The crowd was shouting "daddy" when cheeto came out...
10/25/2024 1:17:06 PM
10/25/2024 6:16:18 PM
Part of me just thinks they’re mocking the electorate now. Trump doing Music for 40 minutes, the increasingly garbled statements and ramblings at the rallies, refusing debates, admitting he’s repeating Hitler. They have to be privately marveling at how idiotic their supporters are, and it boosts their resolve to dismantle democracy because if people are that gullible obviously they can’t handle democracy.
10/25/2024 7:06:44 PM
Right. I'm concerned that we're fucked even if he loses.
10/25/2024 7:10:38 PM
It would still be better if he loses.
10/25/2024 7:19:48 PM
oh no doubt, by a long shot.
10/25/2024 7:35:28 PM
Liz Cheney tells The New Yorker festival that she canceled her Washington Post subscription. "It's fear. When you have Jeff Bezos apparently afraid to issue an endorsement for the only candidate in the race who's a stable responsible adult because he fears Donald Trump, that tells you why we have to work so hard to make sure that Donald Trump isn't elected."She knows how to troll
10/27/2024 11:09:02 AM
10/27/2024 3:14:41 PM
10/27/2024 7:48:16 PM
^^^ I'd still not totally align with Liz Cheney on policy. I'm right leaning, but not as thoroughly as she is....but I have grown to have respect for her of the highest order. I'd vote for her in a second. Also, Jeff Bezos is a fucking pussy. I've defended him many times against incessant left-wing whiners who can't stand him because he knocked it out of the park and got blindingly successful and rich, but what he did here is stupid, weak, unpatriotic, shortsighted, and devoid of integrity.^^ I think he also referred to Puerto Rico as a "floating pile of garbage". Even Rick Scott's sorry ass called bullshit on that one.Look, I'm all for edgy, offensive comedy. If it was at a comedy shot and not at a Trump rally full of bigoted deplorables, that would maybe be different. Especially if he slammed people on other sides...but saying what he said, in the context of what he said, in the venue where he said it...yeah, fuck that guy, and fuck the traitorous scumbags that drive that entire movement.if we come out the other side of this as a country, we'll need to study post-Nazi Germany to see how to move forward and deal with those who were on the wrong side.[Edited on October 27, 2024 at 9:57 PM. Reason : ]
10/27/2024 9:50:40 PM
Tony was awesome at the Roast of Tom Brady. Disappointing to see him at the Trump rally.
10/27/2024 11:11:33 PM
Everybody knows you never go full MAGA.
10/28/2024 9:01:46 AM
There's half a million Puerto Ricans in Pennsylvania, so thank God for this Tony dipshit.
10/28/2024 9:24:59 AM
I know nothing about Tony Hinciffe. Was this maybe undercover psy-op job aimed at hurting the Trump campaign?? There's no way they thought that would be a good thing, right?
10/28/2024 9:35:31 AM
I considered that too, but now he's sparring with Tim Walz on the social media.
10/28/2024 6:50:48 PM
^^ Dude the entire defining MO of MAGAs is complete divorce from all facets of reality, spiced with assholery. Seems totally believable to me that they wouldn't make a calculated, logical decision based on facts here.
10/28/2024 8:36:24 PM
"They're a VERY festive people!"
10/28/2024 9:20:54 PM
10/28/2024 10:52:09 PM
there’s no context that would’ve made that “joke” funny I see stand up on a regular basis. unless dude was attempting to call out every person involved in that rally, which he wasn’t, it was clearly a dipshit being racist and trying to hide behind comedythe watermelon “joke” made it clear that he was the latter
10/28/2024 11:04:34 PM" target="_blank"> Stewart had a good take on this. The comedy segment was the least relevant and important part. It was bad to mid tier jokes in the entirely wrong context/event. But what trumps other cronies were saying were much worse even if it’s not digestible as sound bites
10/29/2024 9:27:09 PM
Well based on effect, it might end up being one of the most important parts of the entire campaign
10/29/2024 9:46:05 PM linkBut yeah it’s funny what seems to take hold… not the trump explicitly citing a 1798 law to implement a modern day operation wetback, but a lame joke by a mostly unknown comedian
10/29/2024 11:45:41 PM Mace continues to be an awful person
12/11/2024 10:50:19 AM
Why is trans written as tr*ns in that piece? Is that considered a slur now?
