I'm only about halfway through the latest ep so I'll hold my major complaining til after, but just wanted to remark that two seasons ago Beth could barely even mount a horse
12/12/2022 1:34:50 PM
I'll let them off the hook this week since they let Ryan basically play an entire song and that's really the reason I showed up in the first place
12/12/2022 2:05:39 PM
1. Are we out of storylines that now we're resorting to sending half the ranch to New Mexico for a year to cleanse the herd? 2. Also, does Beth Dutton forget she works for her dad so she can't just leave for a year to be with Rip?3. What's the point of all of the Rip flashbacks if you're just sending him down to New Mexico?4. 2 cowboy montages this week!
12/27/2022 2:09:05 PM
^This is what I think happensBeth figures a away to stop the moving the herd, by basically selling a majority to meat processors. That way they only send a few down to New Mexico, with Rip staying. John asks for Jimmy to help/manage the smaller number of farm hands in New Mexico too help set up the 6666's spinoff series, and they will be back prior to start of next season.There is a good chance Jamie and/or Sarah does not survive this season and Rip will be the one to carry out taking him/her to the train station.
12/28/2022 3:11:55 PM
sounds like you're on the right track.
12/28/2022 3:27:48 PM
So if this was episode 8 and they are calling this the mid-season finale, that too me says like a month off, but its not returning until summer. So they should have called this a season finale. Either way one of the Duttons is not surviving this summer be it Beth or Jaime. My guess is Jaime and his professionals kill Carter and that girl he was hooking up with.Anyone watching 1923?
1/3/2023 8:40:03 AM
What a shit "mid-season finale" that was.
1/3/2023 8:54:35 AM
One hell of a mid-season finale! I agree though, "pausing" the season for almost half a year is bullshit.I'm worried that something is going to happen to Jimmy. Only way to explain why they're showing him living such a perfect life right now. And the downfall of Jamie is going to be brutal.
1/4/2023 8:03:10 AM
^read above. Jimmy is getting his own spinoff.
1/4/2023 8:06:47 AM
9/13/2023 10:05:41 PM
^ That article explains so much! No wonder we get so many horse dressage montages! They gave Taylor Sheridan $200M and pretty much let him do what he wanted with the show.
9/19/2023 12:56:54 PM
It seems that the original Yellowstone is in the shitter. There likely won't be a continuation to season 5, or a season 6 with original cast members.The newest thing will likely be a spinoff with Matthew McConaughey as John Dutton.I didn't expect much from the episodes on CBS, but they are just repeats with deleted scenes (or poorly added) thrown in, it seems.
10/23/2023 11:34:12 AM