Michelle Obama is forcing people to make healthful lifestyle decisions? Well, shucks, they shoulda just forced us twenty years ago...we coulda saved a lot of money.
3/3/2011 11:59:12 PM
The problem with your statement is the word "forced". I think people are fed up with the nanny state forcing people to do things. Just because its something you may agree with now, what happens when it isnt.That is a rhetorical statement.
3/4/2011 2:21:28 AM
^I used the word, "force," because that's what eyedrb used. To be clear, we do not live in a nanny state, and Michelle Obama is not forcing you to eat a certain way. You have lost your mind if you think that's the case. So your rhetorical statement about what happens when it's something I don't agree with isn't a particularly persuasive piece of rhetoric.My point to ALkatraz was that it was stupid let McDonald's run ads in our faces all day and then get upset the moment some nice lady suggests maybe we not feed our children to the point that they are obese.Also, to be clear, I don't totally agree with Michelle Obama's campaign. The name, "Let's Move," for instance, plays right into the idea that kids are fat because they don't exercise. I know that's not what she's saying, but that's what it sounds like she's saying...and I think that's by design. Food companies really want to emphasize how lazy our kids are--how they play video games and watch TV and don't exercise. They want us to believe that exercise is the problem when it very clearly is not. A lot of these kids could play tag all day, and they'd still be overweight given the amount/kind of food they're eating. And convincing them it's an exercise problem just seems like the most horrible, perverted thing we could do to our children: That's right, kids. You're not fat because of what adults have done. You're fat because you're lazy.
3/4/2011 10:45:51 AM
bridget, have you read any of the studies on animal obesity? studies across multiple different species and populations in this country show problems with animals as well. its even found in research animals where diets are controlled and housing conditions haven't really changed any. i just thought it was interesting to see how environmental factors may be causing obesity problems too, and thats something they don't have a good understanding of.alsobridgetspk is winning this, her arguments are pretty clear
3/4/2011 10:53:13 AM
^^You're inferring way too much from the name of her campaign. Why are you spinning this stuff? Its a perfectly acceptable campaign name.
3/4/2011 11:33:22 AM
I think it's pretty clear that the President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports and the Food Pyramid are both part of a 50+ year leftist plot to elect Barack Hussein Obama so that fat-bottomed girl Michelle Obama can foist her socialist diet plan upon our fine Christian nation.
3/4/2011 1:13:43 PM