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All American
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that is cool! and interesting how that works--for us the sushi station was cheaper than the fajita since the sushi wasn't a manned station and we didn't have to pay for an extra staff person.

pasta station sounds yum...i love that idea.

2/26/2009 4:30:03 PM

All American
2178 Posts
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These are my shoes:

I am in love.

2/26/2009 6:41:43 PM

All American
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i don't know how this would work out costwise, but i am not a big cake person either. but i DO like cupcakes. i have seen a couple of people do cupcakes with those big pretty tiered things to display them on. i think that is kind of cute.

in other news, i really like cheesecake and i'm pretty sure that is NOT a cost saver

2/26/2009 8:53:41 PM

All American
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I do like the cupcake towers. I think they're really awesome if you're having a less formal reception. I have no idea, but I would assume they're probably more expensive, just because it takes SO much time to ice each cupcake.

I just love looking at wedding cake/cupcake pictures. There are so many awesome things to choose from. This is what I chose. Each tier is two different layers of cake. One buttercream, one chocolate, with a cream cheese icing.

2/26/2009 9:42:48 PM

All American
2511 Posts
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mmm - brown sugar sand ... Beach-themed cakes are always so pretty

Also, mashed potato martini bar ftw

2/26/2009 10:45:20 PM

All American
38546 Posts
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Oh I love that cake, beach weddings ftw!

2/27/2009 5:46:08 PM

All American
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^^^ Cupcakes don't take that much more time than a traditional wedding cake, especially if you're not expecting them to do insane stuff with this icing. Like this:

Quote :
"So the wedding drama continues. At least her mom paid half of the bridesmaid dress. But now the bridal shower that I said that I would attend has been changed again. It's now the weekend of march 14th, instead of the next weekend. Flights to SC are already up over $400, and I cannot afford that."

Why not drive or take Amtrak down there? Unless you don't want to go and this makes it a convenient excuse

2/27/2009 9:57:07 PM

All American
22025 Posts
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where in south carolina is this again?

2/27/2009 9:58:56 PM

76471 Posts
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^^lunak isn't in NC, FYI

[Edited on February 27, 2009 at 10:12 PM. Reason : lfdkjg]

2/27/2009 10:12:31 PM

All American
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Isn't she in Virginia?

2/27/2009 10:38:35 PM

76471 Posts
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Have I missed something, or is it simply not possible to do any dress browsing on theknot without being logged in?

2/28/2009 12:53:35 AM

mainly potato
13090 Posts
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i plan on not wearing shoes at all

2/28/2009 12:59:33 AM

All American
39759 Posts
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^^ Yeah, that shit in annoying on their site.

2/28/2009 3:48:57 AM

All American
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^^That could save you a shitton of money.

I plan on sandals or barefoot!

2/28/2009 11:23:59 AM

23634 Posts
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Quote :
"Why not drive or take Amtrak down there? Unless you don't want to go and this makes it a convenient excuse "

Just checked trains, wouldn't have one leaving on Friday that got me down for the Shower on Saturday.

Quote :
"where in south carolina is this again?"

It's in Orangeburg, so the closest city would be Columbia, which is still about an hour away. And it looks to be about an 8 hour or so drive from up here. Leaving on a Friday and coming back on a Sunday doesn't sound too appealing. Oh, and plus I don't have a car, so I'd have to get a rental.

Quote :
"Isn't she in Virginia?"

Yea, Northern Virginia.

So yea, probably not attending the Shower (which is actually just an Oyster Roast) and they planned the bachelerotte weekend two weeks before the wedding in Charlotte when I can't be there either. Love it!

2/28/2009 12:50:47 PM

12909 Posts
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in this thread i learned that women should not ask poor people to be in their wedding party, because they'll get on the internet and cry about the expense

2/28/2009 12:55:20 PM

23634 Posts
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what's ironic about my situation though, is that she's unemployed too. we both work in politics and lost our jobs in November, and will be out of work until the new cycle starts up. i guess i had hoped for a little understanding at least.

(but i'm going to assume that was just your attempt at trolling)

ps... changing the date of the wedding shower two weeks before it's supposed to happen isn't really cool either.

[Edited on February 28, 2009 at 1:06 PM. Reason : .]

2/28/2009 1:05:10 PM

All American
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look at the upside and think of all the money you'll be saving by not attending either one

besides, as the only bm living out of town, its not really fair for them to do everything just to accommodate you. i mean, if they plan something and you can't make it, send your regrets. at least you're going for the wedding.

its a whole other story if she's flipping out that you arent coming to stuff. if she's understanding, then what is the problem

3/1/2009 12:43:10 PM

All American
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Quote :
"in this thread i learned that women should not ask poor people to be in their wedding party"

My friend getting married this year actually used that as a consideration in forming her wedding party She wanted one girl to be a bridesmaid, but said girl works a shitty job with little pay, so she decided to ask someone else instead so finances wouldn't be an issue.

3/1/2009 9:07:56 PM

23634 Posts
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^^ totally, I just was bummed that they moved the date. I was actually looking forward to going.

and it's not that i was hoping they would move things just to fit my schedule at all, just that they would give me a heads up when things changed

but c'est la vie. i'm hopefully going to go down there early for the wedding and i'm putting together the slide show for the wedding as a surprise, so that'll be nice.

