do you even know why it matters to a JEW to not celebrate CHRISTmas?
11/17/2005 10:24:01 AM
it would give them a huge guilt trip?
11/21/2005 6:16:19 PM
Gibson, helping paint Christians as a bunch of petulent drama queens.
11/21/2005 7:04:41 PM
just this morning the government forced me to take down my xmas tree
11/22/2005 1:37:32 AM
i continually bash something every chance i getso do my friendsand society tends to be finding any excuse to downplay or outright ignore itit may not be "war," but it sure as hell is persecution.
11/22/2005 1:40:32 AM
this is retarded, all this tree and santa shit is all pagan to begin with.REEEEEEETAAAAAARDEEEEEEEEEDDDDDDDDDDDDDd
11/22/2005 1:57:49 AM