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All American
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THIS . . . . . is how we got Trump,

and apparently its how we're gonna get Kavanaugh.

The documents and emails, and Kavanaugh's testimony are right out there in the public domain. All it take is some basic, low-level reporter to slap this story together, and yet, it gets close to zero coverage. Is it just not interesting enough? Not clickbait enough? It's like the media prioritizes coverage of Trump's twitter shit-posting and totally neglects political shit that is gonna be a thorn in our sides for decades.

9/12/2018 3:48:49 PM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
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They're hoping Kavanaugh will buy them Nats season tickets.

9/12/2018 3:51:43 PM

All American
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But you can add that to the list of shit he didn’t get hammered on too.

9/12/2018 4:59:43 PM

26632 Posts
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He's been asked about gambling and his debt and will have to respond

9/12/2018 5:49:58 PM

All American
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^right, in writing. Yet, barely anyone knows that, only friends that watch politics VERY closely have known that. It didn’t come up at all in the hearings? Only a handful of people posted ITT about those JUICY ASS confirmation hearings in general.

By DC standards this story is blood in the water, why aren’t more outlets feeding? We, including major papers, should be speculating continually on this “story.” Insinuating the worst. His previous explanation barely passes a smell test.

Although I’d note that this also aligns with the trends of:
-MSM has always handled SCOTUS news with kid gloves compared to other political news
-most people just don’t give a shit about SCOTUS, and pay little to no attention to it.

9/12/2018 6:48:55 PM

All American
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Quote :
"DEMOCRATS ON THE Senate Judiciary Committee have privately requested to view a Brett Kavanaugh-related document in possession of the panel’s top Democrat, Dianne Feinstein, but the senior California senator has so far refused, according to multiple sources familiar with the situation.

The specific content of the document, which is a letter from a California constituent, is unclear, but Feinstein’s refusal to share the letter has created tension on the committee, particularly after Feinstein largely took a back seat to her more junior colleagues last week, as they took over Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearings with protests around access to documents."

It’s all just very mysterious.

9/13/2018 8:02:25 AM

26632 Posts
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all the old fuck democrats need to go

9/13/2018 8:34:36 AM

50085 Posts
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I don’t say this facetiously but he could be on tape assaulting a girl 25 years ago and he’d still get confirmed. Do you seriously think the GOP has a red line?

9/13/2018 1:52:08 PM

All American
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Maybe we’re ‘bout to find out?

Quote :
"I have received information from an individual concerning the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court," Feinstein said. "That individual strongly requested confidentiality, declined to come forward or press the matter further, and I have honored that decision. I have, however, referred the matter to federal investigative authorities.”"

The FBI now has whatever Feinstein had. Shit keeps getting weirder.

[Edited on September 13, 2018 at 1:59 PM. Reason : People suggesting a sexual assault, so yeah, the GOP will ignore it.]

9/13/2018 1:55:50 PM

All American
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the pussy grabbing party.

9/13/2018 2:05:42 PM

26632 Posts
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some kind of sexual misconduct in high school - GOP won't care

9/13/2018 2:41:51 PM

All American
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9/16/2018 1:58:04 PM

4 Posts
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Don't let this distract you from the fact that they had this information as early as July but sat on it until the most politically inconvenient time as if it was high value card that could be played at the end of the game. Straight out of the WAPO playbook (wouldn't expect anything else out of them) but Dianne Feinstein is trash for not reporting this until last week. She has to go imo. Its going to be interesting to see if Democrats will still vote for people like this even after realizing they are making a game out of serious issues just to put on a show. (Booker and Harris, I'm looking at you). Political grandstanding may seem like a good strategy but has real and severe consequences for everyday people dealing with these issues.

9/16/2018 4:15:47 PM

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9/16/2018 4:29:07 PM

All American
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9/16/2018 4:31:17 PM

All American
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The victim asked for anonymity, which is why Feinstein gave the info straight to fbi.

