drunknloaded Suspended 147487 Posts user info edit post |
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[Edited on December 15, 2007 at 7:27 PM. Reason : nvm] 12/15/2007 7:26:48 PM
E-Dawg All American 8309 Posts user info edit post |
Nada Surf Lucky
hxxp://www.mediafire.com/?cst4ggyjg3a 12/16/2007 1:23:47 AM
phishnlou All American 13446 Posts user info edit post |
nice work - i'll be interested to hear this 12/16/2007 2:56:25 AM
vinylbandit All American 48079 Posts user info edit post |
So I just checked out cokemachineglow, and they've got me hooked by having this blurb on their front page:
Quote : | "Petra Haden: “Don't Stop Believin' (Journey cover)” > Haden's fervent cover manifests a stone-faced absurdity that, like much of the best comedy, courts laughter only to hide how deadly serious it is." |
So true. Loves it. 12/16/2007 11:40:30 AM
sarijoul All American 14208 Posts user info edit post |
in regards to PF:
since when did 10 pictures froma show you went to last night become news?! 12/16/2007 6:58:28 PM
jstpack All American 2184 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "jesus why don't y'all listen to good bands... you know the kind that ANYONE has heard of." |
Why wouldn't you want to explore those bands that you have never heard of and seek out something new?
Also, thanks for the Nada Surf. I'm about to check it out now. 12/16/2007 8:43:02 PM
Ernie All American 45943 Posts user info edit post |
would it be dumb of me to ask why leaks are always posted as hxxp://... ?
if so, pretend i didn't 12/17/2007 12:38:25 AM
DixieQueen09 All American 1577 Posts user info edit post |
album from Liam Finn comes out in Jan. 08 (i think) on YepRoc
he is a solo artist but not the sappy singer songwriter bull, actual songs, his live show is pretty awesome too 12/17/2007 12:56:20 AM
vinylbandit All American 48079 Posts user info edit post |
^^ I always assumed it was to make it harder for RIAA bots to find links to leaked material, similar to listing your email address online as "misterx AT tww DOT com." 12/17/2007 2:03:44 AM
jstpack All American 2184 Posts user info edit post |
^ yes, you're right... also, if you just cut and paste it with the xx's in there, it'll work anyway. It just takes out the benefit of the direct link from TWW to the file hoster. 12/17/2007 1:03:46 PM
Ernie All American 45943 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "also, if you just cut and paste it with the xx's in there, it'll work anyway" |
naw 12/17/2007 1:56:28 PM
jstpack All American 2184 Posts user info edit post |
works for me, anyway.
And, while I'm here:
hxxp://www.megaupload.com/?d=DIODD3H1 here's the new White Stripes EP with unreleased stuff off their last album, a new version of Conquest and Beck on some track(s)
** I just cut and pasted the whole thing, with the XX's in there, clicked enter and it worked just fine. Try again. 12/17/2007 2:40:44 PM
thegoodlife3 All American 39572 Posts user info edit post |
i have no idea what kind of magic trick you're using, because it never has worked for me and it still doesnt 12/17/2007 2:50:25 PM
mbguess shoegazer 2953 Posts user info edit post |
^^ sweet. anyone have the new rivers cuomo demos collection? 12/17/2007 3:11:49 PM
thegoodlife3 All American 39572 Posts user info edit post |
hxxp://www.sendspace.com/file/chif4d 12/17/2007 3:14:17 PM
jstpack All American 2184 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "i have no idea what kind of magic trick you're using, because it never has worked for me and it still doesnt" |
weird... I just cut and paste it into the top of my IE browser, click enter and it will automatically change them from xx to tt and go to the site.
Do you use firefox? Would that even make a difference? Works for me, but not a big deal either way.
