4/26/2006 11:57:21 AM
I dunno... I'd shoot to stop not to kill if someone was stealing my only means for work and if my insurance didn't cover it. My insurance covers theft and covers my car at the value that it's worth not in bluebook. That said, I'd have no problem shooting someone if they tried to steal my car. In fact I'd do it just to let them know that this is a stupid line or work. Then I'd let them bleed for a few minutes before calling 911. Fuck with their head a bit "hmm... I don't know if I should call 911 or let you bleed to death".Course... I'm a viscious bastard when it comes to people stealing from me.
4/26/2006 11:58:08 AM
Having something stolen is one of the most helpless feelings ever to be experienced (besides sickness) and you're damn right I would shoot out a tire or something to slow him down if not stop him from stealing my vehicle, but not shoot the guy because that would lead to jailtime.
4/26/2006 12:05:00 PM
id like to see how that would hold up in court. you shot at your car. trying to shoot out a tire.
4/26/2006 3:29:28 PM
To keep it from being stolen, yes. (And I wouldn't be trying to shoot it out-I am a good shot-it WOULD be shot out ) Whatever it takes to not have my car stolen or to slow them down so the cops could get after them successfully. If you wouldn't do that, then you're either a puss, a bad shot and think you would miss, or you have enough money that a lost car would be of no matter to you. (This is not directed at anyone in particular.)
4/26/2006 4:58:01 PM
4/26/2006 9:57:24 PM
^ pretty muchit pays to know the laws of the state where you are
4/26/2006 10:20:23 PM