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All American
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did anyone else here the Stranger Things theme song for like 20 seconds when they were at that dump yard with the weirdos?

2/23/2017 6:43:58 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
35386 Posts
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snowman's trailer from smokey and the bandit was cool

2/23/2017 7:26:39 PM

Save TWW
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just watched last week's episode. rick's desperation is causing him to take more and more risks, but he is showing that he will accept help from anywhere to confront neegan.

Doesn't it seem like the saviors take very little from the kingdom? They bring trucks to fill up when collecting from the hilltop and from alexandria, but settle for some watermelons from the kingdom?

I don't blame Ezekiel for not getting involved. He has a nice setup, the saviors don't bother them that much (if someone from alexandria spouted off to the saviors, they'd already be dead), and he still has his guns and a security force. I expect something is going to happen, probably by benjamin doing something stupid, to get him to commit to fighting the saviors or having his community be torn down.

the way the junkyard kids talk is weird, but i guess this is how they have chosen to deal with the whole zombie apocalypse thing. Hopefully we see a little more how they actually survive because I didn't see any vehicles or plants in their junkyard.

2/23/2017 11:16:35 PM

All American
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Seems 2nd half of the season is just story-progression and setting the pieces in places for next season.

Was nice to see Eugene get plenty of face-time though.

2/27/2017 9:11:10 AM

Duh, Winning
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I thought Eugene was going to shit his pants when he got to the Sanctuary
but then he made the pill lady almost shit her pants
and then all that was left of the doctor was his pants, he probably shit them

with all this pants shitting, they are going to have to designate a special pair of pants for it

but anyway, I'm Negan

2/27/2017 11:03:12 AM

All American
24675 Posts
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look man, we get it

2/27/2017 11:05:34 AM

All American
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So why were they so nice to Eugene to begin with? Aside from knowing that he knows how to make bullets, Negan had no idea that he was a smart guy. He didn't even find out that he was "smart" until after Eugene had been accepted as "one of them"?

It's pretty obvious from the outside that Eugene is not tough, can't fight, etc., so maybe Negan just saw him as someone from Rick's camp that they could easily break?

2/27/2017 1:14:26 PM

All American
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^It's much easier to get someone to do your bidding by being nice to them than trying to force them into submission. He knew Eugene had an extremely valuable skillset, making bullets, and he even said they were trying "good cop first". Him proving he had other good ideas and immediately fell in line just makes things easier for Negan.

He now has 1 more valuable asset and Rick has 1 less. Why spend 2-3 weeks trying to break someone when you can just give them shit and have them willingly do your bidding? Didn't he try to give Daryl nice things first and had to resort to trying to break him because he refused?

2/27/2017 1:59:41 PM

All American
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Makes sense, I guess I'm just surprised that Negan would go to all that trouble just because Eugene knows how to make bullets. Honestly you can't really blame Eugene though. When he was with Rick's camp, he clearly wasn't being used to his full potential, and he felt like he was kind of dead weight since he couldn't fight or farm or anything like that.

[Edited on February 28, 2017 at 10:53 AM. Reason : ]

2/28/2017 10:52:28 AM

All American
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^I mean, given that ammunition and bullets are a finite resource for Negan and Co, it's a really valuable skill for Eugene. It doesn't help Negan to have 500 soldiers with 500 guns if he doesn't have bullets for them. Being able to make bullets going forward(as long as they can find all of the resources they need) will ensure that they're able to hold the other communities in check.

Assuming Negan knows what he's doing, he'll have Eugene start making bullets and have his guys learn from him, at that point he becomes expendable. So Eugene knows he needs to prove his worth to stay around. Eugene basically becoming a brain for hire, joining whatever side is most likely to keep him alive.

2/28/2017 11:04:05 AM

Duh, Winning
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It was kind of telling how Michonne just completely gave up when she thought he was dead.

I'm sure Rick shit his pants when the ferris wheel broke, but he had a lot of room behind him, and we all just knew he wasn't dead.

This episode wasn't bad, and it will probably be better when you watch it again later knowing where its all going.

3/6/2017 11:41:23 AM

All American
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It's always fun when a few main characters start acting like complete idiots and needlessly put their lives in danger...

3/6/2017 12:51:47 PM

All American
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I suspected that he was dead. It sort of would have been cool to see such a central character die in such a normal way.

3/7/2017 10:20:13 AM

All American
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I know that I've got several dozen walkers coming at me, and I know my girl has several dozen coming at her, and a slight mistake could mean we both will die, but hey, there's a deer, i'm just going to climb this rickety ferris wheel real quick and shoot it, to show my girl how much i lover her (even though we just found enough food to last us for months)

3/7/2017 12:41:48 PM

All American
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Also I can't be the only one that thought, as soon as they climbed onto the top of that building, that they would fall through the roof.

3/7/2017 3:54:16 PM

All American
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^ perhaps Rick saying "watch your step" made you think that? Or that it's already happened at least 2 or 3 other times on this show?

