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 Message Boards » » Reasons you just couldn't live outside the US Page 1 [2], Prev  
All American
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Quote :
"This thread is seriously disconcerting. The notion of the rest of the world that a lot you people have is disturbingly inaccurate. America isn't the only civilized nation in the world folks."

10/10/2007 10:30:44 PM

All American
17732 Posts
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I could not put up w/ all the shit talk from foreigners about my boy George W

10/11/2007 1:08:30 PM

Thots and Prayers
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good call on staying here where he is revered by all

10/11/2007 1:31:28 PM

All American
3046 Posts
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Quote :
"Don't a lot of European countries have better networks than the US?"

You could rephrase that to say that most do.

10/11/2007 1:57:34 PM

All American
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Quote :
"The delivery. Where else can you get so many things brought straight to your door in 45 minutes that will taste great?"

did you really just say delivery? In Egypt I can call up the grocery store and have them delivery a 2 liter pepsi in 20 min. Same applies to McD's and every fast food restaurant, Pharmacy's, Grocery stores, etc

10/12/2007 2:05:58 PM

All American
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I'm in Munich right now and half starving because 99% of everything is closed on Sunday.

Screw family time, I need my business driven USA.

10/14/2007 2:01:06 PM

All American
42570 Posts
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^ maybe you should be able to buy raw material and cook?

10/14/2007 2:36:02 PM

All American
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^^my brother bitches about that every time I go visit him in Leipzig lol.

10/14/2007 3:22:19 PM

All American
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it aint family time per se

they just lazy

10/14/2007 4:57:28 PM

All American
93281 Posts
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i don't talk any other languages, so i woodn't do good in other countrys.

10/15/2007 2:33:17 PM

All American
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Because no one speaks English in other countries.

10/15/2007 2:45:17 PM

All American
971 Posts
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Quote :
"I'm in Munich right now and half starving because 99% of everything is closed on Sunday.

Screw family time, I need my business driven USA."

Most places are open here on Sundays. The hours are reduced, but still, that's probably true in the US as well. The UK is the same.

Far as I can tell, the only legitimate reason for being unable to live outside the US your home country is that you'd be away from family/friends.

[Edited on October 16, 2007 at 6:13 AM. Reason : ..]

10/16/2007 6:13:37 AM

60006 Posts
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I may be moving to Panama

gonna be weird for sure

only time I've been out of the US was to go to Montreal

10/16/2007 10:38:35 AM

All American
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Because my wife said it's out of the question.

10/16/2007 11:43:31 AM

All American
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those giving the excuse of not knowing any other langauge is a bogus reason if you ask me. any reasonably intelligent (IQ > 90) person can learn a new language in a few months to years, depending on the person's language and the new language.

and if your native language is english, and you are moving to a country where the main language is written in latin characters, then that cuts down one of the most difficult things about learning a new language: reading and writing.

pretty much any native english speaker can pick up the most common latin alphabet languages in a matter of months to a year (basic to intermediate speaking and reading).

(of course i am assuming that your job would be in an english speaking company, which is a necessity for you to get out there and start earning money)

10/16/2007 12:16:08 PM

All American
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^its true. all my colleagues here pretty much know all the languages (english, spanish, german, some french) just from working w/ the mix of people over the course of a few years. and i mean like fluently, theyre jibber jabbering over here in all sorts of languages. i'm such a dumb american

10/16/2007 12:51:59 PM

All American
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I live outside my home country technically lived outside my home country since I was 2. 11 years in the UAE and then here....

10/16/2007 6:59:10 PM

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