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All American
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Can't believe reversing the decision would even be a possibility. That would be a huge precedent to set. Do we start going over thousands and thousands of games, reversing every missed call ever made?

6/4/2010 1:14:40 AM

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maybe we should have replay for every pitch taken to determine if its a ball or a strike

6/4/2010 1:15:46 AM

All American
77386 Posts
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i bet the 27th out would like for it to be reversed, takes an 0-fer off his batting avg

6/4/2010 1:16:40 AM

All American
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Did the home plate ump miss a ball or strike call in that game? Let's look over every pitch and consider the possibilities that could have come from Cleveland having another pitch.

6/4/2010 1:17:34 AM

All American
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Actually, if they just eliminated the umps and relied on available technology we wouldn't be dealing with this shit on a weekly basis. Fuck, just go look at some youtube videos of bad umpiring, or just watch highlights from the last couple of weeks and you'll see times when the umps obviously made just horrendous and asinine calls.

Then there are just epically horrendous calls like this one:

[Edited on June 4, 2010 at 2:25 AM. Reason : adfadf]

[Edited on June 4, 2010 at 2:29 AM. Reason : asdfasdf]

6/4/2010 2:22:19 AM

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after we eliminate umpires, we can get robot pitchers and hitters

6/4/2010 2:27:36 AM

All American
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I'd like to hear a good argument for keeping umpires. Just one good, solid, well thought out argument for keeping umps. Shit, if we initiated a pitch clock of some kind or limited the number of time outs called during an at bat to 3 we could probably nix the umps and still knock a half hour off of every game.

6/4/2010 2:37:45 AM

All American
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fuck, with the advances in Sky-Cam technology, why do we need referees in football?

it'll eliminate blown holding and pass interference calls

6/4/2010 6:38:03 AM

All American
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Eliminate blown holding calls? How? By taking holding out of the rulebook?

6/4/2010 7:19:48 AM

All American
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think about how many times there's been a holding call when proper technique was actually used or when no flag was thrown when there was an obvious hold.

if we eliminated refs on the field and relied on technology, then the games would be 100% fair

6/4/2010 10:02:35 AM

415 Posts
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Then aren't you having to stop the game every play to review video from all angles. This will just make the game longer.

6/4/2010 10:17:34 AM

All American
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can't wait to replace athletes with robots too.. then we'll never have any mistakes and it'll be a perfect sports utopia

6/4/2010 10:35:07 AM

All American
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eliminating refs from football is retarded.

as far as baseball goes, I like the idea someone at ESPN presented where, like football, the coach gets a couple challenges. Would have saved the Tigers game, would allow for obvious and crucial misses to be overturned, and they wouldnt be adding a whole bunch of time by reviewing everything.

6/4/2010 10:45:09 AM

All American
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is it any more retarded than eliminating umps from baseball?

6/4/2010 10:47:18 AM

All American
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i've never understood the argument for having the "human element" in the game. is that saying that bad calls and mistakes by the umps is a part of the game you really want to keep around? the "human element" to me is that even the best outfielder drops a flyball once in a while. someone explain wanting to keep "the human element" in the game

6/4/2010 10:54:39 AM

All American
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whats the alternative? calling in every call from the booth?

6/4/2010 11:00:47 AM

All American
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the same "human element" that makes refs swallow their whistle when there was clearly a foul in the final seconds of a close basketball game

and the same "human element" that results in a soccer ref calling a foul when there was an obvious dive...or not calling an obvious handball

6/4/2010 11:01:50 AM

All American
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i wish the refs got every single call right. i wish they were robots. do people that WANT the human element want their to be blown calls? do they want the refs to swallow their whistles?

6/4/2010 11:06:43 AM

All American
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^^^^,^^ Seriously, what are the other alternatives besides having humans ref the game?

[Edited on June 4, 2010 at 11:07 AM. Reason : .]

6/4/2010 11:07:10 AM

All American
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there are no realistic alternatives. that's the point

sports need humans on the field, making human decisions

6/4/2010 11:09:23 AM

All American
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i want humans to officiate and use instant replay where feasible. what i am asking is for people that are totally against instant replay and say they want the human element in the game, aren't they essentially saying they want blown calls to be a part of the game? i don't want blown calls to be a part of the game.

i aint trying to troll, i just want someone to explain WANTING human error in officiating

6/4/2010 11:09:33 AM

All American
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tennis doesn't need humans and tennis pwnt all other sports for instant replay IMO

6/4/2010 11:10:22 AM

All American
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the french open people need to realize that the system is best for them though

6/4/2010 11:11:10 AM

hey now
Indianapolis Jones
14979 Posts
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Some of you guys wouldn't stop until baseball became Blernsball.