Interesting that Kavanaugh denies the allegation, even though the victim has reports going back at least 6 years of the accusation... this isn’t a last minute ploy to sink Kavanaugh unless the woman knew he would be up for the Supreme Court 6 years ago. Not to mention she’s otherwise a very credible person who has nothing to gain from going public.

If there was any evidence Kavanaugh faced any punishment or consequences or actively sought redemption, maybe he could be forgiven. But he’s denying it essentially calling the woman a liar.

In a country of 300,000,000 people we can’t find a single person to be on the highest court that isn’t at best a scumbag, and at worst a violent sexual assaulter and attempted rapist?

9/16/2018 4:37:25 PM

All American
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Several senators calling for a pause in confirmation vote

It’s really starting to look like Kavanaugh might not get confirmed

This would be a big win I think for the country. But also a hugely symbolic win for the democrats

9/16/2018 8:34:19 PM

All American
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The woman didn't want anonymity. This is straight out of the Clarence Thomas playbook, and for the same reasons too. It's trying to force all Democrats to vote along party lines and hope 1 or 2 Republicans up for reelection in tight races will hesitate. Based on the timing alone, everyone should know it's bullshit.

9/16/2018 9:59:40 PM

All American
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It’s not bullshit, it’s political gamesmanship, it’s strategic

The GOP brought this on with their shenanigans regarding Merrill Garland… and Garland likely never tried to rape anyone at any point in his life.

Clarence Thomas should never have been appointed, and neither should Kavanaugh. It’s good to see democrats start playing the same game McConnels been playing for years.

9/16/2018 10:04:36 PM

26632 Posts
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this woman reported him to her representative before he was nominated

9/17/2018 8:02:08 AM

All American
23091 Posts
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^^^^^You're really going to ask that question? In a country of 300,000,000, we have Trump for president.

Decent people don't go into politics. It's that simple.

9/17/2018 9:37:22 AM

Save TWW
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Hey you know, i bet a good way to eliminate that type of "gamesmanship" is to not nominate judges with bad sexual conduct in their background.

However, with a president with an even worse background and a history of supporting that type of behavior, good luck.

9/17/2018 9:44:18 AM

26632 Posts
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refusing to hold a hearing on obama's judicial nominee probably didn't help, democrats are being way more civil than they should

9/17/2018 10:10:46 AM

50085 Posts
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lol just saw the Earl-ish post (didn’t check to assure it was him).

9/17/2018 10:39:20 AM

All American
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Quote :
The @GOP pick for SCOTUS tried to rape a woman...and if he would have impregnated her, he wants the authority to force her to have the baby.

#BrettKavanuagh #MeToo? ? #KavanaughAssault #FamilyValues


Quote :
"FWIW, a DC lawyer told me this morning he'd been waiting for Kavanaugh's #MeToo moment ... but the story he knew wasn't from high school but a summer clerkship.
Turned my mentions off because YIKES, but let me add he's already shared what he heard with a reporter as did the person with firsthand knowledge.

Not sure who this person is, but will be interesting to see if anything comes of this..

[Edited on September 17, 2018 at 12:14 PM. Reason : ]

9/17/2018 11:56:54 AM

All American
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Quote :
"“The president has disgraced his office, the legal system, and the American people by having sex with a 22-year-old intern and turning her life into a shambles – callous and disgusting behavior that has somehow gotten lost in the shuffle,” Kavanaugh wrote."

Kavanaugh on Clinton

9/17/2018 12:52:07 PM

50085 Posts
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Drudge is a hacky piece of shit who couldn’t even bother to confirm this isn’t the same fucking person before blasting his bile to millions of idiot followers.

9/17/2018 1:11:51 PM

All American
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^ that's also the wrong person... they're smearing the wrong woman

That's Christine A Ford

The Kavanaugh victim is Christine B Ford

[Edited on September 17, 2018 at 1:56 PM. Reason : ]

9/17/2018 1:53:29 PM

50085 Posts
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Lol at McConnell saying the Democrats aren’t following standard procedure.

