i need to get eggs more frequently or I will just go to bed!
4/18/2014 2:02:14 AM
go to beddo it
4/18/2014 2:02:48 AM
what sucks is that even tho i'm 31 years old because you told me to go to bed i feel more like staying up. hahhaha silly silly me
4/18/2014 2:05:14 AM
ha, I thought drunknloaded was postingthen I saw it was dropdeadkatesame number of characters and similar looking I guess :33333333333333WHY DON'T U GO TO BED BEFORE I CUT YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY
4/18/2014 2:07:19 AM
ok so im probably going to bed if i dont get an egg within the next 5 minutes but its not because you told me to its because im out of soda
4/18/2014 2:08:11 AM
her booty was bigga than the mercedeeeees benz
4/18/2014 2:09:37 AM