'm Krallum and I approved this message./]
4/18/2013 3:11:49 PM
My summoner name is Tremondouslyadd me and tell me who you are (and from tww)
4/18/2013 3:23:50 PM Twitch NAI'm Krallum and I approved this message.
4/18/2013 3:31:51 PM
Yeah that Twitch wouldve demolished the team if J4 landed a proper ult followed by lulu ult. Unfortunately Jarv committed early then the rest of the team abandoned him.
4/18/2013 7:04:27 PM
yah that's a terrible example, chauster got murdered in the jungle and TSM ran train on him all game. He took them completely out of that fight when he engaged and the rest of the team just watched him go by. Ironically the exact same thing happened to theOddone earlier in that game, but it was over dragon and it was ~10minutes into the game so it was barely a footnote. The chauster bait destroyed any chance CLG had of coming back in that game.ALSO it's very important to note that liftlift was SEVEN AND TWO, at that point. Liftlift dumped on bottom hard, but regi and dyrus carried way to hard for it to on second thought it's a pretty good example. Even tho CLG was getting completely dismantled by TSM liftlift was still 7-2 on twitchthe rest of their team was 1-8 and no one had over 4 assists]
4/19/2013 4:42:57 AM
That was a bad Twitch play but one that was compounded by errors from his team. Twitch needs his ult to do maximum damage and he used it when nobody was in range at all. At that point it would've been too late for his team to step in front of him. You have to save your ult for when you know the engage has begun.
4/19/2013 10:10:54 AM
I was being sarcastic. I'm Krallum and I approved this message.
4/19/2013 10:14:36 AM
I wasn't talking to you.
4/19/2013 10:42:41 AM
Yes you wereI'm Krallum and I approved this message.
4/19/2013 10:45:03 AM
I was talking to the guy immediately above my post who also commented on the video.
4/19/2013 10:48:24 AM
I was being sarcastic... never translates well lolANYWAYS ITS THE LAST DAY OF SUPER WEEKI'm Krallum and I approved this message./]
4/19/2013 10:57:46 AM
GFGFGFGFGFGFGFG fuck why am i at work
4/19/2013 9:49:15 PM
the only subreddit that's blocked at work is r/leagueoflegendseven r/nsfw and r/gonewild work ....
4/22/2013 1:39:58 AM is why 6 item Twitch is the best ADC.[Edited on April 25, 2013 at 7:32 PM. Reason : a]
4/25/2013 7:32:43 PM
Summoner name is Treava
4/26/2013 1:29:48 AM
I tried twitch out (granted not much) and found him awkward and boring.Im no pro though, not even level 30 but i find MF and trist much more fun to play than twitch.
4/26/2013 9:36:29 AM
It is just up to playstyle. I think Ez or Vayne are two of the most fun adcs mechanically, but it is so satisfying as Twitch to just annihilate the entire team in a way that almost nothing short of kogmaw with a hurricaine can. Or to win a 1v1 that you looked like you were gonna lose due to an expunge. Or to secure an easy first blood using ignite/expunge at 1. Or a great juke as you go invisible, etc etc. He does have a ton of fun moments but he doesnt really tend to have those crucial mechanics moments except for maybe stutter stepping, tossing a w, using botrk and more stutter stepping. Twitch is really all about map awareness and positioning more then anything.He is clunky as hell though. Wish he would get a visual update.[Edited on April 26, 2013 at 1:32 PM. Reason : a]
4/26/2013 1:31:45 PM
Stutter step as in animation cancelling / orb walking in dota?I'm Krallum and I approved this message./]
4/26/2013 1:49:46 PM
Never played dota. But I think its the same thing. Walk then attack walk then attack, etc etc very quickly.
4/27/2013 7:37:46 AM
there's a semantics difference but in general they're the same thing]
4/27/2013 11:55:37 AM
League doesn't have turn speed but its the same thing. Its like absolutely crucial in dota though, you can get by in league without it.I'm Krallum and I approved this message.
4/27/2013 9:07:45 PM
Probably had a good 10 or so more before this as well. What was annoying is I hit promotion and for both my promo matches I was last pick and got stuck playing support. They were both long tough losses. Won all the games to get back to promo as Twitch, finally was able to play him both promos and we won. Up to Gold II now, was hoping it would skip me to Gold I since they keep matching me with plat players.[Edited on April 27, 2013 at 9:57 PM. Reason : a]
4/27/2013 9:55:45 PM
well there's no real game changing orb effects in league because the mana costs are so marginal, it's just fire and forget. Drow's slow arrow or Clinkz's arrow compared to Ashe's q for instance.
4/28/2013 1:09:59 AM
I don't know how it is in Dota but there are 100% great benefits to attack moving quickly. Especially Ashe with her arrows to kite, or plenty of other champs. I can't tell you how many times I've been able to get just enough ground to get off a few extra stacks of expunge with Twitch thanks to attack moving. It isn't one of those super crucial things but it certainly will get you kills you shouldn't have gotten every now and then.
4/28/2013 6:29:02 AM with the highest win % of all adcs. Believe me yet crallum?
