Oh, hah, how didn't I notice that?How about having the students plan out their meals for the week to manage calories?You could make it a game (I know you like those) where the student who has the best caloric improvement wins a prize.Or teach them about nutrition in other countries. Stuff like that can be really interesting and eye opening.There was a really really cool book I read once about how much families from around the world eat each week.. hold on...http://blog.deadgod.net/2007/11/15/A_week_of_food_around_the_worldAnd here's the book they are from: http://www.amazon.com/Hungry-Planet-What-World-Eats/dp/1580088694/Or maybe a movie about bio-engineered food:http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0427276/
11/11/2008 1:01:20 PM
11/11/2008 1:37:19 PM
I know I didn't. I routinely brought my mug of screwdriver to my AP Calculus BC class. and my AP Physics, and FF English, and well, every other class that year.
11/11/2008 1:39:06 PM
11/11/2008 1:41:47 PM
I've always loved teachers with a sense of humor.The one teacher I had for two history classes would have various ways of keeping us awake in class that were hilarious. He would beat on his podium or the whiteboard to emphasize points and would LOVE to drop things next to people that were asleep on the desk. It was entertaining.At one point, a student made him a huuuuge hammer (like a gavel). Well, the teacher that had a classroom next to this teacher would sometimes start slapping wars through the walls.One day, my teacher took up the hammer to beat on the whiteboard, and totally cracked the whiteboard.I loved that guy. He was animated and funny.
11/11/2008 2:25:03 PM
pawprint: the face you even made a thread about this says a lot about your teaching ability I'm glad we have teachers like you out there who care so much Keep it up! How's that for some positive!>!.?
11/11/2008 4:06:59 PM