still explicitly disallowed. And would expect any such accounts to be immediately banned. See:

[Edited on November 25, 2022 at 4:49 PM. Reason : a]

11/25/2022 4:46:58 PM

All American
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that chart means absolutely nothing

you posted it in earnest, like an absolute sucker

11/25/2022 4:56:40 PM

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