that dude is a cock
4/25/2006 9:05:00 PM
cheerleading is not a sport
4/25/2006 10:18:50 PM
i saw mr wuf on elimidate adn he won. But he was the biggest duechebag ever. One of the dudes was about to kick his ass.
4/25/2006 10:26:16 PM
thats interesting....because we all went out afterwards for drinks and i dont remember any of the dudes wanting to kick my ass....but then again you must know everything...right he hate me?....asshole
5/2/2006 1:33:17 AM
met the guy a couple times.....complete asshole
5/2/2006 2:12:21 AM
Funny that you all say that stuff about people you don't really know. If "I've talked to him a couple times" counts as knowing someone, I know lots of people!!!!Tanner is one the nicest guys I've ever met. The real problem here I think is you all WISH you could be like him, or even win a NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP.....Which by the way, our cheerleading program has more national championships than any other team at the University.
5/2/2006 10:08:28 AM
aren't there mascot rules? like no talking while in the mascot uniform and definetly not letting people know you are the mascot?
5/2/2006 11:07:10 AM
This thread is still useless without pics.
5/2/2006 11:12:53 AM
know him better than you think
5/2/2006 12:33:46 PM
oooo let it be known that packpunk "knows" me.....haha riight whatever - lots of people "know" me - think your special??? and to be honest your opinion matters to me about as much as that of a carolina frat boy (which would mean less than nothing for those who are slow)bigun - you da man
5/2/2006 3:46:42 PM