^ cases like the above are why if really like to see required gun liability insurance.
11/29/2023 12:52:51 PM
12/6/2023 3:49:41 PM
12/7/2023 11:50:25 PM
Domestic terrorism -- not just for the whites anymore.
12/8/2023 4:08:20 AM
https://www.wral.com/story/fuquay-varina-police-investigate-road-rage-shooting-near-elementary-school/21185111/My son’s daycare is half a mile from this intersection.
12/8/2023 9:06:36 AM
Sorry for your son, but we must not infringe on the God-given right of people to shoot other drivers who slightly delay them.
12/8/2023 10:23:50 AM
Florida shooting: Sister fatally shot over Christmas present rowhttps://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-67825635
12/27/2023 7:18:10 PM
wtf is a row
12/27/2023 10:37:39 PM
A row could be a scrap or a disagreement about whether to follow the advice of your GP and hail a lorry to the nearest chemist for this season's COVID jab, or whether that idea is rubbish and should be binned.
12/28/2023 1:58:43 AM
They found Damarcus' weapon but have been unable to find Darcus'. It may be where they left the "mar"
12/28/2023 6:23:35 AM
I really used to think that people could tell the difference between TV/movies, video games, internet and real life, and that it was poppycock to blame them for societies ills.Now, as I understand, people today in this country don't have any frame of reference to see them as being separate, individual realities.It's all GTA.At least in Idioocracy, the stupid people were sweet, and were looking for help. We've been tripling down on the Gatorade to water plants thing.
12/28/2023 1:54:30 PM
To be fair, it has what plants crave. It's got electrolytes.
12/28/2023 2:33:33 PM
12/28/2023 2:51:54 PM
2/3/2024 3:48:41 PM
2/3/2024 3:52:31 PM
2/7/2024 8:31:34 AM
2/7/2024 8:43:39 AM
^sounds like something a college student would say
2/7/2024 11:06:09 AM
Seems like basic common sense that if you fire a gun you should be legally and financially responsible for where it lands
2/7/2024 11:56:33 AM
You are... lolThe one case you could make is specifically for hunting, on public grounds, in which case it could come with the permit/license or something. This already exists in some capacity[Edited on February 7, 2024 at 1:38 PM. Reason : -]
2/7/2024 1:33:50 PM
All-around American good guy football fans opened the shooting range in Kansas City today.But you know what they always say:"The only way to celebrate a consecutive Super Bowl win is a good guy with a gun!"
2/14/2024 6:47:37 PM
3/23/2024 10:29:26 AM
They always come back
3/23/2024 12:52:59 PM
Good guy in Ohio taking out the scammers (Uber drivers)!:81-year-old charged with murder of Uber driver he mistakenly believed was a scammer, police sayhttps://www.cnn.com/2024/04/16/us/ohio-uber-driver-murder-charge/index.html
4/16/2024 6:48:46 PM
I think I will procure a gun once I have a stable residence of my own.But I'll start by just going to the range and using their stock.
4/16/2024 7:43:40 PM
I feel little sympathy https://www.foxnews.com/us/oklahoma-man-ammo-turks-caicos-airport-faces-12-years-prison-risk-losing-everything
4/24/2024 11:56:15 PM
4/25/2024 5:45:21 AM
Good guy spotting in Charlotte!
4/29/2024 7:36:43 PM
^that's crazy
5/1/2024 10:01:23 AM
Turns out Daniel Perry was a good guy all alonghttps://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/texas-gov-greg-abbott-pardons-daniel-perrry-army-sergeant-convicted-mu-rcna152661
5/16/2024 9:49:51 PM
Greg Abbott vouched for him. Guaranteed good guy.
5/16/2024 10:31:40 PM
bro bruh bro
5/16/2024 11:38:16 PM
how long before he kills again?
5/17/2024 9:46:41 AM
Well, it's Texas, so there are plenty of immigrants always passing through who can be killed with impunity to defend our freedoms (to kill, apparently). I'd give it a couple years.]
5/17/2024 10:04:14 AM
5/17/2024 1:57:06 PM
6/11/2024 7:11:45 PM
^Same incident:Teens went to a sporting goods store to return airsoft guns. An armed man fatally shot one in the back, authorities sayhttps://www.cnn.com/2024/06/12/us/big-5-sporting-goods-shooting-washington/index.html
6/13/2024 7:46:28 PM
The dude has got to have some mental illness? Wacko. What's worse is that he was an off-duty security guard.Really unfortunate, just nonsensical.[Edited on June 13, 2024 at 7:55 PM. Reason : 1]
6/13/2024 7:53:42 PM
6/15/2024 4:20:17 PM
6/28/2024 12:09:13 AM
SuPpoRt OuR lAw EnFoRcEmEnT oFfIcErS!]
6/28/2024 6:16:33 AM
It's such a harmful, wildly illogical and willfully ignorant position to take.
6/29/2024 10:35:44 PM
8/22/2024 4:39:56 PM
9/9/2024 1:53:17 PM
9/9/2024 2:46:13 PM
9/9/2024 3:22:25 PM
9/9/2024 3:26:43 PM
9/9/2024 4:30:11 PM
where my gun control frens at
12/5/2024 4:55:04 PM
we need super strict gun control IMO
12/5/2024 5:21:35 PM