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best gottfriend
28968 Posts
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i don't watch the nba, does russell westbrook miss layups at an alarming rate and run into the lane completely out of control every time he touches the ball?

3/27/2011 11:25:16 PM

148898 Posts
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nah he generally flushes down highlight reel dunks when he gets open drives

3/28/2011 12:08:03 AM

All American
9609 Posts
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He is also very handsome

3/28/2011 12:39:53 AM

11097 Posts
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My UNC buddy keeps sending me crap about Wolpfacts

They have a wiki now too

3/31/2011 1:45:38 PM

148898 Posts
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those links must be fake, UNC couldn't care less about us

State is obsessed with UNC, whereas UNC doesn't even acknowledge State

3/31/2011 1:47:51 PM

All American
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3/31/2011 3:50:07 PM

35781 Posts
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3/31/2011 3:51:54 PM

7062 Posts
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3/31/2011 5:49:34 PM

oh we back
25990 Posts
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Quote :
"those links must be fake, UNC couldn't care less about us

State is obsessed with UNC, whereas UNC doesn't even acknowledge State"

The wiki page had been deleted when I clicked on it...but since when does a non-rival school take time to make a wikipedia page poking fun at the opposing school? Hell, I don't even think State fans have done that yet.

3/31/2011 5:54:05 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Of course they're monitoring this page (Hey losers!)

Watching us or anything else UNC related is their number 1 priority, focusing on their own horrid school comes second."

[Edited on March 31, 2011 at 6:29 PM. Reason : From a thread about State, while discussing a wiki entry about State]

3/31/2011 6:27:27 PM

All American
4751 Posts
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Quote :
"Fact: In the last 12 months, Butler has more NCAA tourney wins, than NC State has in the last 20 YEARS. "

3/31/2011 7:24:11 PM

148898 Posts
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VCU has 5 NCAA tourney wins in the last month

fuck 12 months

3/31/2011 7:25:36 PM

All American
18474 Posts
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Fact: Butler and VCU both have more NCAA wins than Carolina since Carolina last won a title

3/31/2011 7:28:46 PM

All American
4765 Posts
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Quote :

best .99 i ever spent! i'm thinking about starting an "insider" blog with information provided by the very best "sources"

3/31/2011 8:03:18 PM

148898 Posts
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.99? what registrar and how so?

3/31/2011 8:21:32 PM

All American
23447 Posts
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Does this go in the IC thread??:

Self-Proclaimed Jersey-Chasers Bring UNC Hoopsters To Sorority Formal, Warn Sisters First!5787963/self-proclaimed-jersey+chasers-bring-unc-hoopsters-to-sorority-formal-warn-sisters-first

Quote :
"Last night was Spring Formal for the UNC-Chapel Hill chapter of the Chi Omega sorority. And three of the lovely ladies landed as dates three of the members of the basketball team: Harrison Barnes, John Henson and Kendall Marshall.

I know, right? But knowing that their sorority sisters might have trouble keeping themselves under control, they took it upon themselves to end out an email on the chapter listserv, with a helpful list of ways to keep from embarrassing themselves and their organization in the face of omigod basketball players.

Date: March 30, 2011 4:30:19 PM EDT
To: "The ChiO Mailing List"
Subject: [chio] Tomorrow Night's Mantra: Keep Your Cool & Respect Yourself Reply-To: "The ChiO Mailing List"


As the rumors have said - I am taking Kendall Marshall, Harrison Barnes, and John Henson with [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] for Formal.

I have told the boys that there is a band and a lot of fun so I expect it to be but I do not want to see celebrity shocked drunkies because they are never fun. To honor each of our guests that are attending, please respect your dates, respect yourselves, and respect Chi Omega's efforts to pull this off tomorrow night.

Please respect the following list of things that are important to me:

- Please DON'T Take a picture of them with ALCOHOL nearby or in the photo - I will be placing my drinks down when I am photographed next to them. We ALL have brilliant FUTURES so try to nip the the Life-Ruining photos in the bud. We are a family, not a tabloid magazine. Just keep in mind that Coach Williams/all Carolina fans worldwide will not be happy if we screw up their reputations andsink Chi O as a sorority.

- Please DON'T Ask them if they are going to the NBA - PLEASE TELL YOUR DATES NOT TO ASK THEM THIS EITHER - Boys are just as much jock sniffers as we are jersey chasers. Just play cool...

- Please don't leave your dates to ask mine annoying questions, they are human and actually quite young in age - no need to scare them. They will probably take pictures but be kind but I will be posing in all the pictures. I will welcome all high fives.

- PLEASE DO NOT Force drinks on them (they should not be drinking as they are UNDER 21!!!! and FULL OF POTENTIAL!! maybe you are in that category too...passionate and full of potential is way hotter than illegally boozy)

- Don't stare too hard at them - have fun it's a party let's not make them feel too godlike I mean after all they were lucky enough to get asked to this function!

