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All American
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Liam Neeson.

2/11/2004 8:38:10 AM

All American
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Christian Bale will always be Jack from Newsies to me, every time i see him on screen, i feel like he's about to go into a musical number, not sure if I can handle constantly feeling likebatman is about to start singing...ok ok, jk, but does make for an interesting mental image

[Edited on February 11, 2004 at 10:15 AM. Reason : bleh]

2/11/2004 10:15:03 AM

All American
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santa fe
are you there?
do you swear you won't forget me?
if i found you would you let me come and stay?

i ain't getting any younger and before my dying day
i want space, not just air
let them laugh in my face i don't care
save a place, i'll be there

[Edited on February 11, 2004 at 10:22 AM. Reason : god i typed that from memory must watch newsies again soon ]

2/11/2004 10:21:35 AM

All American
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hahahahaha....i refrained from typing out just immagine batman singing them

2/11/2004 10:29:11 AM

All American
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Christain Bale = best singing newsboy/psycho/tetragrammaton cleric/batman ever

2/11/2004 10:33:17 AM

Tom Joad
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Quote :
"Edge in Gotham City to perform theme song for new series of 'The Batman'.

'The Batman will feature the most complex and intriguing character in comic book history in action-packed super-heroic adventures, melding the renowned character's extraordinary physical prowess and super-sleuthing skills with a new range of experimental Bat-gadgets and amped-up Batmobiles.'

The theme song for the new show, which hits screens this autumn, will be performed by the Edge. Of course, this is not the first U2 brush with the Dark Knight.

According to Warner Bros, 'The new series picks up Batman's story in year three: in his mid-twenties, just finding his way as protector, defender and Caped Crusader, while balancing his public persona as billionaire bachelor Bruce Wayne. Living in Gotham, a metropolis where shadows run long and deep, beneath elevated train tracks and within a 150-year-old drainage system, this younger Batman will confront updated takes of familiar foes -- meeting each member of his classic Rogue's Gallery for the first time. From the likes of Joker, Penguin, Catwoman, Mr. Freeze, Riddler and Man-Bat, among others, the war on crime jumps to the next level with a new arsenal at the Dark Knight's disposal, all operated and linked by an advanced remote-controlled invention he dubs the "Bat-Wave.""

i didn't know if there was a thread about the new batman cartoon, so i put it in here

2/11/2004 10:37:56 AM

All American
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bartleby, was the liam neeson a seinfeld ref?

cause its just kinda out there....

2/11/2004 10:59:38 AM

All American
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nah. Liam Neeson is apparently close to (or has already) signed onto the movie. There's no confirmation on what character he'd be playing but it would probably be one of the villains (R'as al Ghul, Jonathan Crane (a.k.a. The Scarecrow) or crime boss Carmine Falcone).

2/11/2004 12:40:08 PM

The Jackal
All American
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This should be better than Aranofsky's Year One, which took place in the 70s and featured a black Alfred

2/11/2004 12:47:40 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Batman Turning British?

Batman is becoming British after director Christopher Nolan has been given the go-ahead to reinvent the American character in new movie Batman: Intimidation. The Memento film-maker wants to freshen up the superhero, who has so far featured in four modern day features, and has decided to give Batman and his American playboy alter-ego Bruce Wayne a more 'James Bond' feel. Brit Christian Bale is playing the lead role with English veteran actor Sir Michael Caine and Irishman Cillian Murphy are also signed up, and now Nolan has added Bond veterans, costume designer Lindy Hemming and special- effects guru Chris Corbould to the crew. Warner Bros's production head Jeff Robinov says, "Chris is reintroducing Batman and it feels smart cool and fresh. That's no disrespect to the other movies, but it's really Chris' vision of Batman and that's what we're supporting.""


2/13/2004 1:03:43 AM

All American
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wow, liam neeson eh...this cast is either going to be perfect, or realllllly overblown...

i still hope that nolan can convince pearce to play harvey dent...

having the possibility for batman vs a good drawn-out twoface, played by someone who won't ham it up, well that'd just be "the sex"

[as teh emo kids call it]

2/13/2004 8:44:32 AM

All American
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Neeson (Ra's al Ghul) and Morgan Freeman (Lucius Fox) have just been confirmed.

2/19/2004 1:55:51 AM

El Pidio
All American
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it is confirmed he will wear this old school costume also...pure player

2/19/2004 9:43:51 AM

All American
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The casting on Neeson was wrong apparently. Instead he's playing Batman's mentor, businessman Henri Ducard.

2/20/2004 10:32:23 AM

All American
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i liked him in the cast, but i wasn't thrilled about him being al ghul
but this is much better...

2/20/2004 11:07:18 AM

All American
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ken watanabe?


2/21/2004 6:19:35 PM

All American
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dennis quaid?


what kind of cast is this?

2/23/2004 2:13:17 PM

Tom Joad
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looks like a great supporting cast to me

2/23/2004 2:15:18 PM

All American
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i think it would have been nice to go with [relative] unknowns....personally
but whatever gets a good movie made

2/23/2004 2:21:17 PM

All American
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Quote :
"looks like a great supporting cast to me"

of course, you could have said the same thing about Batman Forever

2/24/2004 12:27:11 AM

All American
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ken watanabe is apparently ra's al ghul

2/26/2004 1:32:58 PM

Kitty B
All American
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nm, didn't see page 2

[Edited on February 26, 2004 at 4:34 PM. Reason : ]

2/26/2004 4:29:33 PM

All American
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this should be cool. i liked him in the last samurai, and while i don't know much about the ra's al ghul character, i can see him as a good villain

2/26/2004 4:36:30 PM

All American
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edit post says the official title for this movie is Batman Begins.

