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12/11/2008 8:48:51 PM

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Quote :
"Again, you're missing the point entirely. I didn't come close to taking the trollbait because I never even engaged in discussion in that thread. Besides that, it really seemed less like trolling and more like the ramblings of a complete imbecile."

When I said "you", it wasn't specifically you. It was anyone, really. And who cares if they were ramblings of an imbecile. Is your life not stable with guys like that posting one or two threads in an otherwise lightly treaded section?

Quote :
"However, the few people that WERE left arguing vehemently in that thread were the exact sort of people that DO need a thread to be locked before they stop throwing shit in it."

Again, I'll ask why. Seriously, why? Were those clowns choking on the troll bait killing the site or something? Was massive bandwidth being sucked? Was it spilling over into all sorts of threads? The answer to all of those questions is a resounding no.

Quote :
"and jh[numbers] needed a suspension because he obviously is not the sort of person that belongs on the internet. At least the part of the internet that tries to keep discussions mildly civil and at least semi-intelligent."

I'm missing the point? You're missing the point. If people can't decide for themselves what is obvious troll bait or obviously retardation (essentially one and the same), then they can't be helped anyway. So, long as it doesn't spill out across many different threads and sections, is there really any harm in letting the children play?

Quote :
"Besides, with your philosophy on thread-locking, the only things that would ever get locked or deleted are duplicate threads. That's about it, and it is clearly not the method that T-dub operates on."

Exactly. T-dub seems to operate on a moderator whim as best I can tell. I do think it is a bit telling that the moment a mod was called out (and the poster didn't even know the guy was a mod) it was locked.

Quote :
"Incidentally, your persistence in arguing such flawed points when you are so obviously in the wrong leads me to believe that you are, in fact, demonstrating the concept of trolling while discussing the concept of trolling itself. As such, I will cease to respond to your posts within this thread from here on."

Awwww, did I hurt your ovaries?

12/11/2008 10:50:53 PM

Not suspended
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oh the many faces of nattrngnabob.

at least one thing is consistent. he hates everyone. he hates padders. he hates mods. he doesn't seem like he can be happy.

there was a reason i put you on "the list," and it wasn't just because you like being SO TUFF.

12/11/2008 11:15:23 PM

202 Posts
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Quote :
"there was a reason i put you on "the list," and it wasn't just because you like being SO TUFF."

If by Tuff you mean "right" then yes. BigEgo, that is such a cop out. Just cuz you have nothing to say to go against what he just said, dont come back with some "tuff guy" remark and talk about him not being happy which totally goes off point. Thats like me responding to your statement like "BigEgo....more like Big Faggot". The point of the matter is everyone hates me on this website because they hate anyone who heavily challenges something they believe in so much (Panthers) so everyone wants me off this site (ncsuftw being #1 because hes a bitch ass fag who cant defend himself so he kicks people off). Sorry I dont have the same opinion as you or anyone else who supports the Panthers but I just dont see them winning any of the next 3. If they do win 1, then its settled and the conversation is over and it was a good run. No harm in it. If they Broncos win this weekend, I will make that thread again and it will be bigger and better than ever. I WILL SLAP NCSUFTW SILLY.

12/11/2008 11:51:48 PM

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^The tuff remark has no relation to this thread. He enjoys being SO TUFF, but that wasn't why i put him on the list.

12/12/2008 12:54:30 AM

All American
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Quote :
"oh the many faces of nattrngnabob.

at least one thing is consistent. he hates everyone. he hates padders. he hates mods. he doesn't seem like he can be happy.

there was a reason i put you on "the list," and it wasn't just because you like being SO TUFF."

Maybe i'm late to this party, but that post just made me realize that nattrngnabob is that Chance faggot

12/12/2008 7:21:01 AM

15126 Posts
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Quote :
"lol, i'm not even that big of a panthers fan. I only like them because I have no other team to pull for. Not really a NFL fan."

12/12/2008 7:38:45 AM

202 Posts
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Quote :
"ncsuftw being #1 because hes a bitch ass fag who cant defend himself so he kicks people off)"

Notice how I called this moderator a name here and THIS TIME HE DID NOT SUSPEND ME. I did this to prove a point. See I got suspended when I called him a name like a week ago and he suspended me, except that thread was A THREAD DISSING THE CAROLINA PANTHERS. This fool says he has no allegiance but yet he suspends me when Im talking shit on the Panthers and calling him name, but wont when Im just calling him names outside of the thread. Not only is this an abuse of power (who gives a fuck, its wolf web dude) but its truly gay.

12/12/2008 12:29:17 PM

play so hard
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enjoy your break

12/12/2008 1:05:11 PM

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ahaha the reasoning is so far off its funny

12/12/2008 6:08:22 PM

Duh, Winning
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Quote :
"Notice how I called this moderator a name here and THIS TIME HE DID NOT SUSPEND ME"

you sure about that?

12/14/2008 12:47:33 PM

All American
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trolling hits feedback forum, how super fun

12/14/2008 2:08:05 PM

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and i didn't even do it.

12/14/2008 2:19:33 PM

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if it was synapse, i'll have to bump his appreciation thread.

12/14/2008 3:10:43 PM

I'm Eggscellent
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come on can't even let off steam with after loss threads?

locked already

12/29/2008 7:10:33 PM

41010 Posts
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plenty of existing threads to let steam out in

12/29/2008 7:16:31 PM

play so hard
60941 Posts
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dude you're doing it all wrong.

this is how you do it: message_topic.aspx?topic=553663

12/29/2008 8:19:13 PM

7607 Posts
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the final chapter of TWW's downfall

shitty threads are a mod privilege, and if you have a problem with it bitch, we'll fucking suspend you, cuz dis our hood nigggaaaa

12/30/2008 9:09:03 PM

play so hard
60941 Posts
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whatever rabble rouser

he made his in sports talk

mine was shit chat

12/30/2008 10:13:12 PM

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