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All American
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White House removes from video posted to WH website the words "Islamist terrorism" uttered by François Hollande in his talk with Obama!!!

4/2/2016 11:56:45 PM

5608 Posts
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Come on guys, "Islamaphobia" is a much bigger problem than terrorism!!! It's okay if you hide the truth! Forget about 9/11 and Isis, remember that time the kid got questioned about a bomb hoax when he caused a bomb hoax? It was just because evil racist Texans wanted to harass a poor victimized Muslim boy! We should be able to doctor videos, police reports, and media headlines to support our narrative, because 1 mosque was burned down in the past 20 years!!! When will we confront this Islamaphobia epidemic????

#IstandWithAhmed #IstandWiththeNarrative #AdmitYouAreRacistIslamaphobes

4/3/2016 11:06:52 PM

play so hard
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Quote :
"I don’t use strawmen arguments. - JCE2011"

[Edited on April 3, 2016 at 11:28 PM. Reason : FFS at least Google it or something idiot ]

4/3/2016 11:28:06 PM

All American
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Ha. That's good.

4/3/2016 11:34:17 PM

5608 Posts
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How is that a strawman if it is a parody of all the positions the SJWs have actually taken on TWW?

Synapse I am still waiting for a response from you that is more than 2 sentences long.

4/4/2016 2:51:15 PM

All American
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It's a strawman because you present false arguments. Your "parodies" are extreme hypbolies, and usually don't actually represent anybody's positions. Your "parody" above is filled with strawmen. Nobody has made most of those arguments. You sound like an idiot, especially when you think you're actually being clever and don't recognize that you're presenting strawmen.

4/4/2016 3:58:19 PM

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Quote :
" and usually don't actually represent anybody's positions. "

The sad thing is you have to use the qualifiers usually and actually. If you disagree with that sarcastic post please let me know which segment you don't agree with... I think it is fairly representative of the SJW liberal's argument thus far.

4/5/2016 12:56:25 AM

All American
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Are you serious or are you trolling?

I use words like "usually" and "actually" because most issues aren't black and white, although it seems that's the only way you seem to be able to comprehend things. But I pretty much disagree with all of it, and it's kinda comical that in your black-or-white brain you think your silly hyperboles and strawmen are "fairly representative" of "SJW liberal's" "false-narratives". I mean, you think that the "SJW"s on this board, and as a whole, think that it's ok to doctor videos, or that 9/11 wasn't a big deal? Or that terrorism and ISIS isn't a threat? It's not even worth addressing all the stupid statements you put in that post.

4/5/2016 10:04:15 AM

5608 Posts
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I'm sure the average SJW, in a vacuum, would agree "Lying is wrong". However, outrage culture gets the cue on what to be outraged by, from the liberal media. So to the typical SJW, the "Islamaphobia" narrative is a much larger problem, than say, Islamic Terrorism, or a deliberate cover up by the liberals.

In this case of Germany/Sweden, I'd imagine it is hard for a typical SJW to process. Imagine Moron's shock to learn about these 2 examples of a deliberate cover up by the left. All that time perusing the HuffingtonPost and yet there was no mention of it. I think that is the dilemma for the SJW, sure they know a police report being doctored, media headlines intentionally lying, sure that is bad... but it's all in an effort to stop "Islamaphobia" and "Xenophobia"... and those 2 fabricated narratives are what I was told to be outraged by. So I'm going to turn a blind eye to that and just accuse anyone mentioning it a xenophobe.

#IStandWithVictims... unless they are victims of rape committed by a "victim" class ranked higher on the liberal victim list.

4/5/2016 2:25:07 PM

play so hard
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Unlike HUR, who appears to be here for the [sad] laffs, I think you actually need help.

4/5/2016 3:04:21 PM

All American
23108 Posts
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WTF is an SJW?

My dog is sick so pardon me if I'm being obtuse. My mind is on other things.

4/5/2016 3:14:26 PM

All American
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It's a new buzz word like "liberals" or "tree-huggers" or "hippies" or "pinkos". Some people use it to collectively describe anybody and everybody who isn't a social conservative. It stands for "Social Justice Warrior".

4/5/2016 4:21:29 PM

All American
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So can we call conservatives FRW? Fiscal responsibility warriors?

4/5/2016 8:41:29 PM

5608 Posts
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Social Justice Warriors are an interesting breed, I've been studying them in their natural habitat on TWW for quite sometime. First, to distinguish, there is a difference between "Liberal" and "SJW". Allow me to share some insights I have learned:

There are several distinct characteristics to a SJW, the first one is a propensity to call anyone that disagrees a racist/bigot/sexist/homophobe/xenophobe/islamaphobe. This is the most important defense mechanism of their echo-chamber, they use it to protect their "safe space" from common sense and reality. If someone has a thought against a narrative, we don't debate them, we simply silence them. You will see many of the SJWs here do this, rather than address each post as an idea or thought, they simply attempt to attack the character of who said it.

