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 Message Boards » » Wiggle it... just a little bit. Defacing History. Page 1 [2], Prev  
All American
14180 Posts
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oh noes, they got kicked out of the Bigoted Shitheads of Amurrica. Remember the one a few years ago where boy scouts destroyed dinosaur footprints in Utah? The organization is still filled with people like that. I know there's plenty of people trying to good that don't abhor gay atheists as well, but they've still wet their pant-hems by standing with that pile of bullshit.

10/22/2013 2:35:22 PM

8379 Posts
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Quote :
"Before this week, I too was enthralled with whoever the national media told me was the “villain of the day.” I’ve hurled insults at Paula Deen — gossiped about Miley Cyrus — dutifully tweeted about Kayne, Kim K and Beyonce. I, like you, bought into the concept. That is, until I found I had become the “outrage distraction of the week.” I finally understand the saying, “what goes around comes around.” Toppling that dirt mound-balanced boulder is the WORST thing I’ve ever done. Well, not literally…but because of the consequences! I mean, if I’m honest — if we’re honest — the act was pretty insignificant. I moved a rock. It was a old rock (just like all rocks)…that happened to be sitting on some dirt (like most rocks). I’m not excusing my actions. It’s now painfully obvious that many (MOST) people found a kind of sacred beauty in the chance formation that was a rock perched on a mound of taxpayer-maintained Utah mud. All I’m saying is – most of us have done worse! I did a stupid thing, and I’m paying for it — dearly. I’ve lost my leadership position and membership with the Boy Scouts of America, exposed myself as a fraud with my unnecessary disability claim, and, depending on the valuation of the rock formation, face from a class B misdemeanor to a second-degree felony. Now, I fully realize there are consequences to my actions. and will gladly accept them. What I have trouble accepting is how my actions warrant death threats and possible confinement, while similiar actions, with DEVASTATING, LIFE and DEATH consequences, go unnoticed, or worse – are REWARDED — by those who seek to persecute/prosecute me!"

10/22/2013 6:25:38 PM

All American
93281 Posts
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exposed myself as a fraud with my unnecessary disability claim,
fraud or not, if this is really him that's a really stupid thing to admit to.

10/22/2013 6:28:30 PM

8379 Posts
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not actually him, it's a work of satire

10/22/2013 6:33:13 PM

All American
15540 Posts
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Quote :
"BSA may not promote environmental degradation and pollution, but they certainly engender it. even the best troops have kids mindlessly destroying shit constantly and leaving trash behind."

My troop taught me to leave no trace - leave the environment in the same (if not better) condition you found it in. Lots of kids are shitheads, boy scouts or not, and only if the troop leaders let them leave trash behind should you be pissed off about that.

I understand some reasons why people dislike the Boy Scouts, but my experience with it was very rewarding and I was surrounded by great leaders who cared about survival skills and the environment.

10/22/2013 8:18:24 PM

All American
5057 Posts
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Eh, haters going to hate. The only real requirement for being in BSA is that you are a male youth.

Oh really? With these amazingly strict requirements for base entry terrible people can still get in? Say it ain't so. Next you'll tell me there are varying degrees of terrible people that attend churches, politicians who are corrupt, and charities who don't donate all their profits.

Or even crazier yet, you'll tell me there are random shitheads who go to landmarks (natural or otherwise) and deface them without any affiliation to a group during the trip.

But don't let me get in the way of you hating on an entire organization because some guy you once knew crossed you and happened to be in BSA.

10/23/2013 1:15:12 AM

8379 Posts
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Quote :
"The only real requirement for being in BSA is that you are a male youth. "

straight male god-fearing youth

10/23/2013 8:13:51 AM

All American
31140 Posts
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Quote :
"Fracking is also done for a purpose (energy profits, which we all need/use some asshole wants).

This guy was just being an ignorant redneck."

10/23/2013 2:59:34 PM

 Message Boards » The Lounge » Wiggle it... just a little bit. Defacing History. Page 1 [2], Prev  
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