I want these boys to see how awesome Chi O is and thus we will be rising to the top of the cool charts. They are going to "other" formals Saturday and I dont want to hear that Chi O's were too crazy and the "others" were better. No sir - Chi O will be #1 in their hearts.

Sooo please use your manners, your swagger, and your grace to have
an excellent time tomorrow night!

X and a Horseshoe and social media for life!

Social media for life indeed! Were you at the Chi Omega formal last night? Heard from someone was was? Please let us know."

4/1/2011 11:49:06 AM

148898 Posts
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Quote :
"rising to the top of the cool charts"

4/1/2011 11:53:22 AM

All American
18474 Posts
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In other words the world already things we are retarded, cheaters, and super gay. Let's not do what we normally would and make sure these things are shown to be true.

4/1/2011 12:00:35 PM

uNC SUcks
All American
6270 Posts
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that is freaking hilarious

4/1/2011 12:06:00 PM

oh we back
25990 Posts
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From a thread on IC about that guy that accused (and then retracted his statement) about us paying Hickson 20K...
Quote :
look at the name of the site.

Isn't a "pride" a group of cats anyway? That play on words doesn't work. Who thought that mess up?

Genius level folks over there I tell ya."

The poster is trying to say that the name "packpride" doesn't make sense...seems like he doesn't realize the word "pride" has more than one meaning.

4/7/2011 12:19:01 PM

All American
5866 Posts
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So, by the poster's "logic" it should be "pack's pack" or "packpack"?

4/7/2011 3:11:49 PM

oh we back
25990 Posts
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I guess he doesn't like this online store for UNC gear either

Or this university organized dinner either

4/7/2011 3:34:03 PM

148898 Posts
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Just because UNC is a "journalism school" it doesn't mean their fans know shit about the English language

4/7/2011 4:22:21 PM

All American
45943 Posts
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Quote :

4/7/2011 4:24:07 PM

Wolfman Tim
All American
9654 Posts
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UNC should know the meaning of the word pride.

Because they're gay.


4/7/2011 4:32:21 PM

best gottfriend
28968 Posts
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^ [no]

4/7/2011 4:37:52 PM

453 Posts
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Thread title: "Does Harrison Barnes get his Jersey put in the rafters yet?"

[Edited on April 12, 2011 at 7:52 AM. Reason : .]

4/12/2011 7:52:08 AM

All American
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4/12/2011 9:34:01 AM

uNC SUcks
All American
6270 Posts
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those fuckers are also saying there were over 100 recruits at their spring game. Must have been the same ones that reported 15k in the stands Sat.

4/12/2011 10:12:35 AM

All American
1503 Posts
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I wouldn't mind if there had been a bunch of recruits at that spring game. I heard it sucked and was a total waste of time.

4/12/2011 10:14:13 AM

266 Posts
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Both of my roomates went to the UNC spring game, said it was a waste of time. Very boring. When I asked how many people showed up, they looked really uncomfortable and guessed 10,000 Lol

4/12/2011 5:29:12 PM

In Pressed Silk
2978 Posts
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i'm flattered that they take so much time to talk about State fans

i thought we didn't matter?

4/12/2011 6:28:36 PM

All American
2621 Posts
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^ last year during foozball season, i went on there and counted 12 active threads on the first page alone, 2-3 devoted to TOB hatred and how they were gonna get us.

4/12/2011 6:48:35 PM

In Pressed Silk
2978 Posts
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i just want to know which guy says we spend all our time watching Carolina sports, and that State comes second

that is just asinine

i pay attention to results of games because i enjoy sports...but at no point do i put Carolina ahead of State, EVER

it's like an old relationship...Carolina is the girl who, through her delusional ways, thinks her ex is consumed with her every move, while the ex-boyfriend (State) is out banging broads on the reg

and winning all of his football games

4/12/2011 6:59:06 PM

266 Posts
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4/12/2011 8:27:26 PM

oh we back
25990 Posts
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^^Haha yes. The whole "State fans would rather UNC lose, than NC State win" is total BS. Of course I don't pull for UNC to win...I want them to lose. But I was definitely cheering for UNC to beat FSU in football this past season when it benefited us and put us in control of our own destiny in the divisional race. It's a damn shame we couldn't capitalize on that though...

Any true State fans would have been pulling for FSU to lose that game...

[Edited on April 12, 2011 at 8:41 PM. Reason : ]

4/12/2011 8:40:51 PM

148898 Posts
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Quote :
"But I was definitely cheering for UNC to beat FSU in football this past season when it benefited us and put us in control of our own destiny in the divisional race"

If we had already beaten Maryland then I would've pulled for them, because a UNC win would've equaled NCSU in the ACC title game

since it wasn't, Go Noles

4/12/2011 8:48:30 PM

oh we back
25990 Posts
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On IC they have a thread about TOBs comments from the Wolfpack Caravan thing on their spring game attendance and being 4-0 vs UNC at State...