The 2nd trait of each SJW is an unmerited sense of smugness, or condescending arrogance, of unwarranted morale superiority. After all, in their made up world they are defending "victims" from evil "racist/sexist/bigot/homophobes" so they deserve to pat themselves on the back.

4/7/2016 12:02:52 AM

The E Man
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Quote :
"rather than address each post as an idea or thought"

Thats exactly whats happening though.

"People from (country) ___________" is a xenophobic statement.
"(Race) people are ____________" is a racist statement
"Women __________" is a sexist statement
"(Religion) has a problem with terrorism" is a bigoted statement

If you stick to the problems you are trying to address without painting entire groups of people with a broad brush then you will be fine. It has nothing to do with your stance on certain issues. If you want to be tough on immigration, security, terror, fine. Just don't discriminate against a certain race, nationality, or religion.

4/7/2016 1:08:44 AM

Jimmies: Unrustled
8198 Posts
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Quote :
""People from (country) ___________" is a xenophobic statement.
"(Race) people are ____________" is a racist statement
"Women __________" is a sexist statement
"(Religion) has a problem with terrorism" is a bigoted statement"

This is an interesting, candid look the delusional worldview of a regressive leftist. In their world, all of these statements are oppressive, bigoted statements:

-People from Switzerland are, on average, wealthier than Australians
-East Asians have higher rates of myopia when compared to Caucasians and Africans
-Women give birth to children and menstruate

You might be thinking, "but those are statements of fact". Facts, logical arguments, and rationality have no place in the world of regressive leftism. That's not to say liberals are universally opposed to rational arguments, but the SJW-brand of leftist is ruled completely by emotion; facts don't even enter into the discussion.

[Edited on April 8, 2016 at 4:17 PM. Reason : ]

4/8/2016 4:17:11 PM

play so hard
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Thanks guy who talks exactly like Rush Limbaugh.

4/9/2016 12:16:43 AM

5608 Posts
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^^ Exactly.

Quote :
"If you stick to the problems you are trying to address without painting entire groups of people with a broad brush then you will be fine."

Acknowledging that Syrian migrants are committing sexual assault acts at a much higher rate is not saying "All Muslims are rapists". That is typical deflection from SJWs who view any mention of race and immediately revert to the phobia/isms victim crying.

Speaking of "painting entire groups of people with a broad brush", what do you think liberal narratives like "white privilege" are? Seems like a pretty broad brush... in the same way liberals paint every minority as a victim.

4/9/2016 12:35:00 PM

The E Man
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The type of statements you guys are saying now are fine if they are true but they won't get you anywhere in your arguments without using them as support for xenophobia racism or bigotry.

Its what comes NEXT that is usually xenophobic or bigoted. How would you use a statement like that? You would use it in support of something xenophobic or warp it into something bad.
Quote :
"Acknowledging that Syrian migrants are committing sexual assault acts at a much higher rate is not saying

First of all this is not true because it can never be known since most sexual assaults are never reported. Replace the word "committing" with "being reported of" or "charged" or "convicted" and you probably have a fact.

And even if we assumed your original statement was true, you would only use it to make some type of argument for a discriminatory policy like "ALL syrian migrants should be kept out of the country" and thats where it becomes xenophobic.

If you took that fact and used it to argue something reasonable like "therefore, all immigrants should be required to take sexual abuse training upon entering the country" I don't think anyone would be angry about that.

[Edited on April 10, 2016 at 11:42 AM. Reason : Do you see the difference?]

4/10/2016 11:39:30 AM

Jimmies: Unrustled
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Quote :
"If you took that fact and used it to argue something reasonable like "therefore, all immigrants should be required to take sexual abuse training upon entering the country" I don't think anyone would be angry about that. "

The fact that you think rapists simply need sensitivity training is just...astonishingly naive. I mean, holy fuck.

There are places in the world and cultures where the concept of a "safe space" doesn't exist.

4/10/2016 3:27:30 PM

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Quote :
"First of all this is not true because it can never be known since most sexual assaults are never reported. "

Only a liberal would reference an 'absence of evidence', as evidence. Lmao.

Sure statistics don't support my "Rape culture" narrative, but that's because everyone gets raped and doesn't report it! Unless the people committing rape are Syrian migrants, then the rapes only get reported because you are Xenophobic!

I'll acknowledge an abundance of covered-up, Syrian migrant rape statistics, and say they are proof of Xenophobia, then reference an absence of rape statistics, and claim its "rape culture" because cis-gendered white privileged males go to college to rape girls, even when statistically they don't.


