4/3/2011 5:18:21 PM
The cameras are legal for citizens, which is really good. We need that to balance all of the government cameras going up all over the place, scanning people's faces. The government monitoring cameras at traffic lights are a risky idea, ripe for government oppressive use.
4/5/2011 8:52:06 PM
Cameras are not ubiquitously legal for citizenshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5bFl4H-toyU
4/22/2011 6:13:15 PM
Interestingly, police take advantage of North Carolina being a 1 party recording consent state all the time. It's a safe bet that any time you talk to a detective on the telephone the call is being recorded without your knowledge or consent, as it is legal to do so. No big deal, of course, since every word you say to an officer is often scribbled in their little notebook and will be repeated more or less verbatim at trial and essentially given the moral weight of a recording anyway.And I've always heard that jail telephones are 0-party consent. Remember that embarrassing recording of Hulk Hogan talking to his son in jail recently?[Edited on April 22, 2011 at 9:16 PM. Reason : .]
4/22/2011 9:14:32 PM
I think it's a particularly iffy situation when a dude in an unmarked vehicle not wearing anything showing he is a cop hops out with a gun drawn. For all the rider knows, he pissed some guy off for riding like a douche and that guy wants to make a point. Seriously fucked up.
4/23/2011 8:41:38 AM
Nevermind that they called in the SWAT team to raid his house a week later just to seize a video camera and "teach him a lesson".
4/23/2011 10:49:02 AM
4/23/2011 10:00:10 PM
Maybe I should have titled this Police State and Crony Capitalism, because this post is the latter...i see we have a Crony Capitalism thread but I am too lazy to get it bumpedhttp://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/news/2011/05/after-approving-comcastnbc-deal-fcc-commish-becomes-comcast-lobbyist.ars
5/11/2011 5:17:08 PM
5/14/2011 12:37:21 PM
http://www.theagitator.com/2011/05/13/indiana-court-you-have-no-right-to-keep-cops-out-of-your-house/Truly horrifying stuff here.
5/16/2011 11:43:13 AM
I think the original editorial writer and the one that you linked are misinterpreting the decision. It's simply stating that the 4th Amendment doesn't support the resistance of police entry; not that unwarranted police entry is ok. Independent of the legality of the police entry, fighting them is not protected by the Constitution. My panties remain unwadded.
5/16/2011 12:36:48 PM
Yeah, the right to resist that has only been around for 800 years or so. No reason to keep it around.
5/16/2011 12:50:58 PM
In NC, its legal to resist an unlawful arrest, not sure about entry.
5/16/2011 12:56:35 PM
It won't be upheld anyway. It violates SC precedent.
5/16/2011 12:58:18 PM
SC themselves just shat all over the 4th amendment. Nice reasoning... so now the police have yet another tool to utilize pretty much any time they don't feel like going to the trouble of you know, investigating or compiling evidence or really anything. All they have to do now is say that it sounded like evidence was being destroyed (whatever the fuck that sounds like!).http://www.latimes.com/news/sc-dc-0517-court-search-20110516,0,6820148.storyhttp://www.theagitator.com/2011/05/16/warrant-we-dont-need-no-stinkin-warrant/
5/17/2011 6:49:24 AM
If you resist an unlawful arrest or entry, you will be shot dead.
5/17/2011 12:39:06 PM
^^only one dissenting opinion, thats some weak shit. It just seems like it should be a little more controversial
5/17/2011 1:56:22 PM
Marine Survives Two Tours in Iraq, SWAT Kills Himhttp://reason.com/blog/2011/05/16/marine-survives-two-tours-in-ihttp://www.kgun9.com/story/14621212/marine-killed-by-swat-was-acting-in-defense-says-family?clienttype=printableShouldn't have had drugs, bro. Oh, no drugs found? Whoops. Shouldn't have acted in self defense, bro. Oh, the gun was still on safety? Well, shit.
5/17/2011 5:06:51 PM
yeah, pointing an assault rifle at police is a completely reasonable thing to do that no one should expect to be shot for doing.I'm sure the authorities could be to blame, but I wouldn't ever suggest that pointing a firearm at police officers is a good idea[Edited on May 17, 2011 at 5:30 PM. Reason : ]
5/17/2011 5:26:05 PM
He didn't know they were police officers. They didn't announce that they were police officers before they busted in. He was shot over 60 times.[Edited on May 17, 2011 at 5:36 PM. Reason : ]
5/17/2011 5:35:47 PM
5/17/2011 5:42:45 PM
As a matter of policy, all public peace officers should be required to have working recording devices on their person and in any instances of this type of serving of a warrant those devices should be verified working before executing the warrant.That would settle any and all questions pretty quickly.