3/1/2009 9:11:56 PM

All American
1998 Posts
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Hi Brides

This thread has gotten quite long, so I figured I'd just ask instead of sift through it all. Where are the best deals on printed invitations? I've used google, but I want to make sure Im not missing anything.

Oh, this is for a bridal shower I am planning, btw.


3/5/2009 8:27:16 PM

17379 Posts
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i just ordered from and i'm really happy with what i got.

3/5/2009 8:31:38 PM

All American
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I think someone said etsy has cute ones.

3/5/2009 8:42:01 PM

All American
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3/5/2009 9:04:07 PM

All American
1054 Posts
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I ordered the Zinnia invite from Mew Paper Arts and have been very pleased so far! Alissa truly makes the invites to order - letting me change paper, fonts, backround colors, etc. as I please. I haven't received my order yet because we are still planning/changing around things, but the sample was super cute! Here is the link:

3/5/2009 9:31:03 PM

All American
39626 Posts
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i 2nd

i'm very VERY happy with what i got, and it shipped much faster than their expected turnaround time.

and the upgrade in the ordering and text arrangement/editing is awesome...if i had known they were doing that i would have waitied. it would've been so much easier (though it was pretty easy when i did order)

3/6/2009 8:37:09 AM

All American
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so the place we are having our reception is charging something like $600 for the dance floor, plus whatever it costs for a DJ / PA system. We're thinking about not having dancing and just having an ipod play some music. What do you guys think? Too boring?

3/6/2009 12:56:12 PM

25083 Posts
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^ number of guests and how young/old is the crowd or a nice mix? are you then planning to not have a first dance or anything like that?

i consider it to be a bit low-class and boring as well

3/6/2009 1:00:33 PM

All American
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^ I guess if there is no dance floor we can't really do a first dance. I think the age range will be mostly older people like friends of my parents and family and church folks, but a good amount of younger people. Probably like 60:40.

Her sisters didn't have dancing at their weddings, but they also had day weddings and no booze. Mine will be in the evening with booze.

3/6/2009 1:07:51 PM

All American
35165 Posts
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music and no dancing doesn't sound that fun, no offense.

i've been to weddings that didn't have dancing and they were snoozefests. they also didn't have alcohol but i feel like alcohol is just going to make people yearn for something to do. like i'd rather have dancing and no alcohol than alcohol and no dancing if i HAD to make that tough choice.

i guess you gotta save money somewhere, but dancing and having fun with my friends is my favorite part about the reception. i guess it depends on you and your friends, like if no one is going to care, then just save the $$$.

can you just get the dance floor and THEN do the ipod thing? a lot of people do that now. then you could save money with the DJ

[Edited on March 6, 2009 at 1:15 PM. Reason : .]

3/6/2009 1:15:23 PM

All American
93281 Posts
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dude, find somewhere else to have your reception or just bite the bullet for the DJ and floor.

3/6/2009 1:18:06 PM

All American
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I mean, I could care less about dancing honestly, and don't imagine that the people invited really want to. But I see where you are coming from. Its something we are really going to have to think about I guess.

My thought was that without dancing it would just be a really fun party with awesome food and free booze for all. Doesn't sound that boring to me, but I can see where it would be for some that maybe don'[t know a lot of people. I dunno. I haven't been to a whole lot of weddings to be honest.

3/6/2009 1:28:18 PM

All American
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yea i mean i guess it could be fine, i just thought dancing was something to do and people like to do it when they get drunk. but if you just have an ipod music i guess it could be similar to just drinking with friends/going to a bar or places people normally drink sans dancing. you have a better feel for your crowd. i mean i only like to dance at weddings where i know a lot of people. it is fun to dance around with friends. but sometimes dancing doesn't work. i've been to one like that--it was just awkward and weird.

you have to find a good balance of music, too. like for the older and younger crowd. the one i went to where dancing backfired just played like the macarena and the electric slide and i just kept drinking wine and trying NOT to get dragged into a conga line. that stuff is kinda lame. i mean you need SOME lame-o stuff if you dance but you can have some stuff that was written after like 1991.

where are you getting married? i think if your crowd wouldn't mind, then maybe it would just be like a fun party. are you having a sit down dinner or buffet style?

[Edited on March 6, 2009 at 1:35 PM. Reason : .]

3/6/2009 1:34:59 PM

All American
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There are going to be food stations, so gotta get your food yourself. its in a country club in Charlotte called Longview. There will probably be something like 100-125 people there.

Like I said I think I am just going to have to give it some thought. Music is also something that is going to require a lot of thought. I really don't like those conga lines and could care less about the elctric slide and all that. Thanks for your help.

3/6/2009 1:41:36 PM

All American
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i'm gonna step in and say get the dance floor and do an iPod reception...nothing wrong with iPod receptions if you make a good play list. people will dance.

3/6/2009 6:24:03 PM

supple anteater
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Just got married in Boston, here are a few pics of the city, I haven't had time to go through nearly all of the pics we took. A few more are here:

3/7/2009 8:33:59 PM

All American
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Boston allows same sex marriage??