12/11/2024 11:32:14 AM
she’s the one who wrote it that way
12/11/2024 12:08:57 PM
I feel like I've seen other anti-trans people put the asterisk in the word (as opposed to after it)? Or maybe I'm misremembering.....
12/11/2024 1:47:17 PM
^^OK. I still don't understand that. Is it censoring the word, or . . . ?]
12/11/2024 2:10:05 PM
I think it’s their way of attempting to scandalize the term
12/11/2024 4:09:17 PM
I've seen folks censor words bc they think those words will affect auto filters that push or restrict engagement. No clue if that's why she did it or if there is any weight to that theory, but it's a common theory.
12/11/2024 4:11:48 PM
^^That's what I was thinking. They want to turn it into a dirty word like sh*t or f*ck[Edited on December 11, 2024 at 4:12 PM. Reason : ]
12/11/2024 4:12:26 PM
12/11/2024 7:57:47 PM
Everybody's favorite MAGA-hat, Marjorie Taylor Greene, said that the officers who shot Ashli Babbitt should be prosecuted for murder.[Edited on December 12, 2024 at 11:58 PM. Reason : ]
12/12/2024 11:51:28 PM
^But, but, but ….. what about the thin blue line?From the JD Vance thread:
12/15/2024 8:57:52 AM
12/19/2024 6:18:15 PM
12/19/2024 8:25:37 PM
12/19/2024 8:32:01 PM
the anti-trans congresswoman was not trying to avoid censorship on Elon Musk’s platformshe’s attempting to scandalize the word trans
12/19/2024 9:19:47 PM
^ there is a momentum to habits. It's been that way since at least 2016. You can find the code that manages booster of keywords from when they published it but it references a database list in the open source algorithm. I would assume you'd reduce the reach for any conversation about it if it was something you'd want to dissuade. Negative conversation can still be persuasive. No conversation is what you'd want. also:[Edited on December 20, 2024 at 8:15 AM. Reason : A]
12/20/2024 8:01:39 AM
I’m well aware of why people do itI don’t think that’s why she did it with the word trans
12/20/2024 10:55:35 AM
Guess we’re thoroughly back in the trump era, because it’s truly perplexing why trump-musk would stage a government shutdown just before ChristmasIf we have any saving grace it’s how incompetent trump actually is is hilarious. It’s like every bad job you ever worked [Edited on December 20, 2024 at 1:01 PM. Reason : ]
12/20/2024 12:35:27 PM
12/21/2024 11:39:02 AM
Next time you buy an event ticket remember trump and musk made it harder on you:“The TICKET Act was designed to mandate that all ticket vendors display the “all-in” price at the point of sale and ban them from selling tickets that they did not have in hand …. It would also force the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to enforce an act that prevents scalpers from using bots to secure tickets.”
12/25/2024 11:35:24 PM
Since it has bipartisan support, it might still pass on its own. I don't buy event tickets or go places or do things.]
12/26/2024 5:05:11 AM
1/3/2025 1:11:59 AM
^say it ain’t so…
1/3/2025 9:42:52 AM
I watched their credibility evaporate in 2016what is this thread still about?
1/13/2025 9:39:46 AM
1/18/2025 3:47:34 PM’re living through the book of revelations
1/19/2025 8:27:42 PM
There is no "s" at the end of the Book of Revelation.
1/20/2025 8:56:46 AM
LA is foretold:
1/20/2025 9:35:49 AM