Patoy is way better.I'm Krallum and I approved this message.
5/30/2013 3:01:26 PM
None of you have friended me in this game
5/30/2013 4:44:58 PM
My name is Akrallum in game and I am terrible. However my MMR is decent enough that if you haven't played quite a few games at level 30 you will probably get crushed and not enjoy playing at all.I'm Krallum and I approved this message.
5/30/2013 5:00:30 PM
I started a new account that I am going to level strictly against people. I did the 30 grind mostly against bots on my other one so now I'm level 30 and get matched against opponents who are much more comfortable playing against people than I am.2 games in I carry the first game as tank leona and lose the second as 24-4-10 graves
5/30/2013 6:17:43 PM
You should never play against bots unless you're practicing a combo you can only cast on championsIm krallum and i approved this message
5/30/2013 8:38:23 PM
I take that back, Twisted Treeline against bots is the fastest way to get IP. But you should still never play against bots. Don't play the game to win play to improve yo mechanics. You'll have more fun and probably actually get better.I'm Krallum and I approved this message.
5/31/2013 8:36:23 AM
they nerfed the twisted treeline strat where all 3 go bot and push it then wait for 5 minute timer then kill nexus...i was doing that and the IP was other news, i out-carried my ADC as taric.... it was pretty bad. by the end of it, he was buying wards, i was CS'ing and buying full AP items. Ended up going 13/5/20... his R->W combo does SO MUCH DAMAGE when you are building AP and not full support items.My support is getting pretty damn stronk...I bought every single support champ. I'd rank the follow my best:Thresh (but he ALWAYS gets banned) -> Leona -> Taric -> Blitz -> Soraka -> Nunu -> Alistar -> Nami -> Lissandra -> MorganaHolla if you want a silver support sometime.
5/31/2013 10:45:44 AM
Yeah one time I killed 4 people at our nexus by myself as Taric. In most team comps its more advantageous for the jungler to build an Aegis & locket and for the support to go AP. You should try lulu. She's probably my favorite support and is super super strong. Thresh is only good because shitters don't know how to bait his grab and then punish in lane. Same with blitzcrank. Honestly in ranked solo q - I would just play Lux support and then go AP and try to carry the game. Her shield is ridiculously strong. My elo is so low that you can't really trust anyone else to do anything correctly. I basically quit playing ranked until I think I can carry from any role with at my MMR. Speaking of which Jungle recommendations? I haven't jungled at all since S2. I honestly hate jungling. Here is how every ranked game goes: People take bot lane and then don't take dragon, people get an inhib and then sit in base and wait for them to respawn or B without taking away their buffs. No one pushes a wave before they go back. People go back when they don't have enough for an item. I'm Krallum and I approved this message.
5/31/2013 11:00:17 AM
QTPIE ONLINEI'm Krallum and I approved this message./]
5/31/2013 12:02:49 PM
How the fuck are 5 supports supposed to win?I'm Krallum and I approved this message.
5/31/2013 3:01:10 PM
das racist.yoonie is "ok" the rest of them are awful. not the first girls only team. dat solvanas chick might be able to get the D]
6/1/2013 10:17:16 AM
I'm Krallum and I approved this message.
6/3/2013 3:27:25 PM people in this bitchI'm Krallum and I approved this message.
6/4/2013 4:50:08 PM
6/5/2013 4:32:07 PM is a video of them getting SHAT on by hotshot and a bunch of random diamond players. The pro streams are pretty funny right now. Pretty much everyone just says "gg i'm going to get baited and outplayed" as soon as the game startsI'm Krallum and I approved this message./]
6/5/2013 5:05:03 PM
Any interested in getting a TWW ARAM going or even some normal 5v5 matches? zags and I have played a few times and it's pretty fun but we should try to get more....Put your username down and add everyone....-Brontoo (Nashattack)-dzags (dzags18)
6/10/2013 11:37:00 AM
I don't think you can join an ARAM as a team, but I haven't seriously checked yet.I would be down for some games (armabond in game).I mostly play Lulu support.
6/10/2013 11:43:09 AM
I don't know anything about ARAMS, but I would play them or 5v5s I also support but can mid or top a few champs-Brontoo (Nashattack)-dzags (dzags18)-armabond (Armabond1)-suicidal ghost (ghost613)
6/10/2013 11:48:27 AM
You can do custom games.
6/10/2013 12:28:06 PM
Akrallum (Krallum)I've got a pretty big champion pool for mid, ad and support. I'm awful at jungling and I can't play any 'traditional' tops that are worth a shit.I'm Krallum and I approved this message./]
6/10/2013 12:35:04 PM
LCS?I'm Krallum and I approved this message.
6/12/2013 4:59:56 PM
6/12/2013 5:08:58 PM
I just want to see imaqtpie interviews & breakdownsI'm Krallum and I approved this message.
