I wonder if the online forums where he discussed his plan are going to have any fingers pointed at them for 1) not making any known effort to alert authorities, 2) not attempting to shout him down from his idiotic plan, and 3) seemingly egging him on?Maybe not. If 4chan is the really the forum he brought this up in, it is already known for being a cesspool of neckbearded troglodytes.
10/2/2015 9:27:26 AM
^From what I understand there are so many of those threats daily that aren't serious it's like a cry wolf situation. There probably aren't resources to hunt down everyone who makes such a threat.
10/2/2015 9:42:18 AM
I can understand that. What im trying to get at is this, though..... this isnt the first time that someone has posted on 4chan about a mass murder, and then gone on to carry it out. At some point, it would seem, people would start to think "hey, there is something dreadfully wrong here where this site's culture of anonymity and social malevolence seems to attract and give a platform to home grown terrorists. If we are looking for a way to strip them of their support system and audience, we can start there...."
10/2/2015 10:17:06 AM
Probably impossible but with the NSA spying why not, why don't they just knock down every single door and send a swat team in for whenever they can trace one of these postings? I know there are ways to mask where you are posting from but the NSA has to have that down by now.
10/2/2015 10:20:08 AM
10/2/2015 10:26:47 AM
^^ && ^^^Sheer numbers vs resources. How many NSA agents are available to knock down doors? Do we really want to live in more of a police state to stop the few killings that happen each year? I think it's a culture problem for sure, and there is something to be said about the wallowing vs hardening the fuck up to find something to work towards.
10/2/2015 10:34:34 AM
I dont know man, there seems to be a much simpler remedy. Which would be the FBI telling the site admins "if you cant keep tabs on your userbase and keep them from discussing/plotting to murder people, then we are going to start keeping tabs on you. Period." That seems like a great way to cut down on false positives and glory seeking.Then, if the admins still insist on retaining the culture of anonymity, they would still have a pretty good reason to stiffle that particular aspect of social malevolence.If they can pwnt Kim Dotcom for providing a platform for file sharing, Im sure they could stop a few neckbeards from egging each other on to shoot up a theatre or classroom.The culture, again, is probably the big problem on that site though. Loose, if any, moderation...right? In my opinion, a critical function of an admin or moderator on a message board is to influence/guide discussion, while making sure the userbase is enjoying themselves in a safe discussion. This is becoming a bit of a red herring though, and leading us away from other conversations that should be taking place. I will retire this argument for that sake.[Edited on October 2, 2015 at 11:10 AM. Reason : fuck the mods ]
10/2/2015 10:58:48 AM
^Kim dotcom was a threat to the suits bottom line. You're just illuminating who and what the NSA really protects. There are few Kim dotcoms and many trolls with an inferiority complex.
10/2/2015 11:04:09 AM
10/2/2015 11:12:18 AM
10/2/2015 11:28:34 AM
10/2/2015 11:35:15 AM
10/2/2015 11:41:57 AM
Can we just assume that anyone still using myspace is a psychopath?
10/2/2015 11:56:00 AM
^ lol
10/2/2015 11:57:42 AM
lol y'all bitches in here thinking the NSA would monitor 4chanjesus christ no wonder snowden fooled so many fucking people
10/2/2015 12:12:40 PM
there is almost no way that 4chan isn't already monitored, but it's impossible for anyone to know what items are serious and act on them in real time. collecting information hasn't been the issue for awhile, it wasn't an issue even before 9/11it's scary that anyone is suggesting that more government monitoring, the erosion of even more civil rights, is something that we should be considering as a solution to this issue[Edited on October 2, 2015 at 12:17 PM. Reason : .]
10/2/2015 12:15:50 PM
10/2/2015 12:20:00 PM
Hate speech and discussion of plans to murder people is a civil right?
10/2/2015 12:28:26 PM
unless it constitutes a true threat, yes actually, and almost 100% of threats on the internet do not meet factors that courts use to decide if something is a true threat. the 4chan post for this is ambiguous, so many courts would not even consider it a true threatbut to monitor and act on even true threats means eroding the rights of others who never make true threats, so encouraging this is shortsighted and created the kind of BS security theater nonsense like what we see in response to terrorism. [Edited on October 2, 2015 at 12:34 PM. Reason : .]
10/2/2015 12:33:40 PM
here's a study by the NIH that shows suicide clusters are driven by socioeconomic factorshttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2653005/here's a study that shows suicide clusters are driven by cultural isolation http://ww1.cpa-apc.org/French_Site/publications/Archives/CJP/1998/Oct/wilkie.htmhere's one that says clustering is predetermined because people who are vulnerable to suicide may self-select clusters before any overt suicidal stimulus occurshttp://cdp.sagepub.com/content/8/3/89we can do this shit all day. it's not a proven science.