5/17/2011 7:04:40 PM
Clearly, that would be an invasion of the officer's privacy...or so the argument goes. I think you waive your right to privacy when you're given the power to kill your fellow citizens.
5/17/2011 7:08:10 PM
5/17/2011 7:22:28 PM
Someone help me out on understanding police tactics:what are the advantages to a home raid (either knock or no knock) as compared to arresting someone when they are leaving the house. For instance, suprising them as they walk from their house to their car and then serving the search warrant?
5/17/2011 7:32:07 PM
It's more badass and you get to buy and use lots of cool assault rifles. Duh.
5/17/2011 8:38:29 PM
5/17/2011 8:43:59 PM
it's incredibly silly to me when people mention the number of shots as some type of proof that someone overreacted.
5/17/2011 9:46:34 PM
5/17/2011 9:48:36 PM
5/18/2011 11:42:07 AM
5/18/2011 7:59:29 PM
5/18/2011 8:19:27 PM
My favorite part is at the end when the white cops and the black cops are fighting over who gets to take the money they stole from that mexican.
5/18/2011 9:15:51 PM
More about the Pima, AZ shooting.http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/05/25/jose-guerena-arizona-_n_867020.html
5/26/2011 4:44:45 AM
Arrested for dancing.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8jUU3yCy3uI
5/28/2011 6:03:20 PM
DEATH TO AMERI...it's already dead.
5/28/2011 6:50:22 PM
I thought that was going to be a clip from Footloose.
5/28/2011 7:28:14 PM
And at the Jefferson memorial, of all places. Appropriate.
5/28/2011 8:47:16 PM
Pima, AZ shooting video.http://www.theagitator.com/2011/05/26/video-of-the-pima-county-swat-raid/I never heard them announce. I saw and heard a very brief knock, then they breached, then lots of firing. I also find it interesting that they then felt the need to breach AND SEARCH 2 other homes because they were worried that they might have accidentally shot someone else. Breaching to check on the safety of the occupants, ok I can see that. Tossing the homes without a warrant or any reasonable suspicion seems waaaaaay unconstitutional.
5/29/2011 12:09:49 PM
5/29/2011 12:51:54 PM
Not sure whether to laugh or cry at the "offense description".
5/31/2011 9:51:38 AM
[Edited on May 31, 2011 at 9:59 AM. Reason : .]
5/31/2011 9:59:19 AM
http://www.cnn.com/2011/TECH/mobile/05/31/warrantless.phone.searches/index.html?hpt=Sbin#0_undefined,0_make sure you lock your cell phones, kids!
5/31/2011 10:02:45 AM
5/31/2011 10:32:40 AM
There are really two things to argue here, due to the absurdity of the situation. And that's just on the "legal"/philosophical side of things (clearly there was more with what actually happened, like the officer refusing to say what they would be arrested for, or bodyslamming someone who didn't pose a threat to them).1) Dancing in the manner that anyone there was certainly does not constitute "intent or propensity to attract a crowd or onlookers", thus shouldn't have been an offense. I can prove this because THERE WAS NO FUCKING CROWD OR ONLOOKERS prior to the arrests.2) It shouldn't even be a law in the first place. Proactive laws with jail time for a "crime" that has no victim is so ridiculous. Something might happen if someone "expresses their views", so we may as well lock their ass up!
5/31/2011 10:58:55 AM
Were you cited because you were dancing or because you were in a restricted area?
5/31/2011 11:13:44 AM
It would seem that the cited law makes no mention of restricted area. So how does that work in court? Can they just say "no, now you're on trial for law xxx, being in a restricted area"?
5/31/2011 11:22:30 AM
They can do whatever they want. Who is going to stop them?
6/1/2011 12:17:43 AM
^^^^He didn't bodyslam him because he was dancing, he bodyslammed him because he was resisting arrest. And they arrested them because he wouldn't stop dancing when they told him to.I'd wager they told them to leave several times before the arrest (despite what the dancing couple say) that were edited out of the video. There were like 20 park cops there, you think they were all just hanging out in the memorial chamber when this happened?And why do you think there will be jail time for that?[Edited on June 1, 2011 at 11:42 AM. Reason : ]
6/1/2011 11:42:24 AM
It was an illegal arrest. Any commands given by those officers were illegal.
6/1/2011 12:32:01 PM