[Edited on March 7, 2009 at 9:30 PM. Reason : I didn't know, congrats!!]

3/7/2009 9:28:45 PM

supple anteater
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And yeah, most of New England has some variation on same sex marriage, or civil unions, or at the very least recognize them if they are done elsewhere even if they don't perform them in their own state (I think 12 of the 50 states recognize some version of same-sex marriage in that regard not counting places that just have domestic partnership stuff).

But MA has had it the longest, and uses the term marriage, and treats it in every way as far as the state is concerned exactly like any other marriage. It is no longer an issue at the ballot box there either. When the legislature voted to extended marriage from in-state citizens only, to out of state people who want to get married there, it didn't really make the news, there was no fanfare or protests or anything.

[Edited on March 7, 2009 at 9:52 PM. Reason : a few more pics]

3/7/2009 9:47:02 PM

76471 Posts
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Too bad Boston sucks ass

Congrats ♥
I'm happy for you. Is it Ted? You can tell how much I've stalked your FB profile in the past few years

3/7/2009 10:50:36 PM

supple anteater
21831 Posts
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And while the first 2 days were cold, Boston isn't too bad when its the upper 50's low 60's like it was the last couple of days. That's good walkin' around weather.

3/8/2009 6:22:56 AM

All American
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haha "this is your wedding shower." nice

[Edited on March 8, 2009 at 1:29 PM. Reason : ]

3/8/2009 1:14:20 PM

All American
1896 Posts
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I just made my own Save the Date postcards on
Ended up with 100 postcards for < $20 including expedited shipping
I uploaded a local artist's work (with their permission & included their info and website on the back), then used Vista Print's editor to add text and formatting. I would highly recommend them if you're looking for something inexpensive but 100% customizable! Also, they arrived much sooner than projected!

Also decided to do Satin Etched Libbey pint glasses for our favors.
either through or

[Edited on March 8, 2009 at 7:36 PM. Reason : ]

3/8/2009 7:12:31 PM

Easy Mac
All American
3446 Posts
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Good site for invitations. They will even send free samples so you know what you are getting.

As far as cheep centerpieces we purchased glass vases and filled with sand and pillar candles.

3/8/2009 7:18:18 PM

76471 Posts
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Quote :
"As far as cheep centerpieces we purchased glass vases and filled with sand and pillar candles."

3/8/2009 8:29:26 PM

All American
39759 Posts
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^^^ Neat!

Quote :
"like i'd rather have dancing and no alcohol than alcohol and no dancing if i HAD to make that tough choice."

I went to a wedding with dancing and no alcohol. It totally sucked. I would definitely go with alcohol and no dancing if I was choosing between one or the other.

3/9/2009 12:13:08 AM

All American
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I'm in the beginning stages of DIY program paddle fans, and Lowe's will give you as many paint stirring sticks as you need. I got 150 yesterday for free, and they'll be perfect for the handle. Much better than popsicle sticks as it is more sturdy and will support the cardstock more creating a better functioning fan.

[Edited on March 9, 2009 at 7:20 AM. Reason : ]

3/9/2009 7:18:36 AM

All American
22025 Posts
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Quote :
"We're thinking about not having dancing and just having an ipod play some music. What do you guys think? Too boring?"

seems like most people have said the opposite here, but this is what we are planning on doing as well and I don't feel like it is boring at all - then again I don't enjoy dancing so perhaps I am biased. And I certainly don't feel like paying a DJ to play a bunch of music I don't like either, so a DJ was never even a consideration for us. Even if we were going to have dancing I would have planned to use my ipod anyways.

3/9/2009 7:55:37 AM

All American
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^ Well me and you are a couple of rock and rollers so we probably think alike. I'm probably just going to gauge my friends and family and see how they feel, and hopefully it will all work out whatever we do.

3/9/2009 3:51:45 PM

All American
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haha true. And also, I fully plan to add some music to my ipod that I dont normally have on there that other people might want to hear. So we are going to attempt to play some stuff the guests might like too besides a bunch of stuff that we like and have no idea if they like. But thats pretty easy to work out.

3/9/2009 4:04:36 PM

All American
2509 Posts
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Sorry if it's been discussed 1000 times, but I've begun doing wedding DJ research (yes, my fiance' actually put in charge of something... other than "making sure I show up"). We're getting married in October this year in Raleigh.

So far I've booked appointments with
- Ron K. Smith of RK Smith Productions
- Michael Markham (self-employed)
- a rep from Island Sound

Also got a quote from Solid Gold Sound, which makes you book with them, put down a $100 deposit, and then a month from the wedding you finally get to meet the DJ. WTF? I realize the upfront booking fee cuts down on costs (their price is $500 on a 4-hr event, which relatively cheap), but the whole "not knowing who your DJ is" really turned me off.

Please PM me with any advice, reviews, and/or recommendations.

BTW - I REALLY slacked off on this job. Now I have to get FIVE appointments set by the end of the week or else I get "Notebooked." Yes, I mean I have to watch that god-awful movie. Pray for me

3/10/2009 1:59:25 PM

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