I liked the episode, I didn't find Rick's decisions to be nearly as bad as that ridiculous fight with the spike covered zombie from a couple weeks ago

3/7/2017 4:01:33 PM

All American
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They need to do a better job finding decaying settings. There's a whole subreddit with decaying abandoned places.

3/8/2017 12:46:03 AM

Save TWW
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the carnival backdrop showed how michonne and rick now view killing zombies almost as a game instead of a real threat (you can handle 8). It parallels how they are approaching negan too. Fighting against others "is how they survived" and perhaps aren't considering the real threat that negan and the saviors are to their community. They know Negan is organized, well armed and supplied, and ruthless, but they are still planning to risk everything to take them out. But they aren't prepared to risk everything as Michonne demonstrated, if Rick dies, then she doesn't want to continue on.

The parts that bothered me, Rick and Michonne stole from the golfers instead of talking/negotiating. I couldn't tell if the golfers were saviors or not, but it was weird they just took what they wanted. It may just be the way you need to survive in this world now, but it goes against the joining of communities this season has been building to. It may just be that Rick doesn't want to add more risk to the already big task of fighting the saviors.

Also, Rick seems to have lost concern with watching Judith. I understand that this may not be his biological child, but he is still her father. As a father, I don't know that I could go that long without seeing my daughter especially when someone else could be doing the scavenging. This was Rick's escape from reality, removing himself from the thoughts that he could lose everything because once he goes back, the fight with the saviors is coming. He is now happy with Michonne and likes not having to be responsible for everyone (at least temporarily), which is why he wanted to kill the deer for her risks be damned.

Rick stealing from the golfers also parallels Tara's internal struggles. Just as Rick dehumanized the golfers and stole from them (despite hating that the saviors are stealing from him), Tara struggled with bringing more pain to the oceanside community and possibly bring even more death to alexandria in confronting them. Ultimately she decided that is was for the greater good, and that a little bit of suffering was worth it to take out the saviors.

3/8/2017 8:38:14 AM

All American
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Quote :
"^ perhaps Rick saying "watch your step" made you think that? Or that it's already happened at least 2 or 3 other times on this show?"

For me, it was the mentality that nothing has been maintained the last 5 years (roughly). The roof had a big puddle on it, so water damage immediately came to mind. And then they stood very close to each other, instead of distributing their weight more evenly.


3/8/2017 10:28:25 AM

All American
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I was kind of making fun of you asking if you were the only one...I think they broadcasted a potential fall through the roof loud and clear.

3/8/2017 10:39:17 AM

All American
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3/8/2017 1:44:07 PM

All American
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If the golfers were saviors I would have thought they would have more people with guns near them. If Rick suspected them of being so, he prob would have killed them. He showed them a mercy by just taking their shit quietly.

3/8/2017 1:49:28 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
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the golfers were saviors. one of them said something like "if i hear one more word about fat joe".

3/8/2017 9:15:25 PM

All American
1725 Posts
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Definitely Saviors, it wasn't clear to me at the time, but on The Talking Dead they were referred to as the Golfing Saviors.

3/9/2017 12:17:10 AM

All American
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^3 do we know that they didn't kill them but instead took the items quietly? my total assumption was that they killed the two guys because hauling all those items off the truck one by one or even walking up would probably create a degree of noise that would alert the golfers.

3/9/2017 9:52:50 AM

All American
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So what if they left the golfers alive, and when the Saviors come to collect they recognize something that Richone took?


3/9/2017 1:13:12 PM

Duh, Winning
62551 Posts
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so it looks like the Kingdom is on board

if they can all get it together, it could make the Saviors shit their pants


3/14/2017 2:30:46 AM

All American
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So apparently in the Kingdom, it's fine to murder someone in front of everyone else, and then explain yourself later.

3/14/2017 8:43:16 AM

All American
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I think Ezekiel knew something was off because of their little confrontation prior to the meeting. Also, not like anyone was making any sudden movements with the Saviors holding guns.

I was a little more surprised that Ezekiel and Crew weren't a little more likely to be upset and side with the recent dead guy they'd known for longer, but I think they believed Morgan's story fairly quickly. Not that surprising, the dude has been begging Ezekiel to go to war the whole time apparently.

3/14/2017 9:50:29 AM

All American
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bleh, seems like a weak excuse to me.

All someone had to do was knock Morgan upside the head. Sumo dude with his battle axe could have subdued him with one move.

And why should anyone assume that the Saviors will react aggressively to someone subduing Morgan, after they didn't react at all when Morgan attacked Richard? That double standard doesn't really me at least.

3/14/2017 10:34:35 AM

Ohhh Farts
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I hope we get to see Jerry go crazy on some people with that ax at some point. He seems pretty goofy, but he's also the Kings personal body guard, so you would think he knows how to take care of some business with that ax.

3/14/2017 10:41:08 AM

All American
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I just wanna see the tiger wreck some shit.

3/14/2017 2:51:30 PM

Save TWW
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i enjoyed that ending....