4/11/2016 1:09:11 AM

The E Man
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Quote :
"The fact that you think rapists simply need sensitivity training is just...astonishingly naive. I mean, holy fuck.

There are places in the world and cultures where the concept of a "safe space" doesn't exist."

What do you suggest? You don't think teaching people what consent means will help with rape?

4/11/2016 6:13:28 PM

Jimmies: Unrustled
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Quote :
What do you suggest? You don't think teaching people what consent means will help with rape?" Your definition of rape is when a man doesn't ask for affirmative consent after every thrust, and men can't be raped at all.

I'm talking about actual rape, like what happened in Cologne. Brutal gang rapes perpetrated by psychopaths who have no semblance of what you or I might consider a moral compass. There is a culture where non-Muslim women are viewed as chattel, and chattel can't be raped because they have no rights to begin with. Muslim women aren't in a much better position, either.

4/11/2016 7:34:16 PM

All American
34577 Posts
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This thread:

It's fascinating how seemingly intelligent people contort themselves to rationalize bigotry. I can only imagine when they're old people they look back on their lives ashamed at themselves.

4/11/2016 8:30:12 PM

Jimmies: Unrustled
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I think it's pretty weird when liberals make excuses for the behavior of far right fundamentalists, but hey, maybe there's something to horseshoe theory after all.

JCE2011 made an excellent point, which is that some liberals will stretch the meaning of "rape" to its absolute limits in order to paint certain demographics as evil, but they simply will not acknowledge that any rape or sexual violence have been committed by migrants. We're told over and over that rape is a huge problem, that it's under reported, that accusers should be believed and listened to - and those very people, in this very thread, are now saying that the rapes and sexual assaults in Cologne didn't happen, that it's all manufactured, that the victims are lying.

Maybe in the past, folks could be shouted down with accusations of racism and bigotry. I think that's coming to an end as the adults in the room (on the left and the right) are choosing to see the world as it actually is. It just puts some liberals in a weird position of having to defend beliefs and behaviors that are way worse than any active far right movements in the West.

[Edited on April 11, 2016 at 9:28 PM. Reason : ]

4/11/2016 9:28:19 PM

All American
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Migrants aren't rapists though. Rapists are rapists. Youre trying to define a large group of people by the worst among them... why not do this with every group? Using your same logic, it's equally valid to say "americans are rapists" because some Americans rape. We've even had laws in our lifetimes legalizing spousal rape.

You're being pretty dishonest with yourself if you couch your hatred for muslims/immigrants/whatever on the idea that "they're rapists," but the reality is that youre just being hateful and are trying to cling to some rationalization for this. It's the same mental mechanism populations have used throughout human history to justify atrocities (against native americans, chinese, blacks, irish, japanese, jews). It's the same rational ISIS uses to fuel their hatred of the west.

That type of prejudice and stereotyping doesn't lead to any sustainable policy ideas either, only Trump-like ignorance and bigotry. You won't ever solve any problem by demonizing an entire population as "the other".

Even in the US, we have to deal with subpopulations of protestant christians who think religious law should trump democratic law, or southern baptists who don't think women are fit for priesthood (until recently), or republican politicians who slobber speeches about "legitimate rape", or conservatives in multiple states passing constitutional amendments to marginalize gays, there's lots of sub-groups that hold backwards, degenerate ideals from a modern perspective."Western culture" is a distinct concept, but it's not a pure entity-- we're constantly fighting battles internally to get everyone on the same page, usually in a progressive direction. Migrants add a new subculture that needs to be assimilated like any other subculture, this is the nature of society and civilization. It's disingenuous to singling out these cultural differences as reasons to marginalize them, without using the same rationale against other subcultures.

4/11/2016 9:53:41 PM

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Quote :
"Migrants aren't rapists though. Rapists are rapists. Youre trying to define a large group of people by the worst among them... "

moron, I think you are having a hard time actually reading and understanding what is posted. You keep referencing a "hatred for muslims" and have attacked a strawman argument that claims "all migrants are rapists". No such argument has been made, and nobody ITT "hates muslims"... I know you SJW types like to go on long rants about "islamaphobia" but it may help if you actually read what is posted rather than attack a strawman.

The point I have been making is the discrepancy in which liberals have treated "rape culture" for political reasons. Exaggerating rape without statics at American campuses, and covering up actual rape by migrants in Germany and Sweden. I think pointing out such contradictions is a fair point. I think you could either acknowledge this or explain why you disagree, but please just stop with these weak-ass accusations of "hating muslims", it's just weak shit man. We get it, HuffingtonPost told you "Islamaphobia" is an epidemic... but in what I perceive to be a discussion amongst college-educated adults, you need to be able to argue your point without falling back on the "racist/bigot/homophobe" card everytime you don't feel like using your brain.

