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All American
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it’s a long watch, but it’s a good example of how out there young republicans are

3/12/2025 10:36:33 AM

All American
3097 Posts
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Jubilee is the reddit of YouTube

please refrain

3/12/2025 10:55:51 AM

All American
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3/12/2025 11:18:07 AM

All American
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Pretty crazy story here about what doctors treating measles are seeing, as it relates to RFK jr

As someone who was born in a 3rd world country, that’s what this all reminds me of. It’s common for those governments to be run by unqualified politicians with no knowledge and training just going on their gut feeling. But the populists like it because finally a leader is saying things they would think. This is really dangerous

3/15/2025 2:15:55 PM

All American
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^ would you force vaccinate the Mennonites and refuse to treat them at all?

3/15/2025 2:27:05 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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If they were vaccinated, why would they then be refused treatment?

Or was your question intended to contain an or rather than an and?

3/15/2025 4:04:24 PM

All American
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^ would you force vaccinate the Mennonites and refuse to treat them at all if they remained unvaccinated?

3/15/2025 6:16:09 PM

The Coz
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I think you know I am in favor of compulsory vaccination as a safe and proven way to advance public health. And it's also true that I have minimal sympathy for those who choose not to protect themselves against easily preventable afflictions. However, it doesn't mean I favor the abandonment of the Hippocratic oath. It would be nice if when consuming public health resources, they submit to vaccination against further disease.

3/15/2025 7:36:11 PM

All American
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I wish the best for the kids.

I don't give a tenth of a fuck what happens to the adults. Fuck 'em.

3/15/2025 10:20:45 PM

All American
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RFK jr is spreading misinformation, and then embracing the people perpetuating physical harm

We all grew up in an environment of compulsory vaccinations which have eliminated death and disability from things like polio, and we should continue to do this where it makes sense. The only class of people where doctors are being told not to treat them are women who need to terminate a pregnancy for a wide range of reasons, and people needing hormone therapies after consultation with an array of doctors.

No democrats are pushing laws to compel doctors to refuse treatment of people (but there are flippant social media comments like this because it’s annoying to see stupid people putting everyone else at risk)

3/16/2025 12:13:50 AM

The Coz
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3/16/2025 5:52:32 AM

All American
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^^ this current outbreak has fuck all to do with RFK. If you look at measles cases in the last 20 years it has been similar communities of religious Mennonites.

Now if you want to discuss how credibility with public health was torched by calling an unproven mRNA treatment a vaccine and compelling people to take it when it did nothing for a large segment of the population forced into taking it and then gaslight them as it became apparent it did nothing for over a year about it, I could be down. There are certainly families and "MAHA moms" swayed to RFK on who are not vaccinating at all on account of 2022.

Our neighbor and a few moms at our preschool fall into that camp.

[Edited on March 16, 2025 at 7:03 AM. Reason : A]

3/16/2025 6:54:27 AM

The Coz
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Your neighbor and preschool moms are ridiculous.

I mean, seriously. If you think not vaccinating children against preventable diseases is somehow a good idea, you are simply willfully ignorant.

Such a stupid discussion.

3/16/2025 9:40:41 AM

All American
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You’re wildly misinformed if that’s your view of mRNA vaccines

3/16/2025 11:53:46 AM

All American
52934 Posts
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Quote :
" by calling an unproven mRNA treatment a vaccine and compelling people to take it when it did nothing for a large segment of the population"



3/16/2025 12:26:16 PM

All American
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^ In 2021/2022 everyone here (as well as Biden, CDC Director Walensky, CEO of Pfizer Bourla) were saying, you are going to kill grandma if you aren't vaccinated, this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated. Basically every cable news show was running "pandemic of the unvaccinated". It become apparent, if you were watching cases, by April of 2021 that case numbers were accelerating despite a large segment of the population being vaccinated. As it turns out they never tested in the limited study they did whether spreading of the virus would be stopped (there are now studies showing it stops spreading for about 5 months and declines to zero effectiveness fairly quickly after that). After basing the logic of mandates on "you'll not spread it" they relented it it became, "it's just to stop severe infection and keep you out of the hospital." There have been internal emails at the CDC and other gov officials that they knew this and parroted "you'll not spread it" anyway.

From memory the danger of covid to an "average" 40 year old was something like 8-12 in 100,000 and 80 in 100,000 (by 10x the death rate) of hospitalization, and that was known summer of 2020. If you use a person that has no comorbitidy (no metabolic syndrome, rare for the USA) then it drops to basically 0 in 100,000 and stays there until you're over 70 years old. Under 40 had effectively zero risk, even with comorbidity. The papers would run stories of kids dying of covid to alarm parents. Under 17 demographic had like ~400 fatalities total (way less than 1 in a million) and when you look at the individual cases they had leukemia or other major disease or genetic problems.