Anyway, someone says:
Quote :
"Keep that mess in check.

PS: Let me refresh TOB's memory:"

lol...yeah, take that TOB...remember that time 6 years ago when you lost to UNC while you were at a different school?!?!

And this post:
Quote :
"I'm not covering anything up. Okay, Pack, you win this one. You bring more people to your spring game, and in the regular season, you tend to have a higher -percentage- in the stands. Also, you've beat us the past four years, something that every UNC fan hates. We hate this, because, well, we feel it's kind of embarrassing to lose even once to you.

But all your recent "success"(since, you know, success is proven by attendance numbers for a spring game and victories in the past 4 years against your school that doesn't even consider itself a football school) aside, you have nothing after that. Nothing. I'm not going to harp on it, and I'm just going to leave you with a couple of bullet points:

1. 63-31-6 (Football all-time)
2. 144-75 (Basketball all-time)
3. 37-2 (National Championships), and your last one was in 1983.

I hope your four year winning streak and "huge" attendance for your spring scrimmage makes your feel all warm and fuzzy inside."

First, what Nat'l Championships is he talking about? Is that total championships or what?
And as for the all time football record, in the ACC era UNC leads the series 32-26....hardly total domination by any stretch.

I do love how TOB gets under their skin.

And this
Quote :
"The Wolpfack fans only care about 1 game a year, and that is the UNC game. One of my State friends honestly told me last fall that he'd rather go 1-11 every year and beat Carolina than go 11-1 every year and lose to UNC. That fanbase is delusional."

UNC fans say that a lot...but I've yet to meet a State fan who agreed with this statement.

Edit: Found another:

When a poster was shown pictures of each side of the stadium at spring game he said this:
Quote :
"Look, you dumbasz, first of all, you can't even begin to count the people sitting under the upper decks, or those buying concessions, at the bathrooms, or just wandering around out of their seats. Secondly, why is it always so important to State fans to disprove every single attendance figure that comes out of Kenan Stadium? Are you all so insecure about your own program that you think our people lie about our attendance just to keep you down?? For goodness sakes, get a life of your own."

I couldn't careless if they sold out their spring game or had 24 people show's just funny hearing them defending it.

[Edited on April 12, 2011 at 11:32 PM. Reason : ]

4/12/2011 11:22:49 PM

All American
6059 Posts
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37-2 in national championships??? is that faggot counting like... women's soccer? has to be

then we can count darion caldwell, the golfer last year, that swimmer/diver, and cullen jones and the olympics yadda yadda and whatever else you die hard championship diggers could find, just saying...

4/12/2011 11:44:39 PM

oh we back
25990 Posts
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^Don't forget about the Bass fishing team!!

4/12/2011 11:46:05 PM

148898 Posts
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any championships other than football, basketball and baseball arent worth a fuck

therefore they're up on us what, 5-2?

UNC fans can brag all they want about their basketball program, deservedly so, but its pretty pathetic when they brag about the non-revenue sports that nobody cares about outside the athletes' family members

4/12/2011 11:52:59 PM

All American
11996 Posts
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If scout charged inside carolina users for every time they use the word "pathetic" they could probably solf the national debt crisis.

4/12/2011 11:55:28 PM

Wolfman Tim
All American
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Quote :

4/13/2011 12:23:31 AM

The E Man
15268 Posts
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They kinda have a point. We constantly claim "success" of beating them 4 times in a row when we haven't really done shit outside of beating them. We've been shitty or mediocre all four of those years and this is just talking about football. If you throw in basketball then our pathetic meter would break.

4/13/2011 12:28:07 AM

All American
1386 Posts
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I guess ranked 25 in the nation is mediocre...

4/13/2011 12:37:00 AM

All American
11996 Posts
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Quote :

haha. tww + cod = sof

4/13/2011 12:40:51 AM

The E Man
15268 Posts
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^^SEE. That kind of thing is exactly what they are talking about. We brag about meaningless accomplishments and pretend that we are successful when in reality being ranked at the bottom of a poll is chickenshit.

We need to be consistently ranked, win a january bowl or at least win our division before we go boasting about the prowess of our football program.

[Edited on April 13, 2011 at 12:45 AM. Reason : they are right]

4/13/2011 12:43:33 AM

3125 Posts
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Quote :
"I guess ranked 25 in the nation is mediocre..."

barely skirting around 25 is mediocre. mediocre is where we are; not great, not terrible, mediocre.

4/13/2011 1:02:23 AM

All American
2240 Posts
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I think being ranked in the top 25 is a little better than mediocre.

4/13/2011 3:48:50 AM

All American
8846 Posts
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Also, we always earn our ranking. UNC somehow just magically ends up there.

4/13/2011 6:43:13 AM

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