SouthPaW12 All American 10141 Posts user info edit post |
^^ Yep, my fears also.
Yeah my email was pretty "carried away" to but that's exactly what the teaching in this class has become, and something's gotta change.
Nobody in this class wants to know some extravvagant amount of information; we all have lives and lots of other classes on the side. I want you to teach only the material that'll be on the test, and ESPECIALLY only tell us to study the stuff we'll be tested on. I don't want random examples that'll do me no good. I want examples of stuff that I'll be tested on. Gosh this guy's a moron...go back to Minnesota, North Carolina doesn't want you  9/25/2005 6:57:48 PM
PackBaby Veteran 114 Posts user info edit post |
I'm confused. If it says that I got a 12/16. Is that with the curve already? So I really got a 10 out of 16?
If the average was a 76...that is not good, "generally" or otherwise. 9/25/2005 7:09:52 PM
jo7304 New Recruit 46 Posts user info edit post |
^ that's w/ the curve i think
i don't think pissing him off will help us. he obviously doesn't care. we've just gotta make it clear (in a diplomatic way--though we don't want to be) that we need more direction in this course to study for the exams, and make him commit to giving us exams that are based on class examples and webassign..and to beg him not to give us a cumulative final while we're at it. not sure why he doesn't slow class down a bit..because we've covered way more than past semesters did
by the ways, does anyone have the book? is it helpful? i didn't want to waste 100 bucks if i didn't have to.
[Edited on September 25, 2005 at 7:27 PM. Reason : .]
[Edited on September 25, 2005 at 7:28 PM. Reason : .] 9/25/2005 7:24:36 PM
SouthPaW12 All American 10141 Posts user info edit post |
^ I have this book and haven't even opened it.
I just studied what he said to study, which was pointless anyway. 9/25/2005 7:36:45 PM
OMFGPlzDoMe All American 896 Posts user info edit post |
The book is useful to an extent. See, it actually explains things and gives great examples and how to solve them. I've learned almost everything in this class from the book and random google searchesfor examples. HOWEVER, it suddenly seems pretty useless to learn from the book when you're gonna fail the test anyway.
Edit: Just sent my email, although I have a feeling it won't matter. He wrote all of our concerns on those slides for tomorrow, and the only thing he seemed to take into consideration was more examples. I know it's hard to tell attitude from text in powerpoint slides, but I pretty much got that his attitude regarding the test was "fuck you, if you were smart you would have passed it"
[Edited on September 25, 2005 at 7:45 PM. Reason : ] 9/25/2005 7:39:24 PM
jo7304 New Recruit 46 Posts user info edit post |
^exactly. he doesn't care.
okay so i shouldn't get the book?
can anyone help me with the webassign then. i just need help getting started on 1-3. 4 was easy enough 9/25/2005 7:56:56 PM
SouthPaW12 All American 10141 Posts user info edit post |
I wouldn't buy the book, it won't help you pass the test to be won't know what examples to study, so it's useless.
And yeah, he pretty much could care less about us, it's very clear. And he said to wait until at least after Monday's class to start the WebAssign since some Qs were based on brand new stuff we wouldn't "get" yet. 9/25/2005 8:25:08 PM
PackAngel23 Veteran 382 Posts user info edit post |
Basically my email was just that, a demand for better instruction or for him to point me in a better direction for supplemental help. I didn't point out bad notes, just bad instruction.
Also, The book helps on the webassign, not much else. Sometimes the book’s examples are exactly like the webass problems. And if they are odd then it shows you how to work them in the answer key. I have used it to study and to do webass. It only helped the latter. 9/25/2005 9:46:39 PM
rallydurham Suspended 11317 Posts user info edit post |
honestly guys hit the drop course button and re-take this in the spring...
i got a 15/16... so that means i missed three questions?? jesus... i need to see what i missed maybe it was just dumb mistakes but that seems pretty outrageous if it wasnt... 9/25/2005 10:32:53 PM
SouthPaW12 All American 10141 Posts user info edit post |
^ That's not an option for me. I'm taking 21 hours this semester and 20 the next to graduate. My choice, I understand, but there's no excuse for this lame ass teacher. 9/25/2005 11:00:13 PM
jo7304 New Recruit 46 Posts user info edit post |
15/16? that's an A, you're not considering dropping are you with a good grade!