MRNA "vaccines" were developed for cancer and never showed to work, then all the sudden they become a miracle cure so the gov can funnel $100 billion to pfizer and pretend the work after it burned through all the vulnerable population.

3/16/2025 12:49:44 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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So in summary, 5 months of potential protection of vulnerable populations during a raging pandemic is meaningless.

I knew people who don't fit your conditions who died, and several others who were hospitalized for extended periods and very nearly died.

You've made all kinds of contortions to justify your unwillingness to take the most basic health step to help protect others. You weren't scared of COVID infection -- only of a shot.

The COVID era taught me that I can never rely on others to think and act rationally for the collective good in times of crisis. We don't pull together to overcome like in the movies. We splinter and resist and distrust.

3/16/2025 1:15:26 PM

All American
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^ in my dad's circle of 80+ the only fatality was a 92 year old with brain cancer. If we are going with anecdotes. The CDCs over inflated own numbers tell the exact same story. At 80 you were 1 in 20 (Russian roulette).

It's not just a shot. At the time it was new and my experience with new products in life or death situations meant I was over cautious.

Large segment != Vulnerable.

I'm not religious, but sacrificing the young for the vulnerable old is some demonic shit.

[Edited on March 16, 2025 at 1:18 PM. Reason : A]

[Edited on March 16, 2025 at 1:25 PM. Reason : A]

3/16/2025 1:17:55 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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"Sacrificing the young" in what sense?

What is your threshold for "old"? These folks were in their 50's and 60's. Barely a decade beyond you.

You moved the goalposts SO many times. You lied about what you would do if certain conditions were met. You never did it at all.

3/16/2025 1:22:22 PM

All American
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School lockdowns, toddler masking, forcing a drug which didn't help them to ostensibly help the old.

3/16/2025 1:26:50 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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Children were made temporarily slightly uncomfortable to attempt to save lives.

Truly horrific.

3/16/2025 1:28:20 PM

All American
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you say that but at the time J&J got pulled and the cases ramped up, they pulled one for manufacturing defects, and myocarditis became known. My conditions were, I have to go in public and it's out of FDA emergency use/actually approved. Neither of those ever happened.

Old starts to ramp by 60 for sure, where this starts to get scary:

Test scores and reading abilities are way down and have not recovered. The kids that were 2-3 at the time have suffered language development issues.

May as well fuck a kid for life so an 80 year old can live another year.

[Edited on March 16, 2025 at 1:39 PM. Reason : A]

3/16/2025 1:30:14 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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1) J&J was not an mRNA vaccine -- it was an adenovirus vector

2) mRNA COVID-19 vaccines DID receive FDA Approval. Pretty sure I posted notifying of that, but you had some other excuse by that time.

3) Literally 10's of billions of doses have been administered. Is it still too experimental for you to feel comfortable? Contracting COVID with your own unique situation and biochemistry is more of an experiment than anything. Formerly healthy people ended up essentially in a vegetative state.

As for the stuff about the kids getting behind, that's too bad. The good news is that they are still alive and they have a chance to catch up if they so choose. This country is already chronically stupid, so really, what's the difference at this point?

3/16/2025 1:58:38 PM

All American
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^ yeah it was obvious it didn't work by the time it got the fake approval, so none of the benefits were there for me and you couldn't make the argument it was killing anyone not to get it. Plenty of people have had it now and the risks seem to be well known. If you're sixty and in poor health it seems like it's worth it. If I'm 60 and everyone is not dead yet from myocarditis I'll consider it.

Unique Biochemistry still had a pretty big known quantity by 2021 and taking the vaccine and still getting Covid you doubled your chances in the myocarditis lottery.

"mild myocarditis" where 1 in 4 are dead in 10 years regardless of age.

[Edited on March 16, 2025 at 2:18 PM. Reason : A]

3/16/2025 2:15:04 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Test scores and reading abilities are way down and have not recovered. The kids that were 2-3 at the time have suffered language development issues."

We’re talking about vaccines. That’s a separate argument.

3/16/2025 2:24:24 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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^^AND, you just previously posted that the "fake approval" never happened. Now you admit it happened, but it was too late for you.

Like I said, constant movement of the goalposts.

You are living in the right state, Florida Man.

3/16/2025 2:27:29 PM

All American
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^^ I responded to you directly above.

^ yeah it was a both, and one happened (though way different than a real approval).

3/16/2025 2:42:48 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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3/16/2025 3:01:58 PM

All American
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Be sure to get your boosters!

3/16/2025 3:21:08 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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I have.

3/16/2025 3:52:41 PM

All American
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I’m struggling to see why that article was posted

vaccines have potential side effects

this opening seems to go against your crusade against the Covid vaccine:

Quote :
"COVID-19 vaccines have been instrumental in reducing the impact of the pandemic, preventing severe illness and death, and they appear to protect against long COVID."