9/17/2018 3:53:10 PM

26632 Posts
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well it's an election year

9/17/2018 3:57:41 PM

All American
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This woman told a newspaper her story last year, told her congressperson, then told Feinstein

She's been trying to get someone to listen to her for a while

9/17/2018 10:01:00 PM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
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Curious what Kavanaugh excuse Republicans are going to settle on. Don Jr. seems to have landed on "She just misunderstood his advances" (which may be more revealing than Junior realizes) and Megan McArdle is pushing "Oh, he was just a kid."

And, of course, it may turn out that Ford actually isn't that credible.

9/17/2018 11:49:41 PM

26632 Posts
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it will be back and forth between "it didn't happen" and "so what if it did"

9/18/2018 7:38:15 AM

Eyes up here ^^
5918 Posts
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It's just Locker Room Assault. All guys do it. Right? ....right?

9/18/2018 7:55:25 AM

26632 Posts
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so it's just kavanaugh and ford testifying, no other witnesses or information, being questioned by senators instead of lawyers... it will be a waste of a time shit show

9/18/2018 10:55:57 AM

50085 Posts
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Lol, it’s literally just Kavanaugh right now.

Grassley flat out admitted he scheduled it without yet hearing back from Ford..

9/18/2018 11:19:45 AM

26632 Posts
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i see no way for this to be productive for democrats

also, special shoutout to short-memory democrats who think this will somehow turn the tides for the midterms by energizing women

9/18/2018 11:27:12 AM

50085 Posts
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In all honesty, if this was anything other than Trump wanting this guy on the court for his own self-interest his nomination would be rescinded and Barrett would be a Justice.

It’s strikingly obvious why they are sticking with him..

9/18/2018 11:31:02 AM

All American
39582 Posts
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better watch out with those crazy conspiracy theories or HCH will show up to set the record straight

9/18/2018 11:35:30 AM

All American
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Look, we know McConnell wanted Hardiman because he would present the fewest obstacles to confirmation. I don't think that had anything to do with his political views or jurisprudence either, although Democrats probably wouldn't have fought so hard against his confirmation to begin with. Nah, he probably knew Kavanaugh was a slimy piece of shit and figured there was a risk of something like this happening. So close to a midterm election that's already an uphill fight, why potentially throw another wrench into the gears? But of course Trump being Trump, he went with the biggest piece of shit he could find and might have fucked over his own party again.

9/18/2018 11:43:39 AM

All American
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In slightly different news:

Quote :
"The Supreme Court on Tuesday denied a stay request from Karl Rove’s dark money group, Crossroads GPS, preserving a lower court ruling that requires so-called dark money political groups to start disclosing the identities of their anonymous donors.

Effective immediately, any group that makes more than $250 in independent expenditures must publicly disclose donors who give more than $200 in a year. "

[Edited on September 18, 2018 at 7:43 PM. Reason : Gonna have to disclose that SoROS check on my taxes now]

9/18/2018 7:40:42 PM

50085 Posts
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The author of this seems like a great guy to have as a witness for Kavanaugh.

9/18/2018 8:31:23 PM

8379 Posts
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Kavanaugh is a good guy now, pack it up everyone

9/19/2018 12:17:22 PM

All American
3895 Posts
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Quote :
"Per our CBS News cameraman at Kavanaugh's house, his wife handed out cupcakes from Sprinkles to any of the photogs and producers who wanted them."

Bold strategy to have a stripper handing out cupcakes.

9/19/2018 12:22:09 PM

26632 Posts
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the cupcake shop is probably called sprinkles which would make from the correct word to use

9/19/2018 12:23:53 PM

All American
3895 Posts
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You're probably a lot of fun at parties.

9/19/2018 9:31:18 PM

play so hard
60941 Posts
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You're one to talk.

9/19/2018 10:53:39 PM

50085 Posts
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What the actual fuck is going on? I really hope this Garrett guy confessed to this to Whelan. Because...

9/20/2018 6:29:15 PM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
10996 Posts
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"It's a shame they're smearing Kavanaugh. Here's someone you can smear instead."

9/20/2018 6:41:57 PM

All American
39582 Posts
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set em up

9/20/2018 8:06:37 PM

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