^ same here. I need to graduate. Prof. is so hands off with us. he leaves everything to his TA's. just like going over the test. They're nicer than prof. but i end up confused sometimes with them.
[Edited on September 25, 2005 at 11:26 PM. Reason : .] 9/25/2005 11:23:28 PM
curlyQ Veteran 386 Posts user info edit post |
My situation: I did not take the test and plan to drop this whole semester bc of other issues as well as NCSU sucking and not caring about you. I totally agree and have been feeling this way since I transfered here 2 years ago. I have figured out what I really want to do with my life: Dental Hygiene and am pursuing that currently. I have had thoughts about completing my remaining 36 hours pt and online while working full time. This business school at NCSU is as quoted "not testing our smarts, but just wasting our time. I was told last fall by the assistant dean "Gail Hankins" ,when I had to get her approval for a course drop, that I should have been in class even though my father was in intensive care after suffering a heart attack, Because Wake Med was in the area! I have pushed myself really hard to get as far as I have, but cant take it anymore even though I have 36 credits left. NCSU business school is horrible, has cost me thousands, and depressed me. Im officially moving on. I emailed Riech before the test and told him his class made me want to drop out of school. Someone email him this thread.
[Edited on September 26, 2005 at 12:18 AM. Reason : im relieved]
[Edited on September 26, 2005 at 12:26 AM. Reason : a] 9/26/2005 12:14:34 AM
OMFGPlzDoMe All American 896 Posts user info edit post |
My cat is sick and the only appointmet the vet had was at 11:30
If I don't make it back in time for class, can someone fill me in on what he said about the test? 9/26/2005 9:49:55 AM
rallydurham Suspended 11317 Posts user info edit post |
basically he said the test scores were good and that the class average was a 12/16 (76%).
Now that really made me wonder about the guy because I'm pretty damn positive that 12/16 equals 75%.
It was absolute mayhem in there.
I was reviewing my test with some people sitting around me and there was no consistency among the grading.
One person put statistic and it was right, the other put parameter and it was right, the other put statistics & parameter and it was also right.
Mayhem. 9/26/2005 2:43:21 PM
OMFGPlzDoMe All American 896 Posts user info edit post |
sad i missed it
i want to see how my test was graded
i went to lab and asked my TA if he happened to have any of the tests that people didn't pick up today...he looked right at me while i asked and then turned around as if he had heard nothing. everyone looked at him like "wtf"...then i asked him again and he got real confused and was like "test? what test?" and i was like "the test that everyone has in front of them that i didnt get because i wasnt in class today. The test that you were explaining problems from 30 seconds ago"
he finally got it
it would have been funnier if i still wasnt so pissed about that test 9/26/2005 3:27:38 PM
SouthPaW12 All American 10141 Posts user info edit post |
I can't fathom the lack of intelligence (common sense) this guy has. It was horrible in class...people all around me had different answers marked right & wrong.
Over half the class agreed that if 98 out of 100 measurements of tire pressue are accurate & 2 aren't, then MODE is the best measure of pressure, however douchebag Reich thinks that it's not. We argued long enough to get an extra point added.
He didn't take our criticisms the right way....he's just a complete loser. I don't know what else to say or do. I guess we just live with it. 9/26/2005 3:47:57 PM
kristamcneil All American 747 Posts user info edit post |
^do you know how he is adding the extra point? Is he just going to add it when we turn in our corrected answers on Wednesday at lab? 9/26/2005 3:54:00 PM
SouthPaW12 All American 10141 Posts user info edit post |
He only added those who comfronted him after class and got our names on a sheet.
If you didn't, you're SOL he said. Again, he doesn't care what was graded right or wrong or if we understand. It's very obvious now.