5/4/2013 9:47:34 AM
^^ we know.moving while auto attacking is important. However it's only loosely called "orb-walking" by the league crowdwhen in fact it is not orb walking, because there are no orb effects.but in ANY EVENT. The concept of moving between auto attacks is so similar to the goal behind orb walking that the term fits. Krallum was unaware you didn't know the difference, because not everyone who plays league played dota before. It's ok, don't worry about it
5/5/2013 3:06:47 AM
Motherfucking imaqtpie streaming420dongsquad assembleI'm Krallum and I approved this message.
5/7/2013 2:02:10 PM
yo zags... let's duo sometime. i play support and am sick and tired of queuing with moron ADCsI'm silver 4 or 3, can't remember.
5/8/2013 7:40:09 AM
You should queue with my old roommate he's silver and mostly plays AD carry. I'm Krallum and I approved this message.
5/8/2013 9:43:30 AM
^^ Add me sometime - I think my name is dzags in league.
5/8/2013 1:02:32 PM
Just started playing this recently. Really really like it. My s/n is spookyjon if anybody wants to play. Spoiler alert: I am not very good.
5/12/2013 8:35:40 PM
You should probably stop playing. This game can eat your soul.I'm Krallum and I approved this message.
5/13/2013 3:55:58 PM
ding 30 bitches
5/13/2013 8:03:26 PM
Probably the stupidest/most fun game ever. Team went full on troll in lobby but ended up just dominating the actual game. We would just split push the 4 adc while shen pushed out. Team fights weren't even close. Nasus runs up to wither and gets knocked back, Varus ults darius/kat, team spreads out and annihilates them. It was pretty hilarious.And the best part was it got me eligible for promotion to Gold I haha.[Edited on May 14, 2013 at 7:16 AM. Reason : a]
5/14/2013 7:15:57 AM
This destiny vs athene shit is retardedI'm Krallum and I approved this message./]
5/15/2013 8:30:10 PM
I could do without ever hearing from either of the two of them again. I couldn't stand Destiny in Starcraft and I can't stand either of them in LoL.
5/15/2013 9:27:38 PM
Athene is the worst. I liked destiny when he raged on stream but built the exact same terrible draven build every game. He's calmed down now and his stream is kind of boring, especially his 5's team with worst scarra NA and hafu. That shit is boring as fuck. He needs to go back to getting mad on stream while beebz tries to calm him down. There really aren't any good non pro streamers right now.As for athene destiny talked him into playing normals for a week. Thank fucking god.I'm Krallum and I approved this message.
5/16/2013 9:23:25 AM
I enjoy having Destinys stream on while working, but had to turn it off when Athene got on there because that guy is just a walking/talking sack of shit.I also dont mind his 5s with those other guys, but hafu needs to learn its ok to not be talking all of the time.
5/16/2013 9:28:20 AM
Yeah I still have destiny on while I'm at work because otherwise I have to listen to the same sales demo over and over again. His pseudo intellectual babble can be funny sometimes. I just think his 5's team is boring because they're mediocre and destiny will throw a game they're ahead in because he won't buy boots ever.
5/16/2013 10:09:54 AM
I watch Guardsman Bob. He's about the only one I enjoy.
5/16/2013 10:29:36 AM
Imaqtpie's stream is actually pretty entertaining. He's ugly as fuck, makes his gf do shit the entire time, listens to horrible rap and just shits on people in game.I'm Krallum and I approved this message.
5/16/2013 10:41:20 AM
DESTINY ONFLINEI'm Krallum and I approved this message.
5/16/2013 1:46:19 PM
My favorite stream is actually Wingsofdeathx. Voyboy is good too but his voice can grate on me after a while.Kungen and Destiny I use for background noise.
5/16/2013 3:57:19 PM
Nicole's stream is actually funny when she's drawing shitty pictures of pro's / celebsI'm Krallum and I approved this message.[Edited on May 16, 2013 at 5:32 PM. Reason : and not just because people are posting links to her camwhore /pron vids][Edited on May 16, 2013 at 5:47 PM. Reason : really I should be ashamed for watching this.]
5/16/2013 5:32:41 PM
I pulled her stream up for about 5 seconds.And she asked the dumbest question.And I turned it off.
5/16/2013 7:49:46 PM
I was worried the Zac nerf would kill my early sustain, but he's still awesome. Definitely my fav/best champ.
5/17/2013 8:55:25 PM
Are they going to nerf this shit? I don't think I ever went positive on ezreal before people started doing blue build. I miss like every other skillshot and still rape. I'm Krallum and I approved this message./]
5/18/2013 9:28:46 PM
^ The funny thing is I use that build and my teammates give me shit for it. "SPIRIT OF THE ELDER LIZARD ON EZREAL, WHAT?!"
5/19/2013 12:11:43 AM
Yeah i mute anyone who talks in game about anything other than strategy Im krallum and I approved this message
5/19/2013 1:44:53 AM
^thisnever listen to anyone about builds or build order until you're into the 1500's atleast.
5/19/2013 2:33:50 AM