6/9/2013 11:58:16 PM
I bet those goats are like... "Man I'd really like a good nights sleep, but SOMEBODY had to put up lights"
6/10/2013 1:15:01 AM
yuppies with farm animals amuse me
6/10/2013 7:38:59 AM
Can we haz lights too?
6/10/2013 9:23:31 AM
Definitely not a yuppie, just never raised goats. The wife has been around farm animals more than myself, showing cows and lambs from elementary on through high school, which surprised me when she wanted a Taj Mahal goat house. I suppose she wanted it nice because it could be seen from the backyard so well.Exhibit A:
6/10/2013 10:39:44 AM
that looks nice
6/10/2013 10:58:00 AM
I worked all day yesterday clearing brush on the side of my driveway back to the fence. Poison Ivy ftl. . So far I only have a patch on my left forearm and a little on my right ankle, hopefully that's all.^^ I'm surprised they haven't pushed their way through any of those walls yet. My neighbor has about 15 goats and he is constantly fixing their barn and repairing fence where they lean against it to scratch. That being said, it looks like your barn is WAAAAAAY better built than my neighbor's.[Edited on June 10, 2013 at 11:07 AM. Reason : a]
6/10/2013 11:04:51 AM
^They may still push through, but it hasn't been tested yet. We are only looking at getting 4-6 female pygmy goats. The wife got pregnant and she didn't think she had time to deal with the addition of a kid and goats all at once, so, we just postponed the goats for a little while. It'll be ready when she wants to.
6/10/2013 11:23:24 AM
you could've cleared and graded 1.5 acres for what you have in that damn goat hotel
6/10/2013 4:36:22 PM
NeuseRiverRat is a farm-animal hipster.
6/10/2013 4:58:35 PM
6/10/2013 5:14:04 PM
Thanks for the compliment quagmire02. I still think Brandon1 is your best bet.Nice pic gunzz! I'll start calling it a 'goatel'. And NRR, I never said I couldn't have cleared it cheaper. I'm aware of that fact. I just said that my wife wanted pets and that we wanted something to look nice since it was so close to the backyard.[Edited on June 10, 2013 at 5:20 PM. Reason : .]
6/10/2013 5:20:17 PM
i want to see a goat operate that water pump
6/10/2013 10:37:59 PM
6/10/2013 11:45:10 PM
Ewe crazy
6/11/2013 1:07:51 AM
That goatel is b-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-hd ass
6/11/2013 9:10:40 AM
i like this thread
6/11/2013 10:22:34 AM
didn't read thread, willing to help for some $$a little bit higher than South of the border prices would be expected
6/11/2013 2:05:25 PM
6/11/2013 7:15:09 PM
^I mean I can rent a $80K Bobcat, the cost of the head is irrelevant. I would think they would just increase the rental cost.
6/11/2013 7:38:48 PM
It's not irrelevant because people tear the heck of of rental equipment and most of the folks that would rent it won't have the $$ needed to fix it. Alot of big rental places won't even rent out their track machines to folks they don't have a good history with because people will tear up the tracks and can't cough up the 3k for a new set.
6/11/2013 9:58:53 PM
I was wondering why anything other than renting a bobcat was discussed, and thought I was gonna save the day...but then I saw you guys finally came to your senses, haha[Edited on June 30, 2013 at 12:13 PM. Reason : Wait did you do it with goats? I stopped reading after the bobcat part]
6/30/2013 12:11:58 PM
this is the silver bullet for clearing brushwhen it gets dull just put it on upside down and use the other sidewhen it gets dull after doing that you can grind it on a bench grinder quite a few times but they stay sharp for a good amount of time[Edited on June 30, 2013 at 12:46 PM. Reason : .]
6/30/2013 12:43:52 PM
If you don't care how it looks too much I'd buy a decent ($60-80) backpack sprayer and $40 worth of generic concentrate glyphosate and just spray the mess out of everything and let it die and rot down. It'd be nice if the op wasn't in city limits and could just burn up the residuals. After that you can keep it under control with more herbicide and the trimmer with brush blade.I think that's the easiest and cheapest thing to do. Clearing it all with a bobcat would be nice but it's kind of expensive. Hiring a hispanic crew would probably yield good results at a low cost. In any case, you'll have to maintain it, so a backpack sprayer would be a good investment.
7/1/2013 1:33:17 PM
I liked this topic when e talked about goats having WiFi and shit
7/1/2013 6:01:01 PM
get the smooth bucket so you can backdrag the site after you get done. Also, as others said, get the 4 in 1 bucket or a bucket with a thumb so that you can pick up the tree debris and haul it to one spot for disposal.
7/4/2013 6:20:30 PM