[Edited on December 17, 2007 at 4:28 PM. Reason : .] 12/17/2007 4:28:13 PM
thegoodlife3 All American 39572 Posts user info edit post |
yeah, devoted firefox user 12/17/2007 4:51:08 PM
jstpack All American 2184 Posts user info edit post |
ahhh, that might be it. I can't use firefox @ work, so, I hardly ever use it unless I'm at home. 12/17/2007 5:27:51 PM
jwb9984 All American 14039 Posts user info edit post |
so far i'm liking this new nada surf 12/17/2007 6:44:09 PM
mbguess shoegazer 2953 Posts user info edit post |
thanks for the link, goodlife 12/18/2007 4:04:34 AM
jstpack All American 2184 Posts user info edit post |
Bejar's newest little side project band, Hello, Blue Roses just leaked.
here's the myspace if you want a sample: http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=56150015
here's the leak link: hxxp://www.mediafire.com/?72jigsse5gg
[Edited on December 20, 2007 at 7:20 PM. Reason : .] 12/20/2007 7:19:53 PM
phishnlou All American 13446 Posts user info edit post |
that nada surf didnt too much for me on first listen
for those of you charmed by swedish jingle pop, the latest club 8 effort is pretty on par with their other stuff 12/24/2007 10:11:54 PM
E-Dawg All American 8309 Posts user info edit post |
VA - Songs From the Big Top [Soundtrack]
01 Lisa Germano: "Magic" 02 The Clientele: "Your Song" 03 Michael Leviton: "I Only Want the Sky" 04 Damien Jurado: "Ashes" 05 Matthew Sweet: "Wild" 06 Tullycraft: "The Girl Who's Above Us" 07 Howe Gelb: "Falling in Love" 08 The Owls: "I Just Can't Keep Up" 09 Communiqué: "Way to Walk" 10 Marbles: "Something, Nothing, Everything" 11 Eleventh Dream Day: "Planning My Escape" 12 Doug Martsch: "Cracked and Crazed" 13 The Sprites: "Patience"
They're all exclusive songs, I believe all written by the director/star of the movie and interpreted by the bands. A good listen, I think.
hxxp://link-protector.com/372356/ 12/25/2007 12:01:41 AM
spöokyjon ℵ 18617 Posts user info edit post |
"Shadow Falls" on The Portrait is Finished and I have Failed To Capture Your Beauty... is, technically speaking, bonermazing. 12/25/2007 12:22:26 AM
RawWulf All American 9126 Posts user info edit post |
 Cat Power, Jukebox hxxp://rapidshare.com/files/79491111/CtPwr-Jkbx.rar password: nodatta.blogspot.com
12/27/2007 11:38:54 PM
E-Dawg All American 8309 Posts user info edit post |
The Mountain Goats Heretic Pride
He's back with happy/angry songs and I'm right there with him. 12/29/2007 9:59:33 PM
themodist Suspended 1013 Posts user info edit post |
from a musician, fuck you internet nerds. 12/30/2007 1:36:10 AM
sarijoul All American 14208 Posts user info edit post |
you notice how everyone else is playing nice? you know contributing to the thread?
(btw, a large number of the people in this thread are musicians as well. so get off your high horse) 12/30/2007 1:41:34 AM
CalledToArms All American 22025 Posts user info edit post |
^^ Quote : | "you notice how everyone else is playing nice? you know contributing to the thread?
(btw, a large number of the people in this thread are musicians as well. so get off your high horse)" |
[Edited on December 30, 2007 at 1:46 AM. Reason : ] 12/30/2007 1:46:48 AM
themodist Suspended 1013 Posts user info edit post |
wooooooooooooooo! 12/30/2007 1:50:45 AM
CalledToArms All American 22025 Posts user info edit post |
im not even really into a lot of stuff people have posted in this thread so far but i just found it funny that you thought you being a musician was different than a lot of people in this thread.
with that being said, a new death cab album is coming out in may. they havent disappointed me yet (transatlantacism was their weakest but still good to listen to now and again) 12/30/2007 1:54:40 AM
themodist Suspended 1013 Posts user info edit post |
hey man, i know you know some people i respect. not trying to hate directly.
however... mando diao's album will come out in the us this year.
