^If you want to play games on a tablet, there is absolutely no question. Buy an iPad mini.I don't play games much at all, even less on a tablet. For web browsing, music, email, calendar, travel and entertainment (aka TV/Movies), the Dell is hands down the better device. The lower resolution rarely has a tangible impact for me.I still like the Nexus a lot better for reading ebooks though. But the Android apps that are tablet optimized are extremely few and far between. 90%+ of the apps on my Nexus 7 are just stretched phone apps, and they look like ass and aren't very usable.
4/15/2014 8:44:45 PM
ust got a venue 8 pro 64gb for 175. i don't think there is anything comparable in this price range for what i got. also the new chrome tile app basically turns it into a chrmebook.that being said they need to make the integrated apps i.e. mail work without a microsoft account. there is no reason to cripple the tablet like that. yes yes i know it can be fixed via group policy, but not on the version that comes with the home model venue 8pro. so I'm either fucked not being able to use the account or i have to like my ms account with my google account. the same can be said of the skydeive i mean onedrive.... let me choose what i want to log into microsoft.
4/16/2014 2:24:07 AM
^ Did you get it refurbished. That's a pretty good deal
4/16/2014 8:36:02 AM
Has anyone used the LG G Pad 8.3? It seems to have a lot of the features I want at a reasonable price range. Screen is a little bit smaller but has HD. Only downside is the batter capacity is 4.6K maH, which is less then the other big players.
4/16/2014 8:59:29 AM
4/16/2014 9:04:45 AM
I'd like a tablet that you could purchase a docking station with Keyboard.How does everyone feel about RAM. For non-gaming purposes is 1 GB enough or should i definitely get 2 GB?
4/16/2014 10:58:01 AM
4/16/2014 11:15:56 AM
Think I may be going with the Nexus 10. I can get it refurbished from amazon for $305. http://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/B00ACVI202/ref=dp_olp_refurbished?ie=UTF8&condition=refurbishedHas good resolution and 2 GB of RAMRandom question can you do word/excel documents on Droid devices and are they compatible going to a windows machine?[Edited on April 16, 2014 at 1:12 PM. Reason : a]
4/16/2014 12:53:52 PM
That's a sweet deal and a great device. I haven't tried it yet but Microsoft has an official Office app that lets you view and edit word, excel, and powerpoint files. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.microsoft.office.officehubThere's plenty other apps as well. Google docs is also another great solution as well.
4/16/2014 1:44:51 PM
Was doing research the price of the Nexus 10 really has not depreciated much since it's release in 12/2012
4/16/2014 2:19:55 PM
Yeah it's a solid device for the price.
4/16/2014 2:29:06 PM
You can use the "Mail" app with other services, but you can't use the mail app with a "Local User" account, it won't allow you to setup mail with say Gmail.You have to be logged in with a "Microsoft" account to use the Mail app with Gmail.I don't want a MS account, if i want to link App 1 to App 2 let me, but don't force me to. I understand some applications might need the same MS account (say XBOX Live and the XBOX Tablet App), it makes sense to make it required there.There is no damned reason why I need a "MS account" for the mail app, or should i have to be signed into the device (not just run as MS account) to use OneDrive.
4/16/2014 3:31:33 PM
why do you not want a MS account, it adds so many helpful features
4/16/2014 3:39:50 PM
but youre promoting THE MAN
4/16/2014 5:22:28 PM
4/17/2014 6:41:17 PM
-all your settings and personalizations are automatically saved so if you get a new computer or use another one it will be setup for you automatically-makes switching between 2 devices a breeze by keeping files and settings synced-documents saved to OneDrive seamlessly, keeps documents and OneNote sync'd between all devices-can't get locked out of your computer if you forget the passwordif you use a live account you can sit down at any computer and keep working, or if your computer is lost/stolen/damaged your replacement will be exactly the same as your last without any work
4/17/2014 6:57:25 PM
It's great on Windows 8. I use it and it helps between my work and home laptop. On Android a Google account does pretty much the same thing. Although I'm still a loyal Dropbox user for most of my windows stuff and application settings.
