Page 2, i'll post my improvementsMy eyes have cleared a lot. I take them out religiously every night now and put eye drops in my eyes. Some days my eyes will hurt and i'll get a headache. I still think im going to go get some soft contacts.
2/22/2007 5:47:41 PM
def invest in some soft contacts. there are some new contacts which replace the accuvue 2s. they are called optix2. they allow much more oxygen to permeate to the cornea, which it needs. also, imho i would be wary of relying on drops to keep my eyes moist.
2/22/2007 7:30:44 PM
i wear the optix2. actually they're the only contacts I've ever worn. they work well for me. they're the 2 week kind. I usually leave them in for about a month and don't take them out at night. eventually they dry out and start hurting my eye and I throw them away. I hope my corneas wont come out since they're pretty breathable
2/22/2007 9:14:45 PM
2/22/2007 9:59:18 PM
giant papillary conjunctivitisI have this from overwearing my contacts, Its not as bad as the picture but it makes my eyes feel like they constantly have something is in them when my contacts are out.
2/23/2007 12:46:12 AM
keeping contacts in for that long are SO bad for your eyes no matter what the product is....i take my contacts out every day and have slept in them maybe a handful of times. Whenever I wake up my eyesight is so blurry because my eyes are so dry. You may want to go to the doctor though..thats what happened to my brother and he couldn't wear contacts for 4 months
2/23/2007 1:17:24 AM
^^ ew, i had that too -- apparently, my body decided one day it was allergic to the proteins it produced to coat my contactsi almost never slept in my contacts though, and usually only wore them for 2 weeks, washed them well, etc -- my eye doc said sometimes it just happens to certain people -- i tried dailies for a little while which semi-worked but the flare ups were so painful and completely sucked (since just taking my contacts out didn't immediately solve the problem)so i had lasik done almost 5yrs ago, and it rocks
2/23/2007 5:40:06 AM