They don't fit in many fixtures.
10/15/2009 6:04:58 PM
People are afraid of change.
10/15/2009 6:57:40 PM
They produce shitty light. They are inefficient for short duration useMost of all I'd just like the freedom to make my own choices. Back OTgood job Franken for getting the anti-rape clause amendment passed.
10/16/2009 12:07:04 AM
^Shitty light?You're using the wrong kind or something... I've never seen them be more dim than incandescent nor have I ever heard the complaint from any source. And most actually give off a white glow as opposed to the more eye-straining yellow-tinted incandescents. As for the inefficiency claim, I'm pretty sure there was a mythbusters episode that addressed just that issue (and did so fairly well, relative to some of their "experiments") -- you're correct if your definition of "short duration use" is a matter of a few seconds.I don't support legislation forcing people to convert to them, but they really are better in virtually every way than incandescent bulbs.
10/16/2009 12:22:48 AM
While it's from wikipedia I do believe it's still accurate.
10/16/2009 12:32:03 AM
n/m[Edited on October 16, 2009 at 2:05 AM. Reason : .]
10/16/2009 2:05:02 AM
Warm up period? Shitty light? Harsh light?It's like you guys don't even use CFLs. I currently have ONE cfl that has anything close to resembling a warm-up period. Maybe you mean that half-second difference between flipping the light switch and full brightness? Unless you're jogging into a room I doubt that half second is going to kill you.Plus, since I use daylight bulbs the light coming out of them is better and brighter than any incandescents I was using. It's also better for seasonal affective disorder. Honestly, the only bulbs in my home that give me problems are the damned fluorescent tubes that are in the kitchen. Now THOSE are annoying. I want to take them out and put 3 CFLs up there on a track, I'd get better light and wouldn't have to deal with the real warm-up period that it has (a full THREE SECONDS!!!!).
10/16/2009 7:49:12 AM
10/16/2009 11:04:02 AM
The free market is cluttered up with so many lies about the various products and their costs/benefit that there's no way a free market could ever actually work in the way you ultimately think it would.
10/16/2009 11:09:44 AM
Lies?? Come on man. The free market works great in other aspects of our economy consumables durable goods electronics. Why can't we let it work in this area as well. Why is the only solution to make incandescents outlawed?
10/16/2009 11:35:17 AM
[Edited on October 16, 2009 at 11:42 AM. Reason : Double post]
10/16/2009 11:41:59 AM
Other aspects = All aspects?
10/16/2009 11:43:31 AM
No and I'm not arguing that it does work in all aspects (primary exception is safety related issues, airbags, seatbelts etc. )please feel free to pose an argument for why we need a government mandate to switch to cfls
10/16/2009 11:47:33 AM
Because people are too stupid to make the switch themselves, despite all of the evidence in favor.
10/16/2009 1:42:23 PM
^Also add "stubborn" and distrusting of "big science."
10/16/2009 1:47:57 PM
10/16/2009 3:41:44 PM
I didn't feel people had easy enough access to this video, so I wanted to make it so they didn't have to go to youtube or anything.
10/16/2009 6:04:11 PM is a few days old now. Al Franken grilled Hudson Institute Senior Fellow Diana Furchtgott-Roth about health care and bankruptcies.
10/22/2009 8:14:07 AM
I'm cloudy as to what really makes a Republican or a Democrat anymore (much like most of you, though reluctant to admit it). But I'm pretty far right on some things, and pretty far left on some things.And I can tell you, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Rush Limbaugh isBigFatand an idiot.To be fair (also a trait not displayed prevalently in these threads), Keith Obermann is, too. Minus the fat part.
10/24/2009 5:30:12 PM's gettin scrappy
12/14/2009 7:44:40 PM (imbed plz?)Although a simple dragon kick to Lieberman's throat would've been a lot cooler.Oh, and he managed to insert the rape amendment into the defense bill. This guy is my hero.[Edited on December 17, 2009 at 7:39 PM. Reason : ]
12/17/2009 7:37:18 PM
December 18th, 2009
12/19/2009 12:08:56 AM
john mccain has lost it. i think that's pretty clear.
12/19/2009 10:01:42 AM
McCain's like what 107 years old now? You can't expect him to remember every little hypocrisy can you?
12/21/2009 8:48:21 AM
12/21/2009 9:14:27 AM
McCain has decided to block a low-level appointment to the NLRB, ostensibly so that his committee could ask him questions. The appointee has answered around 200 written questions. This occurred in the committee:
2/9/2010 9:43:24 AM's also been spotting chewing out David Axelrod, a man who desperately needs to be set straight.
2/9/2010 1:04:58 PM
He's like the dog whisperer
2/9/2010 11:57:53 PM
4/6/2010 5:52:56 PM
^ that is perhaps the worst reporting i've ever witnessed.
4/6/2010 6:02:14 PM
and senator franken handled it beautifully.
4/6/2010 6:05:08 PM
what a surprise he is trying to sell at book at the beginning of the clip.. he seemed on the same level as the paparazzi.
4/6/2010 6:08:36 PM
god, that fucker needed a good cock-punching. holy jesus. i can't believe franken kept his cool so well.senator smally? are you serious, guy?
4/6/2010 7:16:45 PM
Jason Mattera reminds me of some of the conservative personalities encountered here in TSB. He's constantly a douchebag that gets coddled by Faux News and tries to shout down any opposition and lay claim to folks our age as "his generation".
4/6/2010 8:37:02 PM
4/6/2010 10:02:06 PM Lack of breastfeeding costs lives, billions of dollars....BREAST MILK POLICE RAWR RAWR RAWR
4/6/2010 10:40:44 PM
15-25% of all soldiers returning from Iraq are diagnosed with PTSD. That could potentially be a LOT of dogs and a LOT of money.
4/7/2010 7:38:47 AM
^its an indirect cost of waging war. also not everybody with PTSD will get a dog, and I bet a one time 20K cost is a lot cheaper than outpatient treatment
4/7/2010 12:40:31 PM
4/7/2010 12:44:46 PM
7/27/2019 1:00:47 AM
7/27/2019 2:35:37 AM
You have to read like 20 paragraphs of she-said-she-said in to that jezebel article to finally get to this paragraph:
7/27/2019 9:50:11 AM
losynapseLoser ... he went back 9 years to sweat jwb9984's nuts
7/28/2019 9:31:49 PM