Hello Page 2... maybe you'll bring us fixes for this slow log in/initial load.
11/17/2008 12:57:48 AM
i will post in this threadi have the "remember me" or whatever box checked, and it still takes LITERALLY 30 seconds or so for tww to come up at first... after that it runs fine...
11/17/2008 2:19:26 AM
11/17/2008 10:11:26 AM
Yeah, it's not like we didn't know we could just stay logged in all the time.That isn't always an option, though.It would be nice if someone would just fix the problem instead of ignoring it.
11/17/2008 3:03:49 PM
Fix this shit
11/17/2008 6:55:57 PM
Yeah wow before this thread I thought maybe I was the only one.Fix this shit.
11/18/2008 12:53:47 AM
11/24/2008 12:09:02 PM
This is fucking pathetic.How can you have a god damn message board that takes 2 minutes and two errors to get fucking signed in?At least before when the site sucked donkey balls and had problems, it was one of us (NC State alum) getting the advertising revenues.Shame on anyone who pays premium to these fuckers when you can't even log on to the site properly.[Edited on November 24, 2008 at 1:20 PM. Reason : i mean for fuck's sake, it's been 3 fucking months and not even a "hey, we'll look in to it"]
11/24/2008 1:19:27 PM
11/24/2008 1:26:55 PM
11/24/2008 1:41:31 PM
70% of the people reporting problems have odd user numbers (12/17).67% of the poeple reporting NO problems have even user numbers (4/6).(this is what happens when production shuts down for the week and I don't have enough work to do)[Edited on November 24, 2008 at 3:56 PM. Reason : ]
11/24/2008 3:54:07 PM
^That's pretty bad Jeff. hahaBut yeah, I frequently get either an OH SHIT or like a 30 second log in. I've also started getting more application error messages. Usually as soon as I refresh, TWW pops right up. My typical entry page is Chit Chat. And, like ^, I also have an odd user number.
11/25/2008 1:29:57 AM
11/25/2008 4:59:02 PM
11/25/2008 4:59:51 PM
I wonder if this will be like another message board I used to read for about 3 years back in HS and into college. It changed management at one point and got worse and worse until it finally just wasnt working anymore and never came back.Was weird to communicate with people all the time and then one day just *poof* they never existed (since I only knew like 1 of them irl)
11/25/2008 6:12:24 PM
awww that makes me sad
11/25/2008 7:56:36 PM
still lags,its gotten worse.and it still happens on other computers
11/26/2008 10:07:12 AM
Happens to me a good bit too. In fact, I clicked the link, went downstairs to fix breakfast, came back upstairs, and it was still loading.
11/26/2008 10:10:30 AM
same shit happens to me at home and at workhalf the time I get the /system error page, the other half I get the "oh shit" page
11/26/2008 12:59:00 PM
11/26/2008 3:15:42 PM
seriously...i just had to reload 8 times to get in, and on the last time i finally got the OH SHIT internal server error and was able to click on something else. please please please please fix this shit
11/26/2008 3:23:18 PM
i'm working on it atm
11/26/2008 3:36:11 PM
Since I've been home, I've had to use my mom's computer which is set up to automatically clear anything saved from previous sessions, so I can't do the autologin thing. When I log in, it takes a LONG time to load TWW (30 seconds seems about right, I haven't timed it yet) and then no matter what, I get an 'OH SHIT' error. This happens no matter if I login from the home screen, from the 'Post Reply' login, or any other redirector. From the 'OH SHIT' screen I can then click on the links up top and proceed as normal.
11/26/2008 11:48:42 PM
i wonder what's causing it. i use google chrome to get on, and i've never had any problems (other than occasionally forgetting my password)
11/26/2008 11:53:51 PM
I just crashed my computer and firefox went down with it. Restarted and told firefox to restore the previous session. TWW popped right up with no wait. Coincidence, or did qntmfred fix it already?
11/27/2008 11:10:42 PM
that has nothing to do with the problem at hand.
