udorawala All American 13888 Posts user info edit post |
i have created a couple of KML files if anyone wants them
one of them labels every NCSU building
the other marks about 200 or so apartment complexes and neighborhoods in raleigh 7/5/2005 10:59:19 PM
Shivan Bird Football time 11094 Posts user info edit post |
got it online? 7/5/2005 11:06:06 PM
udorawala All American 13888 Posts user info edit post |
^those are the communities
^there's NCSU
look for the attachment link next to my username 7/5/2005 11:19:10 PM
udorawala All American 13888 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "eric n azares: cool thanks again for the files udorawala: sure, hope they work well udorawala: i'm also working on a KML for "Earth's Extremes," "Active Volcanos," "Aircraft," and a few others, i can't wait to get those done eric n azares: awesome eric n azares: what do u use to make those files eric n azares: is it just xml udorawala: nope, i just mark my locations, create a new folder with the locations, and save the folder eric n azares: ah ok udorawala: if you have multiple locations and camera angles (which i'm using with the new KML's I'm doing) you can do fly-thoughs eric n azares: oh nice udorawala: I wanna make a fly-through of the Grand Canyon I think eric n azares: you i downloaded this eta file eric n azares: and i see like mars udorawala: yeah, i got that one, too as well as the moon eric n azares: this program will distract me for many hours this week udorawala: yeah, me too, but i love it, it's awesome" |
lol, this is so cool, we're wasting precious IM time discussin it 7/5/2005 11:31:59 PM
Shivan Bird Football time 11094 Posts user info edit post |
Well damn. How long did that take you? 7/6/2005 7:31:12 AM
udorawala All American 13888 Posts user info edit post |
NCSU took me about three hours
and the communities took me about 5 hours 7/6/2005 11:03:23 AM
jlancas03 All American 9645 Posts user info edit post |
the download link is up again 7/7/2005 10:11:54 AM
P Nis All American 2614 Posts user info edit post |
do the images look any better with the paid version? 7/7/2005 10:25:16 PM
kylesmyname2 Veteran 231 Posts user info edit post |
Took me ~5 minutes to find Carter-Finley Stadium without any labels turned on. It's kind of fun to just try and figure out where you are. You can zoom close enough to read the endzones and see the stadium in decent detail...pretty nice. They had a version of the Keyhole software in the International Spy Museum in DC that I played with forever. This is twice as addictive! 7/7/2005 10:52:54 PM
scud All American 10804 Posts user info edit post |
I still find WorldWind a more interesting project 7/7/2005 11:02:19 PM
Noen All American 31346 Posts user info edit post |
^why, they are doing the exact same things google/keyhole is doing, but with older data 7/7/2005 11:30:11 PM
drunknloaded Suspended 147487 Posts user info edit post |
[Edited on July 9, 2005 at 2:50 AM. Reason : .] 7/9/2005 2:39:47 AM
Shivan Bird Football time 11094 Posts user info edit post |
7/9/2005 8:53:06 AM
Maverick All American 11175 Posts user info edit post |
I fly Fort Bragg a lot, so I know that place pretty well from the air. You can easily identify it 500 miles up from the satellite view.
This is 10x better imagery than Falcon View in most places, and it loads and moves very quickly.
[Edited on July 9, 2005 at 9:49 AM. Reason : .] 7/9/2005 9:47:07 AM
agentlion All American 13936 Posts user info edit post |
hacks and tutorials - http://www.googleearthhacks.com/ http://www.makezine.com/blog/archive/2005/07/how_to_gps_tag.html 7/9/2005 1:43:24 PM
Shivan Bird Football time 11094 Posts user info edit post |
^Those are nice. 7/9/2005 2:19:17 PM
pwrstrkdf250 Suspended 60006 Posts user info edit post |
ok I have google earth on my comp.. what now 7/9/2005 3:18:14 PM
Weeeees All American 23730 Posts user info edit post |
love it 7/9/2005 8:50:57 PM
Shivan Bird Football time 11094 Posts user info edit post |
Overlay the goatse pic somewhere. 7/9/2005 11:20:16 PM
agentlion All American 13936 Posts user info edit post |
i have several Google Earth hacks to add later, but just one for now - http://www.beenmapped.com/
I haven't used it (because i'm on a mac now..... need GE for OS X!), but it looks to be a del.ico.us bookmark/tagger for google earth locations, so you don't forget them. 7/14/2005 4:37:59 PM
ericnazares All American 5424 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Overlay the goatse pic somewhere." |
There's a giant crater in mexico that should do nicely for that 7/14/2005 4:45:10 PM
ericnazares All American 5424 Posts user info edit post |
Does anybody know what this giant symbol on the ground is?
