I don't think anyone smart believes he will ACTUALLY change washington, but an attempt would be nice. Honestly, he has to try, because he has built himself up to an incredibly high standard over the last 2 years. Thats why I'm not worried about him fucking things up.
11/5/2008 5:03:38 PM
I don't think it'd be that hard to change Washington, it's just a matter of if he actually WANTS to or not.Pretty much all presidents run on the platform of change and reform, and it rarely happens, not for the better at least.
11/5/2008 5:05:48 PM
11/5/2008 5:06:03 PM
I used to think that the left was more vicious (not to mention whiny and obnoxious) because they were guided more by emotions than logic, and when people are emotional they get irrational and bitchy. I can't really subscribe to that line of thinking anymore. Both sides have an unhealthy percentage of partisan douchebags.
11/5/2008 5:09:52 PM
After reading the long list of things that apparently horrify you about Obama or his policy beliefs, I'm confused as to exactly what you mean by "support." It seems like you're using a pretty empty definition; what does it mean to "support" an individual as a person if you don't support their past actions, ideas, or future plans?It sounds like in essence you just want people not to be dicks. That sounds like a fair goal no matter how you apply it. Being respectful to everyone is virtuous.But if you disagree with a political leader, you could argue that we have a civic duty to dissent and let our voices be heard; it's in the spirit of American democracy, certainly more so than self-censorship would be in the face of some notion that we should "support" our leaders no matter what.
11/5/2008 5:21:02 PM
11/5/2008 5:26:00 PM
11/5/2008 8:13:02 PM
11/5/2008 8:29:12 PM
This thread is fucking retarded, as is the thread creator.
11/5/2008 8:44:40 PM
i was thinking simple mindedbut retarded might apply too
11/5/2008 9:45:47 PM
11/5/2008 10:40:29 PM
I mean, really? What was the purpose of creating this thread? You went through a whole laundry list of things that Bush has done that you think make him a good President. The list is fucking retarded because there is absolutely no way anyone should possibly be able to consider him a good President. He has been terrible on everything. You blame all of the problems that he has failed to solve during his term on something else and not his ineptitude as Commander in Chief. That's the first reason I think you're stupid...Then you go on to explain to me that Obama was elected last night and then you start to bash his policies which haven't even been put into place yet. You use the election buzzwords that failed to get McCain elected like 'socialism' and his ties to Bill Ayers among other frivolous or outright wrong things. You then trivialize his election by asserting that it was only because of his race when, in reality, he won more outright than any President in decades... something that could not possibly have happened without broad support from multiple groups.Lastly, you feign outrage at people's criticism of Bush. Surely you can't be serious that all those "classless, baseless" attacks are anything more than politics as usual. It doesn't faze me when I hear people call my candidate the Anti-Christ or a nigger. There's a reason Bush catches a lot of flak... it's because he's a bad President and his opinion poll numbers prove that the majority of America believes that way as well. So save your fake anger when your post is just as insulting as all of those more overt attacks.Obama won. Get over it. Despite running against one of the sleaziest, most desperate campaigns in modern history, he overcame all those things to get elected. And he did it largely with class and without resorting to unfounded personal attacks. He's already changed politics in that regard and hopefully he'll change Washington for the better as well. So drop all of your pre-conceived notions about what his Presidency will entail and judge it based on its merits. If, at the end of the day, his policies fail and his leadership is ineffectual... then you can attack him. I'll be right there with you, too.
11/5/2008 10:57:09 PM
^You completely missed his point.Granted, he didn't make it in the best possible way, but not only did you manage to prove his point about bush-bashing ("He has been terrible on everything" is simply an untrue statement), you also managed to tell him to do EXACTLY what he says he is doing... getting over it.
11/5/2008 10:59:09 PM
But he said he supports him while simultaneously denouncing his policies. That doesn't make any sense. He's already bashing Obama for shit he hasn't even done yet.
11/5/2008 11:00:31 PM
Criticism != Blind hate.Yeah, his criticisms are a little borderline between rational dissent and irrational dislike, but his point is that he's hoping that Obama will do well, not hoping that Obama will fail out of spite.
11/5/2008 11:03:59 PM
What kind of sane, rational person would ever hope that a President would fail simply for personal satisfaction? Why would AxlBonBach feel the extraordinary obligation to create a thread telling everything he hopes this President is a good one?
11/5/2008 11:07:51 PM
11/5/2008 11:13:00 PM
IMSToned missed the point. THat's a shock.
11/5/2008 11:22:27 PM
11/6/2008 12:58:18 AM
11/6/2008 1:03:25 AM
I intend to read the whole thread later, but I would like to say the following:
11/6/2008 9:08:19 AM
good thread, Donny. I, for one, hated George Bush. Thought he acted way too much on his own instincts, which ultimately were rooted in his father's dealings with Iraq. However, I've always canned a little discord because I know for certain that being faced with what happened on 9/11 is something I wouldn't wish on anyone. Hell, the presidency of the US is the very last job I'd ever fucking want.and this is also agreeable:
11/6/2008 9:22:58 AM
11/6/2008 1:00:19 PM