[Edited on September 26, 2005 at 4:51 PM. Reason : .] 9/26/2005 4:50:50 PM
OMFGPlzDoMe All American 896 Posts user info edit post |
I personally care MORE about what was right or wrong than if i understand it
i highly doubt i'll have any real use for stats in the field i plan on entering
and WTF about only giving the credit to people who added their name. If he graded an answer wrong and it is right, then it is his RESPONSIBILITY to credit all those who had it right 9/26/2005 5:13:38 PM
jo7304 New Recruit 46 Posts user info edit post |
somebody help me w/ webassign question #1
[Edited on September 26, 2005 at 5:20 PM. Reason : .] 9/26/2005 5:20:22 PM
SouthPaW12 All American 10141 Posts user info edit post |
Q1 is hard. I hadta bum help from a stats guru to get this...I'll try to explain it for yall
Alright, on a normal bell-shaped curve, you know that Point Xb is somewhere BELOW zero, while Xa is somewhere above 0. The distance between points Xb and Xa is .70. That means that the "tails", or non-shaded areas on EACH SIDE of each point is .15
Now, go back to that formula he gave that states: z = x - mu/stnd. deviation
Now, our values will differ from here on our most likely. We don't know "z" and we don't know "x". My mu = 91, and my sigma (or stnd. deviation) = 12. So what I've got thus far is z = (x - 91)/12
Now here's the tricky part. You know your "z" value is gonna be .35 from 0 each way (to give a total of .70 covered area). So bust out your Z-table and find the z-value that comes closest to giving you .35 covered area. That z-value is ~1.04
Now that you have that, you can solve for x. I had: 1.04 = (x - 91)/12 Use cross-multiplication to get: 12.48 = x - 91, so x = 78.52 for the low side, which is Xb. (remember, negatives don't matter in AREA)
Since you just subtracted 12.48 from your mu to get the low-side value (Xb), just add 12.48 to your mu to get the high-side value (Xa). For me that was 103.4
I'm pretty sure the z-value will be the same for everyone so long as your point Xb and Xa are .70 distance apart. Just plug in your mu & stnd. deviation values.
One VERY important thing to note about this problem: our jackass teacher has no more went over this type of in-depth problem than a man on the moon.
[Edited on September 26, 2005 at 7:10 PM. Reason : .] 9/26/2005 7:09:45 PM
OMFGPlzDoMe All American 896 Posts user info edit post |
^oh southpaw, you crazy
i love you bashing on makes my bashing feel like a union of good vs. evil
but you definatively DO have a point about his explanation of that problem 9/26/2005 7:15:57 PM
jo7304 New Recruit 46 Posts user info edit post |
^^ thanks southpaw! i thought these problems were supposed to be explained by him or the book, but you do a way better job of it! 9/26/2005 8:11:53 PM
jo7304 New Recruit 46 Posts user info edit post |
okay, for question #2, i've used the zchart to look up .499 (.001 - .5 for 1 cup in 1000 overfill) and set up my equation as 16-mu/.4 =3.09
why is this wrong, i am supposed to find mu right? 9/26/2005 9:32:58 PM
SouthPaW12 All American 10141 Posts user info edit post |
You've done well to find 3.09, but it doesn't end there.
You need to use that same formula from #1. Your z-value is 3.09, your sigma (or stnd. deviation) is given in the problem (mine's .42), and your x is 16.7 (the new cup).
So 3.09 = (16.7-mu)/.42
Use cross-multiplication to get 1.2978 = 16.7 - mu, so mu = 15.4022 since we only care about the upper-half (OVERfill) and aren't testing any underfill.
So 15.4022 was my final answer...that Q was very difficult IMO. 9/26/2005 9:54:36 PM
kristamcneil All American 747 Posts user info edit post |
this class sucks.
