hgtran All American 9855 Posts user info edit post |
2 3/29/2007 8:30:01 PM
skankinande All American 28213 Posts user info edit post |
[Edited on March 29, 2007 at 8:30 PM. Reason : you] 3/29/2007 8:30:06 PM
hgtran All American 9855 Posts user info edit post |
^ 5 seconds late.  3/29/2007 8:46:12 PM
skankinande All American 28213 Posts user info edit post |
I think the hatchet fish are retarded. 3/29/2007 10:54:52 PM
hgtran All American 9855 Posts user info edit post |
lol, why did u get it then? 3/29/2007 11:08:45 PM
daalians All American 557 Posts user info edit post |
Just for some fun heres some pics of my 10 gal: http://picasaweb.google.com/daalians/Fish
When I first added fish, Septemberish http://picasaweb.google.com/daalians/Fish/photo#5039903488318022594
Right before spring break, started using CO2 http://picasaweb.google.com/daalians/Fish/photo#5047708209401993778
Now, aka this morning http://picasaweb.google.com/daalians/Fish/photo#5047708342545980082
[Edited on March 30, 2007 at 8:41 AM. Reason : >.< ] 3/30/2007 8:32:28 AM
PackBacker All American 14415 Posts user info edit post |
What kind of lighting do you have?
Any CO2 added to the tank?
Looks like a standard hood with standard lighting...I'm surprised you can keep those plants alive. What kind are they?
Tank looks really good
[Edited on March 30, 2007 at 9:06 AM. Reason : ] 3/30/2007 9:06:29 AM
daalians All American 557 Posts user info edit post |
the hood is a cheap'en with 2 25-watt incandescent lights in the top.
the CO2 is via a 2 liter bottled filled halfway with water, sugar, and yeast with a hose going into the tank. Generally lasts about a week and a half, then I need to refill it.
Going to wolfvillage next year so I'm probably going to try and sneak a 29 gallon in to replace the 10 and hope no one notices its not 20.
But yea, thanks 3/30/2007 10:12:59 AM
KeB All American 9828 Posts user info edit post |
DIY CO2? I like that. Did you read that off of the web somewhere? I will post pics of mine when i find my battery charger for my camera 3/30/2007 11:31:36 AM
skankinande All American 28213 Posts user info edit post |
Cause the hatchet fish are awesome looking, now they just follow each other around and nip at themselves.
Another question, what all is involved with a fish that requires aquarium salt and will the salt hurt my other fish? 3/30/2007 12:31:20 PM
Ergo All American 1414 Posts user info edit post |
hgtran just came by and helped out with the tank. The goldfish are now no longer completely dominating the tank. Horray!
thanks hgtran 3/30/2007 4:17:42 PM
PackBacker All American 14415 Posts user info edit post |
Did he help you change the water?  3/30/2007 4:36:18 PM
hgtran All American 9855 Posts user info edit post |
^^^what fish u got that requires salt? Usually, salt in small amount doesn't hurt the fish. ^^no problem man, glad I could help. ^yea, I showed him how to change the water.
[Edited on March 30, 2007 at 4:38 PM. Reason : .] 3/30/2007 4:37:37 PM
PackBacker All American 14415 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Another question, what all is involved with a fish that requires aquarium salt and will the salt hurt my other fish?" |
Salt shouldn't hurt your fish. Some people use it as a general tonic in freshwater aquariums (1% solution I think...something like 1 tbsp per 5 or 10 gal)....i believe it helps fish' immune system and increases their absorption of oxygen.
Dosing would be listed on the carton you buy it in. The dosing is a tad different for coldwater fish and tropical fish.
I personally don't use it, becuase salt is a very effective treatment for most of the bacterial and parasitic illnesses in aquariums (I believe 3% solution kills most parasites), and if you use it...even sparingly...that means that whatever little critters or diseases are in your tank already have somewhat of a tolerance for it.
I guess it's a matter of preference, but If my fish ever get sick, I want to be able to kill off whatever is ailing it a lot quicker and easier.
[Edited on March 30, 2007 at 4:52 PM. Reason : ] 3/30/2007 4:46:22 PM
hgtran All American 9855 Posts user info edit post |
don't overpay for the aquarium salt at fish store. Just get non-iodized salt at the grocery store. 3/30/2007 4:48:40 PM
PackBacker All American 14415 Posts user info edit post |
^ And if you do that, read up on the interweb for dosing, but he's right. It's the same thing 3/30/2007 4:49:37 PM
puppy All American 8888 Posts user info edit post |
I got a freshwater tank (10 gal since thats the biggest size allowed in the dorm). I have one female African Dwarf frog, a albino cory and a green cory, and a pair of red wag swordtails (female is definitely preggers).
