^^^ secondedalthough it appears that going with the VA loan option will keep me from taking a beating on the interest (I assume because it's insured by the VA). It also appears that it will come out cheaper in terms of APR, though maybe not raw interest rate, because the VA funding fee is significantly less than conventional closing costs.Also, I made an offer on a house tonight and it was accepted. I'll make a thread to show off the pictures.
4/14/2009 6:46:53 PM
congrats d00d!!!
4/14/2009 7:11:31 PM
i can't believe the king jew duke would have a 655, i have 4 loans and 2 credit cards close to their limit and have a 657
4/15/2009 6:57:31 AM
haha, i know man. it's bad. i should've checked it a long time ago and gotten those things straightened out (although the Chase card thing was very recent).
4/15/2009 7:05:35 AM
you can get a VA loan (there are a few others) with any sort of credit in the world. you'll be fine
4/15/2009 1:06:32 PM