False, but that's because my job was historically done with slave labor.
4/27/2006 8:10:43 AM
5/22/2006 3:40:27 AM
5/22/2006 2:39:47 PM
gotten the job without the degree NOdone the job without the degree YES
5/24/2006 12:09:29 AM
I guess I could have had I been a business major in undergrad and spent 10-15 years working up to what I'll be doing now that I have my MBA. But as a PoliSci guy in undergrad and a navy officer for 5 years, there is no way I could have gotten this job without the MBA.
5/24/2006 4:31:38 AM
5/24/2006 12:15:15 PM
5/24/2006 9:47:33 PM
5/25/2006 11:41:57 PM
true. I needed a j.d.well, in order to get the j.d. you need a four year... so false.
5/29/2006 6:21:07 PM
5/29/2006 6:43:19 PM
5/29/2006 7:35:56 PM
false. I still could do it, but that fucking piece of paper gets you in the door. It's a shame really.
5/29/2006 8:50:12 PM