Maintenance is minimal, but I did have a problem with snails last semester. There must have been about 100 of those things in that little tank. I didn't want to put pesticides in my tank so it was hard to get them out. Just when you buy plants, make sure there are no snails or snail eggs in it. One snail is all that is needed to start a huge invasion. 3/30/2007 5:00:12 PM
Ergo All American 1414 Posts user info edit post |
yeah, he showed me how to change the water
yes, i am retarded
but the tank already looks better. 3/30/2007 5:34:47 PM
gk2004 All American 6237 Posts user info edit post |

265 Gal freshwater setup.
3/30/2007 7:26:17 PM
hgtran All American 9855 Posts user info edit post |
^i thought that oscar got eaten. Is the catfish still there? 3/30/2007 7:28:06 PM
gk2004 All American 6237 Posts user info edit post |
Oscar did get eated. Catfish died @ christmas. Damn feeders brought some kinda fungus funk into the system. I just have a half dozen Bala Sharks in there for now. I would like another Large Silver Arowana but I am too cheap to spend $texas on one. 3/30/2007 7:37:26 PM
hgtran All American 9855 Posts user info edit post |
^yea man, that's why I don't feed live fish to my fish. Too risky. You could get a small arowana, and then grow it big. They grow fast. I think I saw Fish World selling a 5 inch jardini arowana. I didn't know you need fish. I gave away a red devil few months ago. It's about 10 inches, with big hump on the head. 3/30/2007 10:12:00 PM
PackBacker All American 14415 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Damn feeders brought some kinda fungus funk into the system." |
That's why you dont buy feeders
^ Like he said 3/30/2007 10:43:50 PM
gk2004 All American 6237 Posts user info edit post |
I never had bad luck with feeders from a store. A friend of mine was draining his small backyard pond witch he had put a pair of 4-5 inch sunfish into at the beginning of the season. I figured that they would be enough food for the catfish for a week or two during Christmas. Bad move on my part. A catfish that big (24-26") eats alot. Feeding him anything but feeders would be way too expensive. I have since learned that they will eat beef heart and even bananas. Im just not sure that I want another large predator to care for. Even with a large tank water quality with just one large fish becomes a nonstop battle. 100 gal water changes get old quick.
[Edited on March 30, 2007 at 11:21 PM. Reason : ^^ Hate I missed out on the Red Devil] 3/30/2007 11:18:20 PM
hgtran All American 9855 Posts user info edit post |
^with a 5 inch arowana, I doubt you'll be doing 100 gallon changes anytime soon. Those take couple years to get to adult size. 3/31/2007 9:42:48 AM
puppy All American 8888 Posts user info edit post |
How long is it best to leave a fish tank light on per day? I don't leave mine on often, my fish do fine. My roommate has hers on for 12 hours straight, her tank looks nasty, but her fish look okay. She says its not good for the fish to not have the light, but really, how much light is really needed for water creatures? 4/3/2007 8:07:52 AM
Jader All American 2869 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "don't overpay for the aquarium salt at fish store. Just get non-iodized salt at the grocery store.
" |
whoa, is this for real? even with reef tanks? 4/3/2007 8:30:26 AM
hgtran All American 9855 Posts user info edit post |
^^depends on whether you have plants or not, and different plants require different amount of light. ^i don't know about saltwater, but I would think it would work the same. 4/3/2007 10:07:51 AM
skankinande All American 28213 Posts user info edit post |
I think that the fish would be fine with just the natural sunlight. The light is more for us and live plants if you have any. 4/3/2007 10:40:32 AM
KeB All American 9828 Posts user info edit post |
they have 3 inch arowanas at fish pros for $30. They also have an adult for $130 4/3/2007 1:24:53 PM
puppy All American 8888 Posts user info edit post |
^^yeah, I figured the light was mainly for aesthetic purposes except for plants. Fish don't really need light, makes sense since in the wild, they live in deep waters. I don't have any plants, and this girl has one small one. Just wondering, since her tank looks disgusting compared to my nice clean one. I maintain mine very well. 4/3/2007 9:40:51 PM
hgtran All American 9855 Posts user info edit post |
yea, too much light can cause algae if you don't have enough plants to use those lights. 4/4/2007 12:49:37 AM
Jader All American 2869 Posts user info edit post |
i think the best thing that people should get for their tanks is an automatic timer for their lights. 4/4/2007 9:36:08 AM
scrager All American 9481 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "whoa, is this for real? even with reef tanks?" |
no, reef salt has trace minerals in it as well. besides, when you are talking about freshwater salt, you are talking about teaspoons per like 10G.