6/4/2010 11:11:23 AM

Rat Soup
All American
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Quote :
"i bet the 27th out would like for it to be reversed, takes an 0-fer off his batting avg"

yeah, because i'm sure that guy was worried about his batting average on june 2

6/4/2010 11:14:09 AM

All American
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like I said, I like the system in the NFL where coaches have challenges. That would be hard to implement in basketball with the flow of the game and all that. It could work in soccer if it was for plays that resulted in a stoppage of play (Henry's handball and the goal that resulted, cards, that sort of thing). I think it would work in baseball as well, but the last thing baseball needs is a shit ton of reviews making the game even more slow.

6/4/2010 11:14:34 AM

All American
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maybe it's easier to officiate a one-on-one competition that is played on a 78' x 36' surface

6/4/2010 11:15:46 AM

All American
8685 Posts
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Umps get 95 percent of their calls right anyway, a statistic I made up just for this thread.

Replay wouldn't change the nature of the game (or take away the "human element," whatever that means) the once a week or so when it would be justified in a game-changing situation. All it would take would be one replay guy up in the press box making a call down to the field. Iffy calls could be reviewed in the time it would take the pitcher to get back on the mound to face the next batter. And no way would I want coaches to be able to "challenge" plays. That would slow down the game and change things negatively.

As for a reversal "setting a huge precedent" in this situation: You may be right. I mean, if we allow MLB to change this call, we'd have to change every blatantly bad call an umpire makes on the last out of a perfect game in which the next batter is retired to end the game. What kind of world would that be?

6/4/2010 11:07:37 PM

All American
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As someone who has never posted in a baseball thread before, your opinion is very important to me.

6/5/2010 2:16:52 AM

1337 b4k4
All American
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Would everyone be calling for the play to be reversed and new instant replay systems if the runner was actually safe and got called out? Somehow I think not.

6/5/2010 11:43:32 AM

All American
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why not

6/5/2010 11:52:27 AM

1337 b4k4
All American
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Because the only reason people give a crap about this is due to the perfect game, and had the runner been safe but called out, that wouldn't have cost anyone a perfect game. It's all over the rhetoric about this "he should have given the pitcher the benefit of the doubt".

6/5/2010 3:14:04 PM

All American
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i agree with this dude

6/5/2010 3:18:46 PM

413 Posts
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Javy Vazquez throwing hitless ball against Toronto through 5 1/3

welp thats over... Vernon Wells Homerun

[Edited on June 6, 2010 at 2:52 PM. Reason : hr]

6/6/2010 2:46:47 PM

New Recruit
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not anymore

6/6/2010 2:52:01 PM

148898 Posts
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from no hitter to 2 run deficit


6/6/2010 2:52:50 PM

All American
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glad I started Vernon today. it was a gametime decision

6/6/2010 2:56:53 PM

All American
19599 Posts
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Cole Hamels through 6 against the Padres, still 0-0 though

it's a no-hitter....walked 2 I think

[Edited on June 7, 2010 at 8:38 PM. Reason : .]

6/7/2010 8:38:12 PM

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Cliff Lee as well...although only through ONE INNING

[Edited on June 7, 2010 at 8:39 PM. Reason : 1 inning]

6/7/2010 8:38:57 PM

All American
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Hamels just gave up a homer to Gonzalez

6/7/2010 8:51:11 PM

All American
45943 Posts
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Quote :
"Jim Joyce, the umpire whose missed call deprived Detroit Tigers pitcher Armando Galarraga of a perfect game on June 2, is baseball's best umpire nonetheless, according to an exclusive ESPN The Magazine Baseball Confidential poll of 100 major league players."

the best part:

Quote :
"Replay on the bases?
Yes: 22%
No: 77%
Maybe: 1%

Replay on fair/foul calls?
Yes: 36%
No: 62%
Not sure: 2%

Overturn calls in Galarraga game?
Yes: 13%
No: 86%
Not sure: 1% "

6/13/2010 1:52:46 PM

hey now
Indianapolis Jones
14979 Posts
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Not hits through 5 1/2 at Wrigley..............for both teams.

[Edited on June 13, 2010 at 9:36 PM. Reason : f]

6/13/2010 9:34:00 PM

All American
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Slave Famous predicts via text that both teams will have a hit by the 7th

6/13/2010 9:40:28 PM

hey now
Indianapolis Jones
14979 Posts
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Note taken.

6/13/2010 9:42:22 PM

hey now
Indianapolis Jones
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He's wrong about the Sox.

6/13/2010 9:46:36 PM

All American
77386 Posts
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i wanna watch this, but the NBA game is pretty good, so i got this game on DVR

6/13/2010 9:50:12 PM

hey now
Indianapolis Jones
14979 Posts
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Cubs haven't been no hit since 1965 by Sandy Koufax. (current record)

6/13/2010 9:52:42 PM

All American
41128 Posts
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6/13/2010 9:54:47 PM

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6/13/2010 9:55:36 PM

hey now
Indianapolis Jones
14979 Posts
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I thought that stat might push the jinx over the edge.

Lilly has NO chance to finish this.

[Edited on June 13, 2010 at 9:57 PM. Reason : f]

6/13/2010 9:55:48 PM

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