6/12/2013 5:16:18 PM
DIGNIGGASI'm Krallum and I approved this message.
6/12/2013 5:56:52 PM
got pooped on im ready to see what clg brings. my boo better hold it down in the jungle
6/12/2013 7:28:32 PM
CONSTANTLYLOSINGGAMESI'm Krallum and I approved this message.
6/12/2013 8:27:19 PM
I'd be interested in playing arams or normals together. I can play any role, probably worst at adc.-Bosco Baracus (rtc407)
6/13/2013 7:47:09 AM
Why is kennan back?I'm Krallum and I approved this message.
6/13/2013 5:44:04 PM
removed energy cost on ult
6/13/2013 8:52:13 PM
He hasn't been changed in like 4 monthsI'm Krallum and I approved this message.
6/14/2013 1:00:03 PM
So I resisted as long as I could, but I tried out LoL last night. Not sure if I'm getting it, or if it's my cup of tea. So you just pick a champion and fight waves of minions and random monsters to level up and kill structures faster than your enemy?
6/17/2013 7:45:57 AM
That is the gist of it. I'd imagine it would be hard to get into this game playing without friends - if you've never played Dota or anything back in the day. Personally, I think this game is better than vanilla.I'm Krallum and I approved this message./]
6/17/2013 9:39:22 AM
^^ thats about the sum of it. there are other modes, of course. -Dominion is basically a capture point map (but with the added waves of minions + leveling up). -ARAM is the same things but there is only 1 lane, so it is much more about fighting the enemy team than the minions.As Krallum noted, it is way more fun while playing/working with friends. Having that communication really helps as well when you get into the (often) chaotic team fights.
6/17/2013 9:48:34 AM
Also don't play against bots.I'm Krallum and I approved this message.
6/17/2013 10:00:34 AM
Wards with Friends
6/17/2013 10:11:22 AM
I like how much she says "we". Also wtf she is terrible and constantly asks retarded questions on destiny's streams.And this... who wants to make an all male team?I'm Krallum and I approved this message./]
6/19/2013 10:13:11 AM this is the best stream I've ever seen. Some guy paid to get his account boosted (... to level 30) and is playing ranked bronze 5I'm Krallum and I approved this message.
6/19/2013 11:36:19 AM
This is a really good match: Don't read anything below the embedded video, because it says the winner.
6/19/2013 12:57:03 PM
That was a crazy match. I've added a few people from my normal games that were friendly and each of them said something about not liking to watch pro games... doesn't make any sense to me. I definitely understand more global strategies now than I did before watching the pros.
6/19/2013 1:32:40 PM
The most important thing I learned from watching pro games is how important vision is. Those guys spend so much on wards and put them everywhere, while also working to deny vision to the other team.[Edited on June 19, 2013 at 1:44 PM. Reason : ]
6/19/2013 1:44:42 PM
That's all fine but most of that shit doesn't work in solo queue because no one gives a fuck about team comps. You should really just ward your side of the map and try and pick the most OP FOTM champion you can. Also double lift is terrible. I have two problems with that game 1) Doublelift kept farming after he had full items2) The only reason it took so long is because Crumbzz is absolutely terrible at Zac. Dignitas should've won like 20 times.I'm Krallum and I approved this message./]
6/19/2013 1:50:28 PM
Yeah but I'm talking like they flame when I am splitpushing.In other news, it is very hard to lose as Nunu right now in the jungle. As long as your lanes do moderately well, you can out level some solo laners and counterjungle like crazy.
6/19/2013 2:00:03 PM
Nunu has always been good in the jungle. Ice Blast OP, his ult OP, his passive op, frozen heart op
6/19/2013 2:10:59 PM
I have a problem where I have this compulsion to play the most least played champs, so I come into games as Urgot, Galio or LeBlanc and everyone loses their minds.
6/19/2013 2:17:05 PM
btw Team Siren disbanded after a month, lmao
6/19/2013 2:20:49 PM
Urgot is very strong. Its pretty difficult to carry with leblanc and that depends on team comps a ton. She's kind of like an AP K6 with no resets.I'm Krallum and I approved this message.
6/19/2013 2:44:54 PM
Urgot is strong but he's such a glass cannon it makes it difficult not to feed earlier on.And his ult is so situational that 90% of the time it's useless (or it teleports you right into the enemy group).
6/19/2013 2:48:02 PM
wut the fuck do you build on him?I'm Krallum and I approved this message.
6/19/2013 3:11:43 PM
Standard shit, manamune, bloodthirster, frozen heart, black cleaver
6/19/2013 3:53:59 PM
Gotta get dat frozen fist, i'd go LW instead of BCI'm Krallum and I approved this message./]
6/19/2013 3:59:40 PM