11/27/2008 11:41:15 PM
its def. certain users. i dont think different comps/browsers are the issue.it takes me forever to log in no matter what/who's computer or which browser i use.
11/27/2008 11:42:52 PM
11/28/2008 12:13:18 AM
11/28/2008 12:49:16 AM
11/28/2008 1:31:28 AM
definitely a server-side problemhttp://tww.e00.us/tww.pcap if anyone's interested0.143 seconds to get an ack back from the server after my get30.408 seconds to get actual data back from the server after the previous ackthis is when trying to go to a thread from a freshly opened browser window and "auto-login in the future" checked. i get the http 500... and after that, everything works like it should.if i close the browser window and/or clear my current authenticated sessions, the same problem happens - it doesn't matter WHERE i enter the site at for the first time (homepage, thread, etc.)... it always does this.is something funky happening with the sql db? that's the only thing i could think of... IIS seems to be fine.for statistical purposes, my useragent is Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv:1.9.1b1) Gecko/20081007 Firefox/3.1b1]
11/30/2008 2:46:27 AM
funky things have always been happening on teh DB sideI have long suspected that TWW is running on a uniproc P3 with a RAID-1 set of positively ancient IDE disksPS. what's the deal with the photo gallery, seriously? the entire gallery in recompressed form is only about 30-40GB!1 the fact that the server is running out of disk at 40GB strongly supports my theory
11/30/2008 4:51:48 AM
if it helps, it seems like it always hangs up on me when it is trying to accesscache.trafficmp.com
11/30/2008 6:43:55 PM
11/30/2008 9:57:39 PM
hey nael how are you gonna make money off of ads when your users cant even log on?these kind of website problems, along with the increasingly annoying "euphalo" groupies are making tdub unbearable.
11/30/2008 10:17:49 PM
12/1/2008 2:31:06 AM
12/1/2008 11:15:55 AM
Whoa, it's even happening on my iPhone...
12/1/2008 2:37:52 PM
takes me at least 30 seconds for any page to load from scratch. auto-log in is enabledalso takes about that long to make posts (well, about 50% of my posts do).
12/1/2008 3:05:04 PM
fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix itpeas
12/1/2008 3:38:09 PM
i dont think i've posted in here yet, so fuck it.[Edited on December 1, 2008 at 6:17 PM. Reason : oh wait, i guess i have. whatever, lets fix this, k?]
12/1/2008 6:15:37 PM
this will be the next thing i look at ok
12/1/2008 7:00:49 PM
did it to me earlier on iphone.. i usually hit refresh like 5 times real fast so it never does iti'm sure you don't need more confirmed cases at this point though
12/1/2008 8:06:47 PM
fred, just make us a new tww so we can move on.
12/1/2008 9:33:04 PM
it's been tried.
12/1/2008 9:34:54 PM
12/1/2008 9:52:42 PM
and before that was wolfpacklife.com (interestingly, now says WolfpackLife 2.0 - Coming Soon)seriously though, rewriting all of tww would be a pretty big undertaking, even for a couple people. just the message boards maybe wouldn't be too bad, but crazyweb really is a pretty large codebaseand as evan has experienced himself, setting up or even building a website is cake. attracting an active userbase is the hard part. [Edited on December 1, 2008 at 10:02 PM. Reason : appropriately monetizing it is the other hard part]
12/1/2008 9:59:01 PM
i would think the message board would be the most complicated undertakingphoto gallery wouldn't be too hardschool tool might take a bit of work, but definitely possiblerides... does anyone actually use rides anymore?books wouldn't be hardcalendar wouldn't be hardwhat else is there?
12/1/2008 10:01:14 PM
I wrote a forum from the ground up in two months that does everything tdub does, but faster. Then I showed it to J&J. Then a couple of months later several of my improvements magically showed up.It would not be hard at all to upgrade the site to add very very basic funtionality: working search, sticky threads, and a specialized classifieds time editing exemption
12/1/2008 10:14:10 PM
12/1/2008 10:18:37 PM