For saltwater salt, you're talking 1/2 cup per gallon. i don't know how much deionized salt is, but instant ocean 160G buckets are only like $35 bucks at petsmart if you pricematch their website. that's 22 cents/gallon. if deionized salt is any more than 44 cent/cup, then instant ocean is cheaper and better anyway. 4/4/2007 10:06:41 AM
toemoss All American 2950 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "instant ocean 160G buckets " |
how the fuck much salt do you need???
is that 160G of salt, or enough salt for 160G tank?? 4/4/2007 11:02:28 AM
wahoowa All American 3288 Posts user info edit post |
^160g of tank water.
definitely dont use grocery store salt for marine tanks. the minerals in the marine mixes along with the pH buffer are critical for the fish and corals.
[Edited on April 4, 2007 at 11:17 AM. Reason : a] 4/4/2007 11:16:45 AM
scrager All American 9481 Posts user info edit post |
^ yes, the 160G bucket is for 160G of water. When you have larger tanks, the large buckets go really fast. with my 125G tank, one bucket will give me the initial set up and may two water changes. If you have a tank over 160G, you'd need more than one bucket just to set up.
The bucket salt is so much cheaper than the smaller boxes. If you have a tank 55 or larger, i would go with the buckets. If you go with the small boxes, you'll always put off your water changes till you can buy more salt, but if you go with a bucket and always have extra, the water change motivation is a lot easier to come by. 4/4/2007 11:19:56 AM
LapDragon101 All American 1034 Posts user info edit post |
I have a 90G Saltwater Reef Tank and a 55G Saltwater Fish Only Tank. They are very easy to take care of after the first 6 months of headache. Basically the trick it to get he tank to properly balance and cycle. After that it's not hard to take care of and not much more than a fresh water tank. If you have questions let me know I can try to help.
My recommendation is to research the web. There is a ton of info out there to help beginners. Just be prepared to spend a lot of money in the beginning. Try not to get anything too fancy either because there is a good chance a lot will get sick or die. I recommend getting hardy fish and corals and recommend community fish because the aggressive ones can be somwhat messy and spike your levels however they are really cool to have. 4/4/2007 11:20:47 AM
Jader All American 2869 Posts user info edit post |
yea pretty much the coolest looking shit is the most hard to care for 4/4/2007 12:52:10 PM
wahoowa All American 3288 Posts user info edit post |
i have a few gobies, chromis, and anthias that look awesome and arent hard to care for at all. the chromis are absolutely beautiful in small groups.
the proper lighting is also critical to make the fish look the best they can 4/4/2007 2:29:08 PM
Jader All American 2869 Posts user info edit post |
was kinda talking about corals in general. if you have fish die in your aquarium, then youre really messing up. 4/4/2007 2:33:02 PM
wahoowa All American 3288 Posts user info edit post |
yeah corals can be tough...i havent gone down that road yet 4/4/2007 2:33:58 PM
puppy All American 8888 Posts user info edit post |
thanks guys for explaining the light thing. I tried to help her with it, but apparently she's too stuck up and thinks she knows everything to listen to me. She can be such an ass sometimes, and when I offered to help her resolve her dirty tank problem, she denied that there was a problem and that she knew exactly what she was doing. I've had a fish tank longer than she has and never once had excessive algae growth (or much at all). What she will most likely do is take my advice but make it look like that's not what she's doing. 4/4/2007 2:41:05 PM
Jader All American 2869 Posts user info edit post |
i bet she has that aquarium near a window with sunlight. sunlight makes any aquarium into an algae factory. 4/4/2007 2:49:24 PM
puppy All American 8888 Posts user info edit post |
no, it's actually not near a window. 4/4/2007 9:16:13 PM
Taikimoto All American 2039 Posts user info edit post |
Tip: Size does not matter with saltwater. It all depends on how much time and dedication you put into it. Case in point:
2.5 gallon, running since Feb. 06:
 4/5/2007 1:32:01 AM
puppy All American 8888 Posts user info edit post |
a little saltwater tank would be cool to have. 4/5/2007 2:15:34 AM
daalians All American 557 Posts user info edit post |
New tank

 5/29/2007 10:20:30 PM
hgtran All American 9855 Posts user info edit post |
nice tank, anyone here has experience with lights? my hood just gone dead, but I don't think it's the bulbs because I just replaced the bulbs. The only other thing inside the hood is the ballast. Could that be it? How much does the ballast for a 55 gal tank usually cost? The hood is made by all-glass and it has 2 55W bulbs. 5/29/2007 11:31:41 PM
KeB All American 9828 Posts user info edit post |
had a leporinus take a suicide mission while I was at work last night. Found the small gap between the glass top and the tank to take a leap out of. Had to go out and get another today b/c the other leporinus was lost without his friend.

[Edited on July 21, 2007 at 3:24 PM. Reason : pic] 7/21/2007 3:23:35 PM