3/19/2017 10:34:21 PM

Save TWW
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eugene better be working a long con, but based on his character in the past, he is just a pussy that likes his new overlord (just when he started to show some spine in alexandria).

why did they have to show the whole scene with Rosita and Sasha breaking in to get a car? Was it to show that Rosita is resourceful? Rosita and Sasha didn't really bond over getting the car, it just felt like filler to the episode.

It feels like Rosita is going to die soon, all the sudden they start developing her character. Same thing happened to Abraham.

[Edited on March 22, 2017 at 8:59 AM. Reason : ]

3/22/2017 8:59:30 AM

All American
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I'll actually be disappointed if it turns out Eugene is running a long con. This turn works perfectly with his character and would make less sense for him to turn back on Negan at any point before it's clear to him that Negan is on he losing side. I applaud the recognition of his character and the resistance to just make all the good guys good

3/22/2017 9:15:15 AM

Save TWW
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How do you think the writers expect us to view the attack on the forest, from a moral standpoint?

Seems like it makes them pretty clear bad guys. Maybe not as bad as the saviors but bad nonetheless.

3/26/2017 9:54:09 PM

All American
16807 Posts
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where is Heath?

3/26/2017 10:22:54 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
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3/26/2017 10:32:38 PM

Save TWW
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^yea my point was more that it was done so sloppily. Like if you are going to make them the bad guys or anti/flawed heros, don't work so hard for the people they are ripping off to be cool with it

3/26/2017 11:58:02 PM

All American
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Can Sasha just please die? What the fuck is going on with her?

3/27/2017 8:37:12 AM

All American
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^^Really? I thought the attack on the women-folk in the forest was actually well-organized. They didn't kill a single innocent person, explained to them the situation and gave them 2 choices.

It goes 1 of 2 ways: They agree the Saviors need to go down and they join you. They refuse to join the war, and you take their guns and they deal with it.

They said their woods were mainly cleared out, so it's not like they wouldn't have time to prepare for their new life without the guns, plus they agreed to bring them back(fuck that, I wouldn't give them shit since they were too scared to fight).

They used explosives outside of the camp to herd the people right where they wanted them and never put anyone in danger. That was a very well executed plan. The only hitch in the plan was that they believed the woods to be cleared and then you had the sudden surge from that boat crashing. Either way, it allowed them to demonstrate to the women that they were well-organized, used strategy, and weren't just a bunch of random people wanting guns without being able to efficiently use them. Though the girl shooting the one on the ground instead of letting her use the knife was dumb, save the bullets people.

3/27/2017 8:48:13 AM

All American
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Are they really gonna give them back though? Aren't the weird people in the junk yard gonna just keep them?

3/27/2017 10:15:32 AM

Duh, Winning
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yeah the explosions made the women shit their pants and run right where they wanted them to

I imagine rapey Davey probably shit his pants when Negan confronted him

It looks like the war is about to begin, my guess, the first shot will be fired about a minute before the season ends, possibly with a cliffhanger of who got shot

and Maggie just cut Gregory's balls off when she told his own people he hadn't killed one, and she wasn't even trying to

is Dwight friend or foe, he could help bigly, or it could all be part of Negan's plan

3/27/2017 5:37:13 PM

Save TWW
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Yea i'm doing a poor job communicating my point. i didnt mean the characters' plan to get the gun was sloppily, i mean the writers' framing of the morality of their actions was sloppy.

I assumed they were trying to do as Neuse posted and say "hey the heroes are now taking bad actions to fight bad people" but the writers didnt have the confidence/courage to make our heroes the bad guys, so they made sure the forest peoples said "oh this is actually good and these people are good"

seems like it would have been the same result if the forest people said go fuck yourselves but it would also have been a more compelling story, imo

3/27/2017 10:42:40 PM

All American
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Who told Negan that Rick was "up to no good" btw? Gregory is the only one I can think of that would tell him.

3/28/2017 9:49:25 AM

All American
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^I assumed Eugene would have told him whatever he knew.

3/28/2017 11:54:02 AM

All American
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I was curious as to the same question....


3/28/2017 12:21:44 PM

All American
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we've had some asynchronous episodes so far this season. Daryl escaped and Negan came to visit Rick and Co. but then the next episode actually showed what happened at the Savior den when Negan discovered Daryl was gone. My guess is that mr. hilltop is the one that told on them and we'll get that clarity in next week's episode.

3/28/2017 5:00:36 PM

All American
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Why was Gregory about to stab Maggie again? Was it because he was just really worried that Negan would find out she was there?

Also, I just realized that the guy that does the pick ups at Hilltop did the voice for Trevor on GTA5. And looks JUST LIKE HIM.

[Edited on March 28, 2017 at 5:06 PM. Reason : Trevor]

3/28/2017 5:04:37 PM

All American
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^lol, no offense, but I figured that out about 10 seconds after they first showed the guy. Like you said, he looks and sounds just like Trevor from GTA.

I assume Gregory was thinking of killing Maggie because he feels she's a threat to his power/survival.

[Edited on March 29, 2017 at 10:01 AM. Reason : ]

3/29/2017 10:00:48 AM

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