I've taught myself everything from the book and I still did bad on the test...which was graded differently than the 5 other people sitting next to me. 9/27/2005 9:40:13 AM
sncsu3 Veteran 113 Posts user info edit post |
Is there a lab worksheet due this week? Did not see one on the website to print? 9/27/2005 9:42:00 AM
kristamcneil All American 747 Posts user info edit post |
^instead of a worksheet we have to turn in the problems we got wrong on the test corrected and worked out. which makes me laugh. 9/27/2005 11:45:34 AM
SouthPaW12 All American 10141 Posts user info edit post |
Yeah it's hilarious b/c there's a very good chance your lab mate will have question 4 right while you got it marked wrong. This guy is such a tool. 9/27/2005 12:02:19 PM
sncsu3 Veteran 113 Posts user info edit post |
Is that due weds. or fri.? becuase I couldn't make it to class mon. to pick up my test. 9/27/2005 12:08:54 PM
kristamcneil All American 747 Posts user info edit post |
its due wed. but if you go to your lab your TA might have it 9/27/2005 12:45:13 PM
SouthPaW12 All American 10141 Posts user info edit post |
Yeah, supposedly due Wednesday.
I'm upset at how obviously haphazardly these were telling if I deserve credit for anymore, guess I'll find out while comparing to other's tests at lab....
And the LAST THING I want is "open-ended" Qs...I probably got half the questions I got correct were from totally guessing. Had they been "show your work for credit" questions, I would've gotten 0 credit because I bet 6-8 of those Q's I didn't even know where to BEGIN. 9/27/2005 1:15:23 PM
rallydurham Suspended 11317 Posts user info edit post |
yeah people are going to do much worse without multiple choice.
he's like "you'll do better if i can give you partial credit"
yeah right... now you wont be able to guess on the ones that you are clueless to because they dont appear on the study sheet. 9/27/2005 3:28:57 PM
jo7304 New Recruit 46 Posts user info edit post |
on the exam, for the problem w/ the histogram, since the histogram is left skewed -- what's the answer??
edit: wait, is that right skewed?
[Edited on September 27, 2005 at 5:01 PM. Reason : .] 9/27/2005 4:55:35 PM
PackAngel23 Veteran 382 Posts user info edit post |
i had thought it was left skewed for the test but it is actually right skewed... so the answer for that one is something about the median being less then the mean 9/27/2005 5:38:30 PM
guitarguy All American 8118 Posts user info edit post |
so has anyone does the webassign due this friday? i dont know how to do them. 9/28/2005 2:38:00 PM
kristamcneil All American 747 Posts user info edit post |
^scroll up for #1 & #2.
I personally need help on #3....does anyone know how to set this up? I've tried like 3 different ways but the 10% thing is screwing me up. 9/28/2005 3:23:27 PM
SouthPaW12 All American 10141 Posts user info edit post |
^ You probably just need to take your answer x 90%
Focus on the fact that you wanna get it 90% right 9/28/2005 3:33:46 PM
OMFGPlzDoMe All American 896 Posts user info edit post |
i wish i was you southpaw
then i'd have a stat grad be able to help me pass this course  9/28/2005 3:38:37 PM
guitarguy All American 8118 Posts user info edit post |
yeah f this shit. 3 and 4 dont know how. 9/28/2005 5:56:05 PM
OMFGPlzDoMe All American 896 Posts user info edit post |
the only reason i knew how to do #1 and #2 was because southpaw explained them in terms i could understand (UNLIKE our teacher)
I'm trying to do #4 and i'm stuck. Can someone explain to me what I'm doing wrong? For the first question, what is the probability that x is at most 1:
I set up my equation like this: (5!/2!3!)*(.2)^2*(.8)^3 but apparently it's wrong. Can someone just tell me if I'm at least on the right track? 9/28/2005 6:06:04 PM
SouthPaW12 All American 10141 Posts user info edit post |
Alright, lemme try to help yall w/ 3
First, take the # of spaces you own and subtract them from your low and your high # of potential rental spaces.
Let's say your original high was 10000 spaces and low was 7000 and you already own 300.
Now you have 9700 and 6700 to work with. You wanna make sure you have 90% of the potential customers spaces. If 100% of the area you care about spans from 6700 to 9700, the difference between those 2 #s is 3000. Simply take 90% of the difference (3000 x .90) to get 2700 spaces. Now, just add 2700 to your low # (2700 + 6700 = 9400) and you're done.
You can now rent 9400 spaces and be confident that 90% of the potential customers will have parking (BTW, wasn't that much easier than whatever he's been explaining in class...)
Question #4 looks simple, but it's the hardest of the bunch IMO.