4/12/2016 2:30:29 AM

The E Man
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Everyone acknowledges that migrants have raped people and that it is horrible. The only difference I see is that we see rape and you see "migrant rape" Tell us what you think should be done because I haven't heard any solutions other than cutting off the flow of refugees all together.

4/12/2016 8:05:19 AM

All American
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^^ the things you post are complete idiocy, you lack the ability the extrapolate or perceive nuance. You don't have a base level of intelligence to understand most issues, it is in fact people like you that representative democracy was invented for; you are a good stand in foot the tyranny of the masses.

4/12/2016 11:33:54 AM

5608 Posts
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It's funny to watch SJWs squirm after you call out their tactics.

I guess after I call out the "You must hate all muslims" strawman, your next comeback is "You're an idiot"? You can make as many condescending personal attacks as you want, it doesn't negate the hilarious hypocrisy of the liberal narratives "rape culture" and "Islamaphobia" conflicting. (In this case, one being discarded and even covered up for political reasons).

But hey, why address the points in someone's argument? I'm just an idiot that hates muslims, right?

4/12/2016 11:16:46 PM

The E Man
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Again, everyone thinks covering up any crime is awful. We also think rape is awful. You are making strawmen about those two things.

4/12/2016 11:33:40 PM

All American
9974 Posts
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The only solution would be holy war but most of the people on your side you're also in a race war with.

It's tuff.

4/13/2016 3:52:18 PM

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Quote :
"Again, everyone thinks covering up any crime is awful. We also think rape is awful. You are making strawmen about those two things."

No, the point was liberalism had to choose between "Xenophobia" and "RapeCulture" in this case. Individually you can know both are bad, I'm just pointing out the inherent hypocrisy that resulted when 2 narratives collided, and how the side whining about the "War on women" covered up rape for political reasons.

4/16/2016 2:36:53 PM

All American
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Isis is a conservative organization, they would agree with you on your view of women and Killing Muslims.

4/16/2016 10:02:37 PM

5608 Posts
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I think it's Islamaphobic for you to make such an insensitive comment. I wish you would just admit you hate muslims. #MoronLogic

4/18/2016 1:38:47 AM

50085 Posts
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Keep fucking that chicken

4/18/2016 9:07:29 AM

41010 Posts
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this is an interesting one

Quote :
"German authorities are investigating a Saudi man with a history of anti-Islam rhetoric as the suspected driver in a car-ramming attack at a Christmas market in the city of Magdeburg which killed five people, officials said on Saturday.

The Friday evening attack on crowds of market visitors gathered to celebrate the pre-Christmas season comes amid a fierce debate over security and migration during an election campaign in Germany, where the far right is polling strongly.

"What a terrible act it is to injure and kill so many people there with such brutality," Chancellor Olaf Scholz said in the central city, part of the former East Germany, where he laid a white rose at a church in honour of the victims.

"We have now learned that over 200 people have been injured," he added. "Almost 40 are so seriously injured that we must be very worried about them."

A 50-year-old Saudi doctor who has lived in Germany for almost two decades was arrested at the scene. Police searched his home overnight.

The motive remained unclear and police have not yet named the suspect. He has been named in German media as Taleb A.

A spokesperson for a specialist rehabilitation clinic for criminals with addictions in Bernburg confirmed that the suspect had worked as a psychiatrist for them, but had not been at work since October due to sickness and holiday leave.

Posts on his X account, verified by Reuters, indicated support for anti-Islam and far-right parties, including the Alternative for Germany (AfD), as well as criticism of Germany for its handling of Saudi refugees.

German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser said the suspect's Islamophobia was clear to see, but she declined to comment on motive.

Taleb A. appeared in a number of media interviews in 2019, including with German newspaper FAZ and the BBC, in which he spoke of his work as an activist helping Saudi Arabians and ex-Muslims flee to Europe.

"There is no good Islam," he told FAZ at the time.

A Saudi source told Reuters that Saudi Arabia had warned German authorities about the attacker after he posted extremist views on his personal X account that threatened peace and security.
These warnings were given multiple times since he left Saudi Arabia in 2006, the source said, without going into further detail."

[Edited on December 21, 2024 at 9:57 AM. Reason : re: the afd discourse in the elon thread]

12/21/2024 9:56:48 AM

41010 Posts
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Quote :
"Munich, Germany

A car plowed into demonstrators in Munich on Thursday injuring at least 28 people, in what a local official said was a suspected attack, shortly before world leaders were due in the southern German city for a high-level security conference.

The suspect is believed to be a 24-year-old asylum-seeker from Afghanistan, Munich police director, Christian Huber, told reporters. Bavarian governor Markus Söder said the incident “is suspected to be an attack.”"

2/13/2025 11:58:28 AM

All American
3116 Posts
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2/13/2025 6:28:14 PM

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