3/16/2025 4:03:41 PM

Sup, B
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Nah, man... it just didn't work at all. Fuck all the evidence that it actually did... Because reasons

3/16/2025 4:20:24 PM

All American
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^ I never said that.

For some people risks outweigh the benefit.

Long Covid and spike proteins 3 years out from vaccination.

3/16/2025 5:38:21 PM

148926 Posts
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I'd rather fly through a windshield than risk having a laceration on my torso!

3/16/2025 5:47:20 PM

All American
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Quote :
"International travel to US is expected to slide by 5% this year, contributing to a $64 billion shortfall for the travel industry.

The original forecast was a 9% increase in foreign travel but estimates revised to reflect “polarizing Trump Administration policies and rhetoric.”

5% feels low tbf.


Seems bad

Allies threatening to cancel weapons sales, travel collapsing, international student enrollment collapsing, research funding shut down, this is amounting to hundreds of billions in lost revenue over the next few years. This is a huge hole if it doesn’t get reversed soon. I don’t think we’ve seen bottom yet on economic metrics.

3/16/2025 11:17:04 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Allies threatening to cancel weapons sales"

that part is probably less "protest against polarizing policies and rhetoric" and more "we no longer trust that you will will be a steady ally; we can't pin our national defenses to US-based companies providing ongoing technical support for sophisticated weaponry."

3/17/2025 12:27:27 AM

All American
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boy how times have changed! lefties are complaining the evil weapon producing companies in the US arent going to make so much money!

3/18/2025 7:44:16 AM

All American
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I know that wasn’t directed at me…but I am not lefties

3/18/2025 12:20:54 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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^I considered saying that about you earlier this morning.

Not everyone who opposes Trump can correctly be classified as a lefty.

3/18/2025 1:03:16 PM

All American
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moron feeling bad about less weapons sales was my point. is he lefties?

3/18/2025 1:12:17 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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Depends on whether he has dissociative identity disorder or not.

3/18/2025 1:27:10 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Minnesota state Sen. Justin Eichorn (R) was arrested for soliciting a teen on Monday, authorities said, hours after he introduced a bill proposing “Trump derangement syndrome” (TDS) as a form of mental illness.

Bloomington Police Department detectives had communicated with Eichorn, who was under the assumption he was talking to a 17-year-old female, police said. He arrived Monday to meet the teen in person but was instead met by local officers."

3/19/2025 11:03:12 AM

All American
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Because talking to a 17 year old is so much better than a 16 year old :/

3/19/2025 11:22:05 AM

All American
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beat him with a stick

3/19/2025 12:59:13 PM

Tom Joad
72874 Posts
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lol so frigging expected from these people at this point


3/19/2025 2:29:23 PM

All American
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Quote :
"If not for the Bush tax cuts4 and their extensions5—as well as the Trump tax cuts6—revenues would be on track to keep pace with spending indefinitely, and the debt ratio (debt as a percentage of the economy) would be declining. Instead, these tax cuts have added $10 trillion to the debt since their enactment and are responsible for 57 percent of the increase in the debt ratio since 2001, and more than 90 percent of the increase in the debt ratio if the one-time costs of bills responding to COVID-19 and the Great Recession are excluded. Eventually, the tax cuts are projected to grow to more than 100 percent of the increase."

As we move into budget season and get lectured endlessly about the national debt. It’s worth reviewing the last 25 years and how we got here. The media damn sure won’t report it this way.

3/22/2025 8:59:49 AM

All American
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"if we just robbed more people we wouldn't have racked up trillions in credit card debt while spending like 20 year old whores after their first week of tricks"

3/22/2025 9:39:54 AM

Burn it all down.
18486 Posts
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So Cael, just to be clear, you think the Trump's tax cuts which will likely cost at least 4.5T over the next 10 years are a good idea? That eliminating those tax cuts would be stealing from those people?

3/22/2025 11:35:52 AM

All American
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Running the credit card is exactly it. Rather than do the hard and unpopular part of tax cuts, responsible budget cuts, the GOP has chosen to hide behind voodoo dynamic scoring.

DOGE ain’t it, as the “savings” isn’t nearly enough, it’s probably not legal, and I really don’t expect anything bit does to be very durable.

The country can’t afford to fall for this shit again. And I’m not even a deficit hawk.

3/22/2025 5:54:31 PM

All American
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Current math is theyre increasing the deficit actually (per wapo article today)

The idea it’s to save money was always a lie that didn’t make any sense when you look at the costs theyre targeting . For example the irs recovers money, the cfpb recovers money. Musk has repeatedly gone on Rogan to lie about this blatantly too so he knows. The actual best case scenario is that he’s just incompetent, the worst case scenario is he has sinister motivations in weakening government and fraying society.

3/22/2025 6:59:53 PM

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