4/17/2014 9:24:49 PM
There are helpful features, but let me choose which ones, and how i want to use them. I have the same problem with android/apple except its not as pervasive or shoved down your throat.Some of the features of windows 8.1 remind me of the cars with the "Auto" seatbelts, or perhaps the ones that won't start if your seatbelt isn't buckled.Let me choose to configure and setup the mail applciatoin on my own.Hell the old "SkyDrive" was perfect, it was a set folder, i put things in it worked, I didn't have sacrifice my whole PC to log into a MS account in order to use it.Even if they fix the UI, the MS shit forced down your throat is a step in the wrong direction, let me choose what if and how i want the device to phone home.
4/18/2014 4:18:39 AM
4/18/2014 8:34:59 AM
^^If you already have/had SkyDrive, you already have a Microsoft Account.Login with the fucking thing and quite bitching. If you want to use the Apple ecosystem, you MUST have an Apple ID. Want to use the Google Ecosystem? Google ID. Facebook Ecosystem? Facebook ID.This isn't some new thing. If you want to use the Microsoft ecosystem (yes, including Windows) you need a Microsoft account. This is the world today, it's not going to go back, so get used to it.-----neodata686 You really missed the boat man. It's extremely apparent you haven't even TRIED using a Windows 8.1 tablet.I use Chrome exclusively on my Dell Venue. It's faster, more reliable and more feature rich (extensions, flash, silverlight, apps) than the Android version.The Windows 8.1 apps for Plex and Netflix (and Hulu and Mediabrowser and XBMC) are all a LOT better than the Android versions. And for those handful of Android apps that you need which arent available on Windows, there's http://www.socketeq.com/ or http://www.genymotion.com. I use Windroy (socketeq) because it doesn't require a VM and is lightning fast. Genymotion works as well but uses a lot more resources because of vbox.Android has maybe a thousand total Tablet optimized apps (maybe more, but it's impossible to tell because Google makes it impossible to check), but like I said, nearly none of the apps I use on Android are for tablets, just scaled up phone apps.
4/18/2014 9:16:16 AM
I use my Yoga 2 Pro pretty regularly in "tablet" mode on 8.1 and have tried numerous apps. There's certain apps that simply don't exist on Windows. I don't want to emulate them if I can just grab my Android tablet and run them. I do however use a few apps and they work alright. Most of them are pretty buggy compared to their Android counterparts. At the time I tried Plex and Hulu they didn't work as well as on Android. Amazon Kindle on windows is quite buggy compared to it's Android counterpart. FB is pretty bad as well. Not to mention the few games I play don't exist on Android (again not going to emulate them). To each his own but it's fact that there's more Android apps than Windows and it's pretty easy to see if they're optimized for tablet (other than using them): http://www.androidpolice.com/2013/11/22/google-play-store-now-gives-better-visibility-to-tablet-optimized-apps-shames-others-as-designed-for-phones/That's been in the play store for a while now. It's not "impossible to tell". I think the 8.1 interface is pretty intuitive and works well for some things but simply put there's more apps on Android for tablets, it's the fastest growing platform, and if you ask 100 people which they use more Android will win. Not really an argument I have to make. I'm glad you like your Windows tablet but if you gave people both a Windows and Android tablet they'd probably stick with the Android tablet for a variety of reasons.
4/18/2014 9:45:31 AM
^ I said it's impossible to COUNT, not see, the number of tablet apps available in the ecosystem.Yes, Kindle is a mess on Windows. Plex and Hulu aren't, and haven't been for at least a year. The facebook app is terrible. And simply put, there are not more Tablet optimized apps for Android than there are Windows Store apps. Every Windows Store app is tablet optimized (150k). Best I can tell there are a few thousand total Android apps that are tablet optimized, compared to the ~500k for the iPad.And I'm not trying to say "Windoze rulez, Android zuks". You mentioned very specific reasons why you prefer Android, and several of those reasons are misinformed. Media apps are significantly better on Win8.1 (hell there's even VLC now!), Chrome is significantly better on Windows than Android, and you CAN still use critical Android apps.BTW, Windroy is not emulation at all. It's running x86 compiled Android. Neither is Genymotion, which runs x86 Android in a VM. The latter supports full hardware accelerated OpenGL, which runs every Android game I've thrown at it full speed on the Venue Pro.