Quote :
" For months rumors have swirled about around what the title of Christopher Nolan's new BATMAN movie would be. During most of the latter half of 2003 speculation arose that the working title for the project was the enigmatic BATMAN: INTIMIDATION GAME, suggesting that whatever was being planned for the Dark Knight this time the stakes would be higher than before. Still, through location scouting reports, leaks about the film's rumored storyline and even official casting announcements, no official title was ever announced for the project, leaving fans to wonder if INTIMIDATION GAME was nothing more than a mirage.

But now we can exclusively report to you what the official title is for the new BATMAN. It's not BATMAN: INTIMIDATION GAME, which we've now learned was the project's pre-production code name during its early development cycle. Now that Nolan's film is moving into the active phase of its production, this title will be what Warner Bros. will be refering to the film during the duration of its shoot (which begins next month) and as it moves ever forward towards its release in the summer of 2005. Let the rumors be finally put to rest:

The official title of the movie is BATMAN BEGINS.

You heard it here first! "

2/27/2004 9:50:34 AM

Tom Joad
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hey look

they dumbed down the title so it would sound like sucky ass like "batman forever, returns, etc."

[Edited on February 27, 2004 at 11:40 AM. Reason : .]

2/27/2004 11:39:49 AM

All American
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3/19/2004 10:39:44 AM

All American
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They will never make a good batman movie.

3/19/2004 10:47:06 AM

All American
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new wallpaper, sweet

3/19/2004 10:53:17 AM

All American
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batman: year one

3/19/2004 3:10:13 PM

All American
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shuddup sock

i have faith in this for some odd reason
-blind hope-

3/19/2004 6:35:28 PM

All American
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WTF wasn't Ra's like Portuguese or something? It's been a long time since I read that stuff but I thought he was.

3/19/2004 11:12:30 PM

All American
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they dont really say what his origin is.

3/20/2004 12:53:11 AM

All American
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he's arab...don't hate

3/20/2004 12:56:52 AM

All American
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scarecrow was a pretty sweet villian, better than pretty much everyone cept for the joker of course

3/20/2004 1:35:33 AM

All American
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why did tim burton not do batman forever and batman&robin? bane was supposed to be a bad-ass, not a fucking retard. if he was done like in the cartoon, that would have been great

3/20/2004 1:53:52 AM

All American
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if bane was done any other way than the way that fucker schumacher did him it would have been better. he was a fucking mindless zombie... not some criminal mastermind that hes supposed to be. i'll never forgive shumacher for what he did.

also, this movie is gonna be bad ass and done right.

i didnt know batman was much of a designer either. thats a sweet new bat logo he made

3/20/2004 4:10:32 AM

All American
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i just would have loved to see bane beat the hell out of bats....but then azrael-batman would have shown up...shoemacher would have loved that horrid techno-suit...

just like i'd like to see doomsday in a superman movie some day...

shit, i'd just like to see a good superman movie some day - but that won'thappen any time soon...


3/20/2004 5:06:44 AM

All American
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I'm too much of a skeptic.

I was re-reading the thread though, and some people have been comparing this to Year One, and I just don't see how it's anything like Year One (except maybe time period).

Year One was basically a look into the characters of Gordon and Wayne, their differing motivations and methods, but similar goals. There wasn't any big villians in Year One, Bats was fighting crime and real criminals, not just loons (as in the previous movies).

This movie seems to be based on the same idea of all the other movies, Batman v. this week's villian. w00t? I hope hope hope hope hope hope hope I am wrong. I would love to see a character driven story on the Dark Knight, but I'm not expecting it.

3/21/2004 3:45:32 AM

All American
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if nothing else, this movie is not gonna be a circus like the last 2 movies. i think it's got a great cast and good director. i have faith in this one

3/25/2004 11:04:52 PM

All American
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Rutger Hauer and Tom Wilkinson recently joined the cast.

3/26/2004 2:43:07 AM

All American
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i saw the hauer story listed on superherohype, but i can't get any of their pages to load for me...

and once again ... wtf with this cast?

3/26/2004 2:51:40 AM

All American
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"Wilkinson plays Falcone, one of the leading crime figures in Gotham City, while Hauer portrays Earle, a business contemporary of Bruce Wayne's murdered father who has designs on the Wayne corporate empire. "

3/26/2004 3:05:23 AM

All American
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I think they have a point though. Afterall, the Batman comic's storyline is nothing like the movies you've seen.

3/26/2004 11:35:49 AM

All American
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Just when I start to become convinced that there's no way they can possibly fuck this movie up....

3/31/2004 12:24:18 AM

Ohhh Farts
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that bat mobile makes me want to cry

3/31/2004 12:25:12 AM

All American
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3/31/2004 12:32:31 AM

All American
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It looks kinda cool and badass, but it just seems out of place. Batman rides around in a suped-up car, not a fuckin' tank.

3/31/2004 12:41:55 AM

All American
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this isall some sick, cruel joke right?


3/31/2004 12:47:21 AM

All American
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if you hold your mouse over the pictures, the caption is a question mark

so maybe it is a cruel joke

3/31/2004 12:52:04 AM

All American
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3/31/2004 1:15:17 AM

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