/feinged attepmt at contribution. 12/30/2007 1:56:05 AM
CalledToArms All American 22025 Posts user info edit post |
no worries. 12/30/2007 1:58:58 AM
phishnlou All American 13446 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "they havent disappointed me yet (transatlantacism was their weakest but still good to listen to now and again)
" |
i thought "transatlanticism" was 17 trillion times better than "plans", which gives me no faith in the upcoming release 12/30/2007 9:49:39 AM
AndyMac All American 31924 Posts user info edit post |
There should be an "Indie Music of 2008" and a "Non-indie Music of 2008" thread.
Because that's what 90% of the music of 2007 thread was, and I'm not a big fan. 12/30/2007 3:59:49 PM
thegoodlife3 All American 39572 Posts user info edit post |
just because there wasnt more non-indie stuff posted in the thread doesnt mean it was an indie-only thread 12/30/2007 4:10:45 PM
phishnlou All American 13446 Posts user info edit post |
well anytime a "non-indie" band wants to make an album that isn't complete horseshit, im sure people would love to talk about it 12/30/2007 8:40:19 PM
jstpack All American 2184 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "well anytime a "non-indie" band wants to make an album that isn't complete horseshit, im sure people would love to talk about it" |
and, they did in 2007, although they were few and far between. I guess AndyMac is overlooking that. 12/30/2007 9:11:24 PM
AndyMac All American 31924 Posts user info edit post |
yeah sorry, but I go into the best music of 2007 thread and see people saying groups like Panda Bear are awesome.
So I listen to some of it and it sounds like fucking cookware being banged together inside my skull. 12/30/2007 11:34:15 PM
spöokyjon ℵ 18617 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "from a musician, fuck you internet nerds." |
Quote : | "yeah sorry, but I go into the best music of 2007 thread and see people saying groups like Panda Bear are awesome.
So I listen to some of it and it sounds like fucking cookware being banged together inside my skull." |
AndyMac All American 31924 Posts user info edit post |
Huh, well maybe I got the wrong panda bear
I got the one where they repeat an annoying nonmusical sound over and over through the whole song, then they put some instruments playing some random notes on top of it, and finally they have some distorted and incomprehensable "lyrics" on top of that. 12/30/2007 11:42:25 PM
Ernie All American 45943 Posts user info edit post |
the best way to win an argument is to showcase your own ignorance 12/31/2007 1:25:31 AM
vanillagoril All American 548 Posts user info edit post |
^ amen. 12/31/2007 1:40:15 AM
AndyMac All American 31924 Posts user info edit post |
I'm not telling them not to like it, some people enjoy it and I'm happy for them.
I do not.
Are you people telling me that I have to like the kind of music you like or I have no taste? I thought that's why indie music is made in the first place, because people didn't like having rules set in place telling them the music they should enjoy?
I just want to see some more non indie bands, or at least some sort of indication of what type of music something is so I won't have to wade through a ton of stuff I won't enjoy to find something I will really like.
I also don't hate all indie music, just the more "out there" kind. Clearly understandable vocals help too, preferably sung by someone who can sing well. 12/31/2007 1:45:31 AM
spöokyjon ℵ 18617 Posts user info edit post |
Seriously, if you don't like what everybody's posting, post something you like. 12/31/2007 2:50:27 AM
themodist Suspended 1013 Posts user info edit post |
spookyjon, ... whatever. 12/31/2007 4:27:41 AM
nothing22 All American 21537 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "I'm not telling them not to like it, some people enjoy it and I'm happy for them." |
nah man- panda bear blows 12/31/2007 8:21:26 AM
Ernie All American 45943 Posts user info edit post |
who the hell is andymac arguing with?
no one said you have to like the music posted in this thread, no one said you couldn't discuss music that you do like
no one is going to hate on your music, so you shouldn't be hating on anyone else's
either contribute or shut up, this thread is for the discussion of music, not bitching and whining about music
Quote : | "I just want to see some more non indie bands" |
then post some! 12/31/2007 10:28:56 AM
spöokyjon ℵ 18617 Posts user info edit post |
 (file photo of themodist)
12/31/2007 11:46:02 AM
AndyMac All American 31924 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Seriously, if you don't like what everybody's posting, post something you like." |
I go into the threads looking for recommendations, not to list who I think is best. 12/31/2007 12:22:52 PM