4/18/2014 10:11:44 AM
You're right it looks like they've updated some of the media apps. I'll give them a second try. Windroy and Genymotion sound nifty. I'll give them a shot. I agree several of my reasons may have been misinformed but I still prefer Android for the tablet experience and number of apps (tablet optimized or not). Obviously running a VM is going to kill some resources. How is battery life impacted by Windroy? Either way the lack of apps and bugs have kept me from using Windows 8.1 as often as Android.
4/18/2014 12:26:46 PM
Noen,Much of my preference for the windows devices was they didn't force you into some manufactured microsoft designed world. I think their greatest strength in the past was that they didn't force Microsoft down your throat. Now they are trying to capitalize and monitorize every possible bit of the operating system, and how its used, and frankly, its driving customers to other devices that are more stable.What was wrong with XP? What was wrong with 7? What was wrong with using OneDrive when, how, and if i wanted to use it?For what purpose does MS need me to sign into the device with a Microsoft account in order for Mail to work. I bought a MS tablet because I'm sick of Apple trying to tell me how to use the device... Android well, is almost as bad, because you can't manage how apps, services, or anything else uses your data.I don't think M$ parroting the sins of the current tablets is the business model that will lead them to success.
4/18/2014 1:28:22 PM
if you can't admit that the OneDrive implementation in Windows 8 beats the pants off the previous implementation then you are kidding yourself
4/18/2014 3:02:53 PM
Thats fine, give me those improvements but don't force them on me. I don't want to join the Cloud game with everything, just the things i want.
4/18/2014 5:53:48 PM
if you were already using the old skydrive then you already joined the cloud
4/18/2014 8:03:19 PM
Yes in a highly select and moderated manner.
4/18/2014 10:51:05 PM
^You can opt-in to cloud services in a highly select and moderated manner, but you cannot opt-in to AUTHENTICATION in a highly select and moderated manner.Unlike Apple and Google, a Microsoft ID is just that, an account identifier to ensure you are you and not someone else. There's nearly nothing underneath it in a global sense. Having and using a Microsoft ID keeps the services and products you do opt-in to secure and connectable.
4/19/2014 8:12:45 AM
Why would i have to have a Microsoft ID to use the mail app to access my gmail account?
4/20/2014 12:42:03 AM
^because the mail app is a Windows Store app, and all Windows Store apps require a Microsoft Account. It just happens to be preloaded with Windows, but its non-functional until there's a Microsoft account to register it to.The primary reason for this is security. If there happens to be a major flaw in the app, because it's registered, the publisher (Microsoft in this case) can push an update or disable the app to protect customers. Secondarily, app settings are likely cloud stored to be portable and without an account there's nowhere to put those settings.You can like it or not, but it is the way modern software works and there is no going back.
4/20/2014 8:57:18 AM
And you can pick and choose which of those setting you want cloud stored, they put it all on an easy page to choose what info you want syncd
4/20/2014 10:04:48 AM
My Nexus 7 4g LTE has been awesome so far.
4/20/2014 11:42:29 PM
I love the iPad but I want more than 16 gigs of memory and I refuse to pay 2008 prices for an extra 16 gigs of flash memory. If it was a $50 upgrade or came with a base of 32 gigs I'd be all over an air or mini.
4/24/2014 12:06:20 PM
Galaxy Tab Pro 8.4". Just got my 64GB card for it. It's awesome.
4/24/2014 12:21:39 PM
4/24/2014 3:37:57 PM
it does
4/24/2014 3:45:37 PM
I've been using windows 8 (with visual studio) for the past 6 weeks for a new job, and it's pretty much the worse os for productivity ever. SO many permissions issues, it creates constant headaches when trying to test things in different configurations. I've had my "windows live" account tell me i can't log in before, only because the network hadn't yet come up. Pretty annoying... I prefer Apple's way of the account being on the machine, and then you configure iCloud after you log in. This way, you can deactivate iCloud without it causing weirdness in your machine login.I've changed between 6 different macs over the past 10 years (including 2 hackintoshes), and with Time Machine and iCloud, by environment stays 100% the same between computers, even down to the icon locations on my desktop. It can't be beat as far as portability of an environment goes.
4/24/2014 3:57:39 PM
yeah, i love icloud. no matter how many times i try to force sync...no matter how many times i try to enter my password, it has refused to sync for the last 26 weeks now
4/25/2014 9:10:09 PM