It's at: 37.628860,-116.84799 7/14/2005 4:54:15 PM
darkone (\/) (;,,,;) (\/) 11612 Posts user info edit post |
It's in the nuclear proving grounds, so I'm sure it's some sort of distance markers for bomb testing. 7/15/2005 10:44:11 AM
A Tanzarian drip drip boom 10996 Posts user info edit post |
If any of you are interested, here's some NWS radars that I've done.
http://bbs.keyhole.com/ubb/showthreaded.php/Number/42678 7/16/2005 5:14:01 PM
toemoss All American 2950 Posts user info edit post |
the moon IS made of cheese...
http://moon.google.com/ 7/20/2005 2:48:46 PM
GraniteBalls Aging fast 12262 Posts user info edit post |
^ bahahahaha
I love google. 7/20/2005 3:11:14 PM
toemoss All American 2950 Posts user info edit post |
how the hell is that image repeating over itself like that?
when you zoom out, you can see that it's just one image repeated in a line, but I can't find any seams.. am I losing it or what? 7/20/2005 3:26:19 PM
qntmfred retired 40960 Posts user info edit post |
there's not seams on the moon 7/20/2005 5:27:00 PM
GraniteBalls Aging fast 12262 Posts user info edit post |
Are you fucking blind? 7/20/2005 7:33:17 PM
Noen All American 31346 Posts user info edit post |
Get google earth and load in the satellite overlay here
And you can see downtown Nawleans.
I also put in some images from Gulfport and Bay St. Louis. As I and others add to it, I will update the links (and give update times so you know if you got the latest one or not) 9/1/2005 3:55:55 AM
agentlion All American 13936 Posts user info edit post |
Your New Orleans Downtown August 31st, 2005 link goes to [link]http://www.snotmonkey.com/files/google_maps/92563-NOfloodDigitalGlobe.kmz
should that not be [link]http://www.snotmonkey.com/files/google_maps/92563-NOfloodDigitalGlobe.kml ?
and when i open the Mississippi one, i get the following errors for all the images: "Could not load image: <image URL>" looks like you were pulling those images off of NOAA.gov and they are expired
[Edited on September 2, 2005 at 3:22 AM. Reason : .] 9/2/2005 3:18:48 AM
Noen All American 31346 Posts user info edit post |
its the kmz file i pulled from the keyhole bbs, and it seems to work fine.
as for the other, they shouldnt expire? 9/2/2005 5:38:42 AM
panthersny All American 9550 Posts user info edit post |
ok so I am having problems with my google earth....takes for freakin ever to open
keeps telling me to delete my google earth cache file
anyone know how to do that?
I have done like 15-20 his res overlays of the mississippi and LA coastline so could this be doing that?
I have some good overlays if someone could host them 9/2/2005 8:55:37 AM
TreeTwista10 minisoldr 148828 Posts user info edit post |
the more overlays you have open at once, the slower it will run...if you uncheck that it should help...and needless to say, faster computer w/ good graphics card and fast internet runs program the best
anybody have any idea if there are any future plans to add more cities to the 3D Buildings features? Particularly Charlotte... 9/6/2005 2:06:30 PM
Locutus Zero All American 13575 Posts user info edit post |
My biggest complaint is that many of the roads in the rural areas south and west of here are named "state road 2231" or whatever, instead of the actual name of the road. 9/6/2005 2:27:26 PM
TreeTwista10 minisoldr 148828 Posts user info edit post |
^yeah i hear that...on a lot of them if you zoom out a little more you can see both though...
i think thats more helpful for people travelling who just want to know how to stay on State Highway 3356 instead of caring how the road name changes from Tyvola to Fairview to Sardis to Idlewild, etc 9/6/2005 5:32:05 PM
Punter16 All American 2021 Posts user info edit post |
I would have no idea how, but I'm wondering would it be possible (and I'm pretty sure it would with access to the right information) for someone to create a dynamic overlay based on the information from the wake county real estate database or other similar databases(http://msweb01.co.wake.nc.us/realestate/search.asp) that would show lot sizes, land and house values, and the other information provided by the wake county (or other) real estate database. It would also be cool if you could click on a house from the satellite image and have google earth pull up a picture of the house from the wake county (or other) real estate database. Thoughts? 9/7/2005 12:29:22 AM
TreeTwista10 minisoldr 148828 Posts user info edit post |
Mecklenburg County has a similar setup that is separate from Google Earth
http://maps2.co.mecklenburg.nc.us/website/realestate/Run.htm 9/7/2005 9:24:00 AM
30thAnnZ Suspended 31803 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "i think thats more helpful for people travelling who just want to know how to stay on State Highway 3356 instead of caring how the road name changes from Tyvola to Fairview to Sardis to Idlewild, etc" |
the random road name changing used to drive me nuts when i first moved here 9/7/2005 9:35:20 AM
BDubLS1 All American 10406 Posts user info edit post |
i downloaded a kmz file and kml file for the NWS radars.. i double click the files and they automatically open google earth. is there a way i can put them in some type of folder...where i just open google earth regularly and then can turn the radars on and off as i please? 9/7/2005 9:49:03 AM
TreeTwista10 minisoldr 148828 Posts user info edit post |
^I think when you open them it adds a new file/checkbox to the left side of the program...you can find that and copy it to your favorites folder? Then you should be able to select/deselect it whenever you want 9/7/2005 11:40:36 AM