You first need a P table that represents your "p=" value. There's one in the Appx. B of your textbook, but I don't think it lists all the in-betweens like .15, .25, (#'s that end in "5"), so use this:
Just type in your "n" value and your given "p=" value since that differs from person to person and it'll give you 6 numbers if your n=5.
The first # is if x=0, the 2nd # is x=1, 3rd # is x=2, 4th # is x=3, 5th # is x=4, and 6th # is x=5.
Now, in a) What is the probability that x is at most one. This just means add the probabilities of getting x=0 and x=1 together. So, just add the first and second #'s listed together and you've got your answer.
For (b) What is the probability that x is at least four: Just add the #'s that represent x=4 and x=5 together since you need to get 4 or more.
For (c) What is the probability that x is less than one: The only # less than 1 is 0. Thus, just take that number it gives you for x=0 and copy/paste that into WebAssign for the right answer.
The most important part about this is that he has completely FAILED to give us adequate knowledge on how to do problems such as these. We should all email him and say we had to find outside help away from his class to even complete this as his teaching style is worthless.
Anyways, hope that helps everyone 
EDIT: For problems like #4 in the future, do NOT USE THAT FACTORIAL CRAP. My roomie going for his Ph.D in Stats said that formula is total garbage and ancient knowledge when you can easily get your hands on a Binomial Distribuation Chart in a textbook or online.
[Edited on September 28, 2005 at 6:15 PM. Reason : .] 9/28/2005 6:14:30 PM
OMFGPlzDoMe All American 896 Posts user info edit post |
does anyone think it would be a good idea to email him this thread?
because i really REALLY want to but i'm not sure what kind of trouble that would cause
P.S..thanks much for the help southpaw! 9/28/2005 6:17:22 PM
guitarguy All American 8118 Posts user info edit post |
i wouldnt email him this thread. then we cant ever speak of stats on here again  9/28/2005 6:25:44 PM
jo7304 New Recruit 46 Posts user info edit post |
Yeah, for #4, using the table or your calculator is the best way to solve it
BTW, for #3, that was sucha good explanation Southpaw. That sounds so much more clear and easy then that uniform distribution formula he gave.
[Edited on September 28, 2005 at 6:33 PM. Reason : .] 9/28/2005 6:28:03 PM
rallydurham Suspended 11317 Posts user info edit post |
if you don't like binomial distributions you can always use combinations like you learned in MA 114
#4(a) P(x=0) = .8^5 P(x=1) = (.8^4)*(.2^1) * 5c1
by 5c1 I mean use the nCr button on your calculator....
Then add the P(x=0) to P(x=1)
#4(b) P(x=4) = (.8^1)*(.2^4)* 5c4 P(x=5 )= (.2^5)
Add P(x=4) to P(x=5) 9/28/2005 6:57:39 PM
PackAngel23 Veteran 382 Posts user info edit post |
Hey, I am seriously looking into getting a tutor ( I AM COMPLETELY WILLING TO PAY). If you guys have a tutor or know someone who can Tutor, PM me. I need to be able to understand this material for the rest of the semester.
Thanks 9/28/2005 8:05:11 PM
Pupils DiL8t All American 4967 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "okay, for question #2, i've used the zchart to look up .499 (.001 - .5 for 1 cup in 1000 overfill) and set up my equation as 16-mu/.4 =3.09" |
Did you subtract from .5 simply because that was the middle of the standard normal distribution? Subtraction from .5 is understood for all problems like this? Or is it specific to this one problem?
"No more than 1 cup in 1000" designates the subtraction, right?
[Edited on September 29, 2005 at 1:09 PM. Reason : incoherence] 9/29/2005 1:06:18 PM
rallydurham Suspended 11317 Posts user info edit post |
^ yes
This is a "one sided" test.
In other words you are only concerned with there not being TOO MUCH coke being poured into the drink. You are not concerned with underpours.
That is why you must include the entire 0.5 of underpours not just .499 or whatever... 9/29/2005 3:51:44 PM
Jeepin4x4 #Pack9 35781 Posts user info edit post |
SouthpaW, thank you so much. you are the man 9/29/2005 5:40:19 PM