We just did ours for 10$ at work. I brought a gerbil ($4.75) and a cage ($5.00).
12/15/2009 1:27:45 PM
terrible. you should feel bad when that gerbil dies
12/15/2009 2:08:44 PM
12/15/2009 2:22:01 PM
Giving an animal to a random person is the worst idea ever.
12/15/2009 2:45:05 PM
yeah thats pretty shitty. i bet it was awkward as fuck
12/15/2009 2:58:13 PM
12/15/2009 3:42:12 PM
now? It's always been 3 bucks unless you live on the west coast.
12/15/2009 4:35:42 PM
Naw - the gerbil was given because one of the people who was going had jokingly said someone should bring one, she wanted one. It actually was one of the more fought over gifts, but the person who won it ended up giving it back to the first girl. She has since bought it a nice big cage and what not and is taking care of it.
12/16/2009 7:28:59 AM
a $5 gift certificate to a chain that doesn't have stores anywhere near where they live
12/16/2009 2:54:36 PM
^^^^ Yeah it is, but people around here still called it "two buck chuck" because that's what the california folks called it. It stuck.Get yoself a fine, three dollar bottle of Charles Shaw Shiraz.
12/16/2009 4:46:07 PM
for a white elephant gift exchange at work, I went to a thrift store and found a storage drawer that holds 8-track tapes. It has that 80s fake wood and everything. Best worst gift ever!! Any drawer for obsolete technology would be funny, like VHS tapes or cassetes. ]
12/17/2009 4:33:38 PM