10/2/2015 12:34:34 PM
So apparently the shooter asked if people were christian, and killed them if they said yes.Can you imagine how the liberal media would go absolutely apeshit if "christian" was replaced with "muslim"?
10/2/2015 12:34:58 PM
media is the contagion for suicide clustershttp://psycnet.apa.org/psycinfo/1990-98190-018http://abs.sagepub.com/content/46/9/1269.shorthttp://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1943-278X.1989.tb00363.x/abstract?deniedAccessCustomisedMessage=&userIsAuthenticated=falsehttp://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1749-6632.2001.tb05807.x/abstract?deniedAccessCustomisedMessage=&userIsAuthenticated=falseetc...the CDC after studying the problem recommended tempered media coverage, which is effective at stopping or limiting suicide clusters:https://www.ncjrs.gov/App/Publications/abstract.aspx?ID=122038http://informahealthcare.com/doi/abs/10.3109/00048679309075828etc...school shootings are the same phenomenon as suicide clustersSchool Shooting as a Culturally Enforced Way of Expressing Suicidal Hostile Intentionshttp://jaapl.org/content/36/4/544.short
10/2/2015 12:35:30 PM
here are guidelines for reporting on suicide, similar guidelines are needed for school shootingshttp://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/topics/suicide-prevention/PDF-recommendations-for-rporting-on-suicide_136457.pdfhttp://www.sprc.org/sites/sprc.org/files/library/sreporting.pdf__________________________________none of this suggests "IGNORING IT" or that "IGNORING IT WILL MAKE IT GO AWAY", it provides suggestions for responsible reporting since studies have shown that the media can be a contagion and that responsible reporting is effective at stopping that contagion.
10/2/2015 12:35:58 PM
sweet repost bromaybe next you can paste a wall of ill-formatted numbers in an attempt to impress us all with your google searching skills in depth knowledge
10/2/2015 12:38:31 PM
10/2/2015 12:40:01 PM
Yes, they stated the facts that occurred. Since christians died, it's a gun control debate on every liberal news page. If it was 10 dead muslims it would be islamaphobia victim narrative x 10000.
10/2/2015 12:47:41 PM
10/2/2015 1:01:05 PM
http://www.rawstory.com/2015/10/armed-vet-destroys-gun-nuts-argument-on-mass-shooters-by-explaining-why-he-didnt-attack-oregon-killer/The headline here it's dumb, but apparently Oregon law does allow concealed carry on campus, and this guy claims he was carrying that day.
10/2/2015 1:47:09 PM
Yea I was gonna say with a headline like that... no bias to see here.That guy made the right call. Unfortunately there was only 1 of him and he was far away from the building it happened in.
10/2/2015 1:50:23 PM
What's even more hilarious is that this guy disproves all of the hysteria that the left tries to propagate about what would happen if people WERE carrying. They argue that it would be a blood bath, with people shooting at everyone! And yet, a sane, properly trained individual, made the right call. Shit, it's almost like people who know how to responsibly use guns AREN'T actually a problem.
10/2/2015 1:55:34 PM
Technically isn't that guy a "gun nut"? If anything doesn't that video help the argument for responsible concealed carry? Not that I expect much thought from ThinkProgress.
10/2/2015 2:00:35 PM
not every concealed carry person is a gun nut
10/2/2015 2:03:49 PM
10/2/2015 2:04:03 PM
True, I suppose way more Christians are killed by Islam than vice versa. I'm just making a point about how the media only cares about certain factors when it is convenient to construct a false narrative that helps further an agenda.
10/2/2015 2:11:07 PM
No, they care about making money. There's a demand, so they supply.
10/2/2015 2:12:32 PM
^^ what's the false narrative and how does the media stand to profit by talking about gun control?
10/2/2015 2:18:19 PM
10/2/2015 2:53:36 PM
is the christian thing just based on one twitter account? or did other witnesses say that too?
10/2/2015 3:00:29 PM
10/2/2015 3:04:09 PM
I hate the current trend of article headlines saying "_____ DESTROYS _____'s argument"
10/2/2015 3:37:42 PM
^ Yup. It usually ends up being more like "herpaderp brings up another strawman and herps while people around him derp"
10/2/2015 3:41:30 PM
Some people never learn
10/2/2015 9:53:19 PM
if the teachers/professors were armed they could have solved this problem with many fewer christian lives lost.
10/2/2015 10:50:42 PM
ban christianity
10/2/2015 11:13:11 PM
^omg victim blamer
10/2/2015 11:27:28 PM
Boot camp dropout
10/3/2015 12:18:57 AM
We don't need gun control, we need mandatory psychiatric evaluations
10/3/2015 9:26:57 AM
What are these obama gun laws?
10/3/2015 9:29:10 AM
10/3/2015 2:22:34 PM
But we have a real problem with gun violence, so why is it such a big deal if a shooting like this is the catalyst for change for real